0 calorie ice cream


why must the nutrition label taunt me so

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>0 calorie

No. Not even a little bit. Is that even fucking possible?

Just eat the real deal once a week as a treat. It won't kill you.

eating heaps of anything that your body cannot digest is not a good idea

common sense hurts, bro.

i am not eating an entire tub of ice cream

fiber is good for you tho

protip: all 0 cal foods taste like shit, i dunno what the fuck these people do to create them...but it's always shit.

go try 0 cal peanut butter and other toppings from Walden farms, ALL TASTE LIKE SLIME VILE SHIT. I'd rather just IIFYM in a tablespoon of real pbutter.

The "serving size" is so small that they are allowed to round down the nutritional information to zero.

uuuhm guys

also, some nutritional values labels are purposly wrong, just look at quest bars.

>0 calories
>1 Gram Protein
the cut starts now and forever

i was worried you guys wouldn't have figured it out. yeah, it's kind of annoying when you're trying to figure out a grocery list at home.

there was this sobe 0 calorie drink at my college's soda dispensers. never could understand why people liked it until i diluted it with water.

That's not legal, though, right? There are consumer protection laws that say labels, at least, have to say what's in them, if it gets found out shit goes down.

Never gonna make it.

>0 calories
it doesnt say that tho

never gonna make it



Doesn't protein have 4 calories per gram? How are they allowed to do this?

at least it's not arctic zero. fucking fudgsicle in a pint, that's what it is.

but why birthday cake? have you tried lemon cake or chocolate mocha chip?

Someone still has to bother reporting it though.

they're fucking with thresholds. Like if it has a under a certain amount, it can claim it has 0 calories. Nutrition labels are usually mostly shit.

The store nearest to me only has this flavor so far :(
Hoping to find somewhere that has more soon, pretty slim pickings but I'm hooked and can't wait to try more.

It's mis-labeled. The second and 3rd ingredients are sugar and corn syrup and 1/2c serving has 25g carbs. That carton is 12 servings.
You can read this stuff just from the website.

>ice cream

It's because of the 25g sugar but the sugars are fake sugars you can't digest so they don't count

Birthday cake is best flavor.

Stuff fucks with your liver and kidneys. undigestible sugars.

frozen fruit, nigga

more like
>frozen chemicals, nigga

walmart ice cream sandwiches don't melt

Sauce on quest bars being incorrect? Links.

Quest bars get sued. Just look it up

Ikr, like it is supposed to be, a fucking treat once a month or so

rounding rules that the food industry has spent millions of dollars in lobbying efforts to allow

quest bars and all the sugar alcohol nonsense just gives me a sick feeling in my stomach, dry mouth, and a headache

fuck that shit

Never tried birthday cake. Only tried strawberry and chocolate. Really like strawberry but both are good.

It is getting so popular it is always sold out of certain flavors so I really just try and get whatever is there.

Is Birthday Cake the best? I really wanted to try chocolate mocha or whatever but they never have it when I go.

>eating heaps of anything that your body cannot digest is not a good idea


When I was a stupid kid I remember eating sand a lot and it was delicious tbqh

OP don't buy that shit. If you really want some ice cream. Get some good real ice cream and include it into the calories alotted for that day. Don't eat a big serving either. You don't need to eat a lot of something to enjoy it

Fun fact: no sugar tictacs are almost 100% sugar. Due to how light they are the sugar is considered "negligible" and allowed to be listed as zero.

inb4 eating heaps of fiber. lmao wat is this elementary biology bullshit

Why would anyone even consider this a 'treat'? It's barely even FOOD?
I'll take a small portion of local frozen custard over something like this any day.
I ditched the 'cheat day' and 'treat yo 'self' mentality when I realized most cheats and treats aren't even good for you.

A nice steak is a great treat.

too much of that sugar alcohol and I'm cramping up and pissing out my ass uncontrollably

Fucking wish stores near me sold this