
How much roid usage is in this photo?
Opinions now.

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>Roiding for this

Depends how tall he is. That's achievable natty, but it's entirely possible he used roids.

I havnt seen a single natty guy with that shape on the bicep

also post more pics of the girl OP

guessing around 5'10

The girl is 5'8"

The chick is 5'8"

fucking roid users annoy new, plebs

>cape town


You live in my city big boy?

ayy capetonians
are you here sean haha

If I find out who you are, you're getting a poes klap. Don't post pictures of me or my girl on this shithole again.

It's my city
And I'm not the roid bunny in the photo.
I'm 105kg at 6'2" and natty

Never before has a more futile threat ever been uttered.

Fat cunt. Bet you hang out at TYGA TYGA you compensating piece of shit.

internet argument.


>tfw retards from my country browse Veeky Forums

Get of my board.


Stop gymming, start reading.

i'm dutch and I find this hilarious


That's not your girl, she's on tinder.
fake boitjie of the interweb!!!!


>Achievable natty

Oh shut the fuck up thats just delusional.


>pic can be natty
>this is what dyel natty believe

>Unironically living in Cape Town

How do you deal with the fact that literally everyone around you is a fucking faggot?

You must be from Johannesburg, the bitterness is palpable.

Jesus wat die fok doen jy OP? Hou op die arme girl stalk. Beplan jy om die doos in die pic te vermoor of iets?

It's a constant struggle breh. This city changes people. Everyone is so fucking cliquey, okes that I work with who come from other places are so much more friendly and keen for a good time. Fuck the people here. The city itself is top-tier though.

Stellenbosch please GO

Pretoria master race. I am pretty bitter to be honest. I wish I could find a job in CT but you have no fucking industry.

made me lol


If you think this is naturally achievable, you are in denial.

afrikaaner? luls

in the 021 from the 012.
the amount of roid in cpt.luls for days boet

Translate for the none boers.
"Jesus wat die fok doen jy OP? Hou op die arme girl stalk. Beplan jy om die doos in die pic te vermoor of iets?"
- Jesus what are you doing OP? Stop stalking the poor girl. Are you planning on moering the doos in the picture?

It's on Veeky Forums - OP want's opinions about the amount of steroids being taken in the pic. End.

preach... worst is you start becoming like the locals.

Another day another DYEL

>tfw all the virgin actives use shitty technogym equipment

Where do you guys get your gear? I've tried ordering online but the cunts are so paranoid I never find the time to actually close a transaction.

>That's achievable natty

fucking tripfags


The EFF isn't funny anymore. It's just not.

(37264489) yeah, fucking wankers. just stirring shit m8

More people from the Cape than I imagined were on this Guatemalan horticulture association forum.

nice b8

The tripfag is right it's totally achievable natty if you're

>kk afrikanen


Wat te fok het jy nou net oor my gefokken sê, jou klein kak? Ek sal jou laat weet ek was top van my klas in die Rekkies, ek was betrokke in talle geheime aanvalle op SWAPO, en ek het meer as 300 boskaffers gesnee. Ek is opgelei in bos oorlogvoering en ek's die top skerp skieter in die hele suidelike halfrond. Jy is niks vir my anders as nog 'n teiken. Ek sal jou die fok uitwis met 'n presisie wat jy nog nooit voorheen op hierdie aarde gesien het nie, merk my fokken woorde. Jy dink jy kan weg kom daarmeer om sulke kak vir my oor die internet te sê? Dink weer, fokker. Soos ons praat is ek besing om my geheime netwerk van ex-NIS spioene oor die wêreld te kontak en jou IP word opgespoor op hierdie oomblik, so jy beter voorberei vir die storm, wurm. Die storm wat uitwis die patetiese ding wat jy jou lewe noem. Jy's fokken dood, kind. Ek kan enige plek wees, enige tyd, en in meer as sewe honderd maniere jou doodmaak, en dis net met my kaal hande. Nie net is ek ekstensief opgelei in ongewapende veg, maar ek het 'n hele arsenaal van Krygkor en ek sal dit gebruik tot sy volle mate om jou miserable gat of van die gesig van die kontinent uit te wis, jou klein kak. As jy maar net geweet het watse onheilige wraak jou klein "skerp" kommentaar jou sou gebring het, dalk sou jy jou fokken tong vasgehou het. Maar jy kon nie, en het nie, en nou betaal jy die prys, jou godverdoemde idioot. Ek sal woede oral oor jou uitkak en jy sal daarin verdrink. Jy's fokken dood, kindjie.

Doen You Elke Lewe
Do your own life, ie: don't listed to other people's opinions

Generally fuck people. All people suck, doesn't matter if it's Capetonians or Vaalies or whoever, they are all shit. Fuck em

kek holy fuck. did you write that?

my kante

What is this shit? Speak English. This is an English board.

Durban ous seem pretty cool, so do the Eastern Capers.

take it easy, newfriend amerifat

Yeah, posted it first time a few years ago in an /int/ thread though.

No, they are all shit.

I'm from South Africa, I just don't speak boer because it's a dying language and ultimately pointless.

They're like Jerseyans only more fucking retarded.

Eastern Cape is a goat farm there are no humans there.

>mgw boeren onze taal proberen te praten

>Being this much of a cuckhold.

Wheel keeps turning. Afrikaans isn't going anywhere soon.

why do roids when you have a face like that?

looks like he's taking a shit

Can we like do something about the EFF? i'm too much of a pussy to do shit...them burning down schools triggers the shit out of me.

The EFF is all part of the plan. Do not interfere.

what plan exactly


>niet eens een keer

about three fiddy

He is cruising already.

biceps give it away, He is definetly roiding and has been for a while.

This. Newbie roiders often look shit and unbalanced.

Crashing in the rooiplein


Okay, firstly, it's cuckold, not cuckhold.
Secondly, a cuckold is the partner of a cheating woman.
My question to you; what does stating Afrikaans is a dying language have to do with cuckolding?

Speaking of roids, look at this manlet.

>Went through the effort of googling it and couldn't even find the modern connotation of the word.
You stupid fucking cuck.

rage little afrikaans boi

dat hair
dat height
dat steroid insecurity


top kek

Who cares lol
Definitely looks natural to me
You're obviously smaller and natty and pissed off that u cbf putting in the work that he does so instead you accuse gear
Or you're smaller and on gear and pissed off that even tho you jab he is bigger than you

t. retard


Don't you ever laugh= DYEL

top kek, this is hilarious!

It is doable natty. Just would take more like two years instead of one.

Wait, I don't get it. They wanted to do something with "the little one" puppies? Is there some Dutch play on words that I'm not getting?

>Jou godverdoemde idioot.
Man they really fucked up the dutch language wich by itself is already fucked up and sounds like OP gargleling chad's cum after his 1pl8 1mr squat on tyrone's dick.

>en ek het meer as 300 boskaffers gesnee

Compensating for inbreeding.

More work as natty, he does less work and looks bigger. I'm stronger though. I just implicitly hate roid users, cunts, all of them, it's automatic cunt-status, it's like having one of those tribal douche tattoos.

bullshit. you obviously dont lift.

dutch guy here, south africans is hilarious since its literally a bunch of niggers trying and failing to speak a germanic language

I kow I'm dutch myself, it's hilarious.

I love how this became a SA thread. How do you guys feel about being fucked over by your president and his cabinet?

Afrikaans is actually linguistically closer to proto-Germanic than Dutch/Flemish.

Get fucked kankerkaffers.