Why do Germanboos claim Poland is artificial?

Why do Germanboos claim Poland is artificial?

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Most of them are Prussiaboos. And hate Slavs because of muh Nazi racial science.

Muh Versailles-Polen

Because they're historically illiterate

Only the red parts should be part of Poland desu

Because they are dumb and uneducated, also a lot of them are amerifat "1/16 prussian" LARPers who don't even realize why did their ancestors leave their shithole for the USA.

Because Hitler said so in his book

based Mieszko I

Wasn't even a king.

Betrayed faith of his ancestors for Czech pussy. Fuck that faggot

>Mieszko I
Shouldn't he be Mieszko and Mieszko II be Mieszko I since he was the first king to be called Mieszko?

>implying you wouldn't for top-tier Czech pussy
Besides, it was better to get politically motivated baptism from your fellow Western Slavic brethern than from shit-eating Szwab niggers.

Should have gotten baptised from the east to be honest.

For what purpose? It would automatically throw Poland out of Western sphere of Europe and give HRE reasons to launch invasions.

Poland is like a grandpa war veteran that would beat the shit out of you 1v1, but then he gets jumped on by teenagers that beat him to death and steal his stuff.

>and give HRE reasons to launch invasions.
They would still be christian, but they wouldn't be getting cucked by the pope. A common religious branch with the Russians would have been far better in the long term.

No, it wouldn't. Orthodoxy is absolute savagery on par with Islam. That's why East and South Slavs are such barbarians.

Because they're stormtards who have only a few functional brain cells to rub together. They're basically cultists.

>beat the shit out of you 1v1

Except that's not the case for the partitions

Was that 1v1 though?

No, but Poland would not have been able to "beat the shit out of" any partitioning power

Do you even know anything about partitions and situation PLC was in before that?

That's largely a communist myth. It's not like the Czechs had their own a archdiocese or even a diocese. According to Wikipedia those territories belonged to the diocese of Regensburg. Only in 1973 Otto II established a new diocese of Prague.

Also, """"Slavic brethern""""

> After Vladivoj died in 1003, Bolesław invaded Bohemia and restored Boleslaus III who had many Bohemian noblemen murdered.[68][65] The Bohemian lords who survived the massacre "secretly sent representatives" to Bolesław, asking "him to rescue them from fear of the future",[69] according to Thietmar of Merseburg.[68] Bolesław invaded Bohemia and had Boleslaus III blinded.[65]

>In 1035, Bretislav helped Holy Roman Emperor Conrad II in his war against the Lusatians. In 1039, he invaded Lesser and Greater Poland,[3] captured Poznań,[3] sacked Gniezno, and brought the relics of St. Adalbert,[3] Radim Gaudentius and the Five Brothers back with him. On the way back, he conquered part of Silesia, including Wrocław.[3] His main goal was to set up an archbishopric in Prague and create a large state subject only to the Holy Roman Empire. His raid had an unintended enduring influence on Polish history, as the plundering and destruction of Gniezno pushed the next Polish rulers to move their capital to Kraków, which would retain this role for many centuries ahead.

Yes, I'm saying that it was in a bad situation

It was, mainly due to corrupt magnates and low szlachta that lost their estates during Deluge.

Their votes were later bought by foreign powers.

>It was then that the Czechs destroyed Gniezno and Poznan and took the body of Saint Adalbert. And those who managed to flee the hands of the enemies or who were escaping the rebellion of their serfs, made their way across the River Vistula to Mazovia.* And the aforementioned cities remained abandoned so long that in the Church of Saint Adalbert as well as at Saint Peter’s wild animals set up their dens…”
Friendly banter between Slavic brothers.

>Otto II
What the fuck am I reading?


Okay, I'm retarded.


>Only the red parts should be part of Poland desu
Meaning more territory from Germany than it was taken after WW1

There's an entire manifesto written in the 80s by some neonazi about the supposed falsification of Polish history and how Germans wuz Polish dukes and how Polish language wasn't widespread until mid 19th century. But really every sentence has something wrong with it.
So basically I don't know why they claim it. Maybe it's something that they need to believe.

>There's an entire manifesto written in the 80s by some neonazi about the supposed falsification of Polish history and how Germans wuz Polish dukes and how Polish language wasn't widespread until mid 19th century.
holy shit that sound hillarious, please post the name


Now keep in mind there's no such thing as a Gdańsk/Danzig indentity and the "government in exile" is really just like two neonazis living in Australia.

>"Such abysmal hatred is foreign to the German soul. On the German side, people have always been prepared to build bridges and help in any way. This is a fact which anyone can repeatedly verify, even today, when the same people who expelled us from our homes and farms, who plundered us and even murdered many of us, seek -- and obtain -- our assistance."

