If vegans need prescription drugs to prevent and treat iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies, can they still claim natty...

If vegans need prescription drugs to prevent and treat iron and vitamin B12 deficiencies, can they still claim natty? Y or N?

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He looks like an Alien



He makes a living from this now. How crazy is that.

Jesus christ he looks like a carrot himself.


If vegans go against evolution and the natural order are they natty?

is that pic photoshopped?

Just as much as people who consume animals that were given prescription drugs.

Iron isn't really an issue btw, can easily get enough without drugs.

i saw him in a tank top in a recent video and he actually looked good; very big shoulders and traps. Has he gotten bigger or does his shit physique only become clear when the shirt comes off? (obviously don't like VG he's a sociopathic asshole)

>Just as much as people who consume animals that were given prescription drugs.
That's different though. All those do is increase the profit for the company. If they didn't then meats would be more expensive.
These drugs actually make the chicken less "healthy". If they somehow helped the protein get absorbed when we ate it then it would be illegal.

Vegans aren't natural. You shouldn't change the rules for people who are outside looking in.

The farmers reasoning is moot, if they are giving them B12, and it is now found in the animals flesh, milk, or eggs then it still is having the same outcome.
One is given to the animal and then consumed in the form of animal products. The other is just cutting out the middle man and taking it directly.

Appealing to nature when it is convenient doesn't make for a strong case. Lots of other things are natural too, yet we recognize as a whole that those actions are completely susceptible to scrutiny just like anything else.

We also don't drink directly from water sources outside (because it is unsafe for modern humans), we don't eat food that has soil still on it (because of our hyper clean society, as well safety), and we are also much cleaner from things such as dirt and feces on our skin (because again hygiene). These things all provide ample B12, and are natural, yet no one willingly living in modern society will do them.

Doing whats effective, moral, and logical seems to be a better way to go through life if you care for yourself and others.

His head creeps me out



I posted him here when he had like 9k subs and everyone accused me of being him and trying to viral advertise

his forehead is shopped right

>Doing whats effective, moral, and logical seems to be a better way to go through life if you care for yourself and others.

I would tend to agree t.b.h. but I dont want to look like a green alien

Then look like Jon Venus instead

There is nothing immoral in eating meat or being a part of the big machine that makes meat for human consumption. It's not great that we warehouse and slaughter but we need to eat. We cannot all hunt. Being someone who does hunt I don't see how shooting a deer is somehow nicer and more humane than braining a cow. Same basic shit. As long as there are no boners involved in killing animals and it's done with some dignity it's ok. Stop listening to pussy ass faggots who tell you meat is murder.

>But we need to eat!

You can survive without animal products, don't make it about survival you're talking about meat tasting good and meat being normal to eat so you justify it.

If you want to get into survival, technically we could all live off of Soylent. Growing food crops damages the ecosystem, and it's much more humane to just take the nutrients directly, rather then waste energy growing crops.

Truly, Soylent eaters are the only humane people out there.

omg spam detector thingy is fucking annoying

The only thing Veganism has going for it is the environmental impact.

>Veganism is healthy

Scientific consensus on anything but a balanced diet is highly debatable.

>Veganism is cruelty free/more moral

Technically there is no product on Earth today that is cruelty free/does not cause the suffering of others. You could argue that modern agriculture damages the environment, and disrupts many species. Furthermore, transportation of exotic foods damages the environment, and the cultivation of these foods in third-world countries has poor environmental and human rights track records. Therefore, you should be homegrowing all of the food that you consume.

Going even further than just food, the cotton clothing that you're wearing comes from a pesticide-ridden plant, and most likely was manufactured in a polluting factory in a third-world country. Don't think about ordering sustainable, natural clothing online though; the computer, phone, and any other electronics that you're using all have conflict minerals in them, taken from earth-poisoning mines in the Congo. Clearly, vegans cannot claim complete moral superiority with all this environmental damage.

This plays into the environmental impact, which is the only logical argument that veganism has. It is less environmentally impactful to eat a vegan diet than it is a diet with meats. Again though, referring to the above paragraph, there is still more reductionism that can be done to stop harming the environment.

>prescription drugs
>dietary supplements
Pick one you fucking retard

A vegan teacher, and experienced alpinist, from Australia wanted to climb the Mount Everest and prove to the world that vegans can be strong, too. She died. Well done, vegans!

There is no logical argument against veganism, seriously man I've watched hundreds of vids from Vegans and their argument is air tight. I will probably still eat meat till the day I die, just in lower amounts as I get older to prevent colon cancer and shit.

Nikka makes around 10-15k a month making youtube videos, fml.

Veganism is to nutrition what fascism is to politics. It's a fucking dogma.

