Thoughts on slavery?

Thoughts on slavery?

Kinky, but inefficient and morally wrong.

Pretty much this

Inefficient why? Free labor, breh.

Still exists essentially, though it is no longer called slavery in the West.

It wasn't free

It's not free, you have to feed them, train them, "motivate" them, and keep them from escaping. Capitalism does a much better job at making the nation productive than slavery does.

It's not free. You have to pay for food, clothing, housing, guards, rewards for escaped ones, plus, slaves work way less hard than regular workers.
Someone did the math in the early nineteenth century, and figured that it was less efficient than sharecropping.
You are an idiot. Kindly remove yourself from God's green Earth.

Ignoring the one-time fee and the occasional food scraps, I'd call it free.

Sauce on the math?

You are a Jew or a SJW or both. Kill yourself

Honestly, I just can't remember. I hope someone else here can. I know that it exists, though.
Having a job isn't slavery, you filthy communist. I'm a right-wing Anglo-Saxon.

Not him, but slavery does indeed still exist in some form in the west. Recently in Canada, some families were sent to court for having indentured servants. Its mostly philipino housemaids who suffer from this.

Millions of Americans make just enough money to eat food, so they can turn around and go right back to work. Most of these people have no hope of escape.

Though it is not called slavery(wordsmithing Jew), that's what it essentially is.

>Most of these people have no hope of escape
Sure they do. Most of them won't, either because they're unintelligent or lazy, but they certainly could.

Slavery is a useful tool for any young nation it provides a boom to the population a cheap and expandable labor force and can improve the economy
although in the later stages of a nation slavery become way less important by this time you want your subject taking over most of the slave jobs for a stable economy and to increase prosperity in your nation

Now the only thing left is what to do with the slave
Important thing to note is the effect years or generations of slavey has done to theta people
O1 free the slaves this can be very dangerous and can easy destabilise you nation for years to come
O2 kill the slave effort may very depending on how you subject view the slaves
O3 sell the slave to another country but do you want to give another country that power
O4 keep the slaves but slowly lower they population and keep them for emergency or for high end houses slaves

It’s wrong, what else. Fun fact Jesus didn’t condemn slavery at all.

Would you like to be a slave?

A positive good.

Why don’t you want to be a slave then?

In the NT it is said to seek your freedom as a slave.

That’s not condemning slavery, it’s just saying you’d be a fool to not choose freedom over being a slave

Because I'm White.

So if you weren’t white you’d want to be a slave. Where’s the logic in that?

Millions of Christian Europeans were enslaved by Muslim slavetraders.

The only filthy, brainwashed "thing" here is you.

Most people would not want to be a slave although it dose depend a lot on the system of slavery you use
But I failed to see what this has to do with my statement about slavery
Asking some if they would like to be slave is like asking if you would like to be a rich second generation

>muh bazillion