You know that /pol/ sometimes posts things from that website. There's just too much to cover but those not well acquinted with this history know that basically everything written there is a lie.
For example the anti-German "Polish proverb" is really a passage from a book by a contemporary German author who's actually famous for promoting friendship among the two nations.

Yeah but far from the amount of territory they were given after WW2

>Allied War Crimes
Always a good sign.

>For example the anti-German "Polish proverb"
I'm from Poland, post the proverb and we'll see if I ever heard of it.

WW2 changed everything after German people started war of racial extermination.

Dopóki świat światem, nie będzie Niemiec Polakowi bratem.


>German people
The SS and the government were doing that, most Germans were not involved


>most Germans were not involved
Yes, they were. They knew about the camps. They may play stupid, but that doesn't matter.

>2 million kikes in the entire Eastern & Central Europe

How many kikes died during the Holoax again ?


>in the entire Eastern & Central Europe
The map doesn't cover all of Eastern & Central Europe...

>They knew about the camps
Thats a big difference from actually being involved...

>Why do Germanboos claim Poland is artificial?>Posts map showing how artificial the modern Polish borders are

>Map about 18th century Europe
>There are only 2 million Jews in 18th century, so it's impossible that it will be more of them 250 years later
Absolute state of Stormfags

>The SS and the government were doing that, most Germans were not involved
Even after the war 47% of Germans supported extermination of Poles and Jews in polls

Prussians, Austrians, and Russians all hated Poland centuries before Hitler was born.

Poland was a bully.

Actually both Austrians and Russians had periods of good relations with Poland, Russians admired to certain extent Polish culture and Austrians weren't hostile to Poles, quite opposite many times.

It was the Prussians that held genocidal hatred towards Poles.

>In 1938, just after Kristallnacht, the psychologist Michael Müller-Claudius interviewed 41 randomly selected Nazi Party members on their attitudes towards racial persecution. Of the interviewed party-members 63% expressed extreme indignation against it, while only 5% expressed approval of racial persecution, the rest being noncommittal.
I doubt that the germans in total were more positive towards it than the fucking party members

Don't forget the Swedes

>Russians are so shitty they even admired us

Find me one (1) person who sincerely thinks Poland is artificial that isn't some Russian nationalist.

Holy shit. Source? That's pretty interesting.

This is were i copied the quote from, wiki itself used a book named "Hitler, Germans, and the Jewish Question" by Sarah Ann Gordon as a source. You can google "Michael Müller-Claudius" and you will definetily find more stuff about it.

They obviously disapproved unorderly chaotic actions, you know shards and rubbish on streets. The disciplined well-planned dispatch of Jews to camps will be accepted more warmly

So racially motivated systematic massmurdering doesn't count as racial persecution?

>Germans don't feel right about persecution of fellow Germans
>this means they are opposed to exterminating Poles and Jews.

Since it was so unpopular. Why didn't Hitler cool it with the anti-semitic remarks? Why did so many go along with it? Why not just support regular nationalists instead of kooky batshit insane nazis?

>racial persecution
Can you read?


Other samples of German soldiers' letters were sent home and copied during the war by a special Polish Home Army cell that infiltrated the German postal system.[158] These letters have been analyzed by historians and the picture they paint is similar to views expressed by Levin and Uziel. Many soldiers wrote openly about the extermination of Jews and were proud of it. Support for "untermensch" and "master race" concepts were also part of the attitude expressed by German soldiers.[158] Presented examples reflecting this trend include samples such as:

I'm one of those who are decreasing [the] number of partisans. I put them against the wall and everyone gets a bullet in his head, [a] very merry and interesting job.

...My point of view: this nation deserves only the knaut, only by it can they be educated; a part of them already experienced that; others still try to resist. Yesterday I had [the] possibility to see 40 partisans, something like that I had never encountered before. I became convinced that we are the masters, others are untermenschen.[158]

>Why did so many go along with it?
Nobody thought they would take it so far
>Why not just support regular nationalists instead of kooky batshit insane nazis?
Because the regular nationalists sucked

In 1946, 37% in the US occupation zone said about the Holocaust that "the extermination of the Jews and Poles and other non-Aryans was necessary for the security of Germans".

Tony Judt, Postwar: a History of Europe

War can turn even the most sane men into complete psychopaths

Prussia was created by Poland. Frederick II and Bismarck knew that if Prussia is to survive Poland needs to be gone forever. Well and now Poland exists and Prussia vanished without a trace.

Quite biased anti-Polish map

No one said shitty, but they weren't as developed culturally and always looked up to the Polacks, even though people will deny it.

There was a sterotype about Polish Pan(master) and Eastern Slavic Cham(Serf)

Prussiaboo here, no idea what you're talking about

>Quite biased anti-Polish map

>posts very pro-Polack map