Veganism is not a sustainable lifestyle as it relies on food imports from foreign countries and exotic supplements. It's not more healthy, as vegetables and cereals are often heavily charged with toxic pesticides, fungicides, and heavy metals. And I'm not even speaking of genetically modified food. Also, I'd like to point out that vegan food, often comes from countries were workers are exploited (Africa, South America, South East Asia, China).

Lastly, all people who have the longevity world record, all, were omnivorous.

>talking out of your ass

When you're so desperate to disparage veganism that you start arguing vegetables aren't healthy, it's time to stop posting.

It is proven that vegetable from China, South-East Asia and Turkey (just a few examples) are laden with toxic pesticides.

For me I prefer to eat a balanced diet using local organic products (vegetables and meats) than relying on some stuff grown by some nignogs in industrial farms with no control over what chemicals are used and in what quantities. You can eat that shit if you want.

By the way, the only person in my family who has cancer and is under 50yo is the long term vegan.

Dont dis fascism you degenerate leftist

I said fascism, I could have said communism or Stalinism. The point is that most vegans are sectarian, self-righteous assholes.

I don't know why you'd assume that vegans are all eating Chinese and Turkish vegetables (why can you eat local organic produce but vegans can't?) but do you have any data anyway that, even if they shipped all their broccoli from Beijing, that this translates to increased risk of health problems?

A vegan can have a balanced diet of locally grown, organic food as well, and in some ways it would be superior to your diet.

>cyanocobalamin, IV iron dextran/sucrose/gluconate
>dietary supplements

Veganism is terrible:


Even amputee can climb Mount Everest but a vegan cannot:


>be vegan
>climb Mount Everest

>be Marine
>only have 1 leg
>still manage to climb Everest
>didn't die

>mfw can enjoy every cultures food without limiting myself to beans and hemp seeds

GUYS is semen vegan?? Need to know

>veganism is not natural

its not like humans were eating nothing but fruits for the first 10 million years kek.

yes it is, he looks goofy but his head isnt deformed like that

True, if all people would go into the woods and hunt the animals i think vegans wouldnt have that much of a problem with it.

But its not like this and the slaughter houses are a nightmare, no doubt about that.

hundreds of meat eaters died climbing the moun everest, whos the loser here?

>when meat eaters are grasping for straws so hard they start saying : " vegetables and fruits arent healthy doe!"

>inb4 vegan

jokes on you im vegetarian, eggs and milk everyday for me fgt

>hundreds of meat eaters died climbing the moun everest, whos the loser here?

The people who announce they're going to prove something by climbing mt everest and die doing it, therefore not proving shit?

Yeah that was a fail, but that doesnt change the fact that hundreds of meat eaters have died there despite being "strong", "manly".

Also let us not forget she was a woman. I mean come on, a weak fragile woman.
Woman are not capable of doing anything at all

Hahah made my fucking day
link for anyone who missed out youtube.com/watch?v=R_FQU4KzN7A

Vegan is not a diet,it's a belief system,where you put a restriction and make your entire life evolve around it.

Like jews have kosher, they didn't choose not to eat dairy with meat at the same meal,or that some part of a cow is inedible but a chemically and visually identical part is,it's in their guidebook or whatever, and I'm sure if they were to rewrite it,they would change the rules a bit,but it is what it is.

Vegans are even more fucked up,because eating shellfish,mussels oysters,shrimp etc would solve 100% of their dietary problems,and they would probably be healthier than the entire population bc nothing has more nutrition gram/gram than these invertebrates.

But, bc vegans consider these barely living things and certainly not sentient to be animals,they will abstain from it,as if some vengeful God from The Old Testament will kill their first born.

So arguing with them would be like me trying to talk to some rabbi about trying out some bacon bc of its selenium content.

LOL at vegans getting BTFO.

Not a single meat eater has climbed under the guise of being strong and manly simply for being a carnivore, you're straw manning everybody who climbed while eating meat like a fucking jackass shut the fuck up already

>growing crops hurts the ecosystem so we shouldn't go vegan
>but clearing acres upon acres of land to build mud paddocks to accomodate factory farms as well as growing crops to produce grain to feed the cows that graze on said land is completely harmless and a fucking brilliant idea because steaks are yummy
nice logic kiddo

Overfishing is morally objectionable, jackass. Nobody's saying it's a tragedy when you consume one mussel. People say it's a tragedy when you fish 1400 tonnes of mussels annually from a single reef in New Zealand which leads to the depletion of the mussel population of the hauraki gulf.
Jesus, sometimes I really overestimate the intelligence of meat eaters.

Worry not. Farmed seafood is sustainable.

Okay so let's say I'm wearing a cotton t-shirt right now, AND I eat meat, which means I contribute towards a process you already acknowledge is harmful. This is situation A.
Now let's assume all the facts from situation A, but now instead of eating meat I subsist off of a plant based diet. This is situation B.
Isn't situation B less harmful than situation A? It seems as though your argument is that no matter what I do I'm going to cause harm, so I might as well just do whatever I feel like. But some paths cause less harm than others, so why shouldn't I take those roads? In fact, by your logic, there's no reason to enforce any laws because no system of laws is absolutely preventative.

Sustainable? Arguably. Environmentally friendly? Not even close. And the ordinary moral objections you can raise re finfish still seem to stand.

>its not like humans were eating nothing but fruits for the first 10 million years kek.

>Someone actually believes this



Does he have jaundice?

Eating plants is not environmentally friendly either. You have to destroy to feed yourself. Not even your act of defecating the beans you had for dinner last night is since you release methane into the air while doing it, contributing to global warming.

Perhaps you should stop breathing too, since what you exhale is mainly carbon dioxide, which in high concentrations contributes to global warming.

Does anyone have pictures of him competing?

are you--are you serious?

the point is that there is no way to avoid environmentally harming the world aside from killing yourself altogether. that's how the world works. if you're upset, kill yourself right now. you're killing plants which react to stimuli just as animals and humans do. you're harming the earth by being vegan.

seriously. if you actually do care about the world and genuinely don't want to harm anything, just end your life. otherwise, you're a hypocrite who thinks shielding yourself with a "moral" lie is going to make you a better person. stop lying to yourself.

Punching someone in the nose is a bad thing. Stabbing someone in the gut is worse. If I had no choice but to do one or the other, it would be seriously wrong for me to not punch that someone in the nose.
Industrial scale farming of plant matter is not environmentally friendly. Industrial scale farming of animals is not environmentally friendly either. That's not the issue. The issue is which is worse, and there is no question that farming animals is so much worse than farming plants.
See above, and please don't try to read between the lines of what I'm posting. I speak plainly and say what I mean. If I'm silent on whether a particular farming process is harmful to the environment, that's not me saying it's great. It's just silence.
>are you--are you serious?
Also you talk like a redditor and your shit's all retarded.

>That's not the issue. The issue is which is worse, and there is no question that farming animals is so much worse than farming plants.

Even worse is humans. Even your corpse will release poisonous gases into the atmosphere when you die. You are that useless. Please, please see the bigger picture, read between the lines and kill yourself for a better world.

>Even your corpse will release poisonous gases into the atmosphere when you die
But there's nothing I can do about that. Are you even reading my posts?

You should shoot yourself into space and die there. Your remains will not affect Earth's atmosphere. Please stop polluting our planet. Our ecosystem thanks you.

>it's another meat eaters get btfo and start spouting garbage thread
I have never seen a thread on Veeky Forums where vegans have lost the argument. Good to see this will be no exception.

Vegans are just narcissists that think they're important enough to have any affect on the mistreatment of farm animals.

It's pathetic, really.

Humans are the worst polluters of this world.

trying to talk to Veeky Forumsizens about meat vs plant based diet is like trying to explain to your mom why you're looking at a CBT

Vegans do have an effect on the treatment of farm animals, as well as the quantity of animals farmed.

ya okay whatever

enjoy your anaemia sweetie :) x

Enjoy your cancer.


That's why you should kill yourself. It's your ethical and moral obligation to preserve the world.

>Vegans confirmed for malicious and vile

There's a moral position called anti-natalism which advocates for that exact position. I personally disagree with it for reasons but you might be interested in it.
In any case, balancing the benefit the external world would recieve from me killing myself against the benefit I'd recieve from not killing myself attracts me towards not doing that.

The more plant-based your diet is, the more carbon dioxide and methane you release through your farts into the air. Take a minute to ponder over that. Is it really worth living if you are contributing to global warming that much as a vegan?

Yeah cool, it's all fun and games for you now that you've been blown out. Might as well get more and more silly in your posting until eventually you can just claim you were trolling all along.
To your point, global warming is an inevitability, human individuals can't stop it. Perhaps with enough corporate social responsibility and government mandates we can slow it, but the impression I've gotten from the climate scientists I speak to is that the fight's been over for years now.

There's more to protecting the environment than just global warming though. Pollution and waste management, for instance, two things animal farming contributes to massively.

you dont need prescription drugs, a b12 tablet is it. iron deficiencies are a myth as long as your smart about eating.

>suggests anti-natalism
>disagrees with it
>expects others to die/not be born except their useless self

CHAD is eating PIZZA while you're stressing over the BEAN CURD you just spilled all over your SCRAWNY legs.

>To your point, global warming is an inevitability, human individuals can't stop it.

Of course you can. Kill yourself today.

One less human to pollute the world.

>expects others to die/not be born
Why do you think that's what I think? I literally made a point of saying that that's not what I think.
>I personally disagree with it for reasons
>I was just trolling this whole time bro!

>Why do you think that's what I think? I literally made a point of saying that that's not what I think.

>wishes cancer upon others
>pretends not to support killing other humans

He makes a good point, if every human killed themselves the world would likely be a better place... classic vegan narcissism thinking that he's a special snowflake. Pathetic.

Not trolling. You don't want to see the bigger picture and swallow this red pill: If you killed yourself today, the world would actually become less polluted tomorrow.

I don't eat meat dairy or fish. But i'm not a vegan because I eat honey. got fucked for life because I'm lactose intolerant

Feel better on a high carb low fat/low protein diet
dislike the whole vegan cult thing. but people should cut down on eating shitty meat from walmart

That guy told me to get anaemia.
Yeah but it wouldn't have humans in it, it would have wild animals that can't enjoy life anywhere near as much as humans do.
There's more to life than pollution. If you're not trolling then I can't shake the feeling you're trying to get me to attack a position I never tried to make out.

>it would have wild animals that can't enjoy life anywhere near as much as humans do.

If said animals can't enjoy life like we do, why do they deserve to live them? It's best we eat them so they don't go to waste because according to you they can't enjoy life.

Nothing wrong with eating honey famalam, bees make too much of it and bee farming keeps bee populations up by preventing colony collapse disorder which is a huge problem. Also honey alternatives like agave nectar destroy ecosystems that support critically endangered species.
>I say: Animal farming is more harmful than plant farming.
>You hear: There is nothing harmful about plant farming.
>I say: Non-human animals don't have the ability to lead lives as complex and enjoable and fully realised as humans
>You hear: animals can't enjoy life and don't deserve to live
I don't think I can carry on a conversation with someone as low IQ as you.

how do you judge how an animal enjoys its life, fallaced logic to justify your bad habits

You flat out called animals no-life losers and are now backpedaling. You shot yourself in the foot and are now withdrawing yourself from this argument because you haven't proven a vegan diet is better. You lost.

Animals are no life losers. Humans are better than animals. The essential interests of humans should be put before animals.
The most trivial interests of humans - like having nice tasting food - should not be put before the most basic interest of all creatures, which is life itself.
Killing all humans just so wolves and lions and meerkats can have unpolluted worlds where they can sleep outside and tear apart live prey and have sex once or twice in their entire life for the express purpose of procreating is not a sacrifice I'm willing to make though, and I can't connect that to the hypocrisy you're accusing me of.

>The most trivial interests of humans - like having nice tasting food - should not be put before the most basic interest of all creatures, which is life itself.

The main interest of humans is actually a necessity, which is to have a balanced diet. Certain minerals and vitamins are only naturally available in an omnivore diet. You can't get that from a vegan diet unless you resort to synthetic substances, which in turn pollute the environment.

There's nothing more natural than being an omnivore.

He didn't tell you to get anemia, retard. you made that decision when you decided to get iron from beans and lettuce.

You can get all essential nutrients from a plant based diet. Eating animal products is much more convenient, but it's not impossible to survive and thrive on a plant based diet.

As for the pollution limb, the demand for animal products society currently has also pollutes the environment. I'd argue that the pollution associated with manufacturing supplements is definitely lower than the pollution associated with raising a cow from birth to slaughter.
I didn't tell him to get cancer, he made that decision when he decided to eat meat :^)

>You can get all essential nutrients from a plant based diet. Eating animal products is much more convenient, but it's not impossible to survive and thrive on a plant based diet.

You absolutely cannot get B12 from a vegan diet. And please refrain from using the argument that "you shouldn't wash your veggies and eat dirt and your own feces" because the B12 obtained that way is not bio-active and we lack the bacteria in our digestive tracks to break it down, we are not ruminants or rodents.

>vegan pizza doesn't exist

you do know what b12 is right? it isnt just a vegan deficiency either.

But it's 100% prevalent in vegans without supplementation of B12.

You're right, I spoke too soon. It's pretty trivial to access B12 as a vegan though. Plenty of supplements, plenty of fortified foods.

Sounds like being chronically diseased.

Well hopefully by the time we reach the tipping point on veganism in like 50 or 60 years we'll have much more convenient ways and means to stop princesses like you from falling behind.

You don't have to wait 50 or 60 years. You are already falling behind.

That's not funny, Maria was a senior academic at my university that I knew from a tax policy unit I did last summer.
Besides, vegan numbers are rising at unprecedented rates. It's found its niche in educated upper middle class sjw types and is radiating outwards from there. Everyone knows multiple vegans now and that trend is only going to rise because its exponents frame it in terms of some kind of moral crisis. You're kidding yourself if you think otherwise. And don't forget: news.rpi.edu/luwakkey/2902

because we live in a sterilized world. its an issue everyone faces.