My grandpa just died an hour ago

I want to give my grandma something great, I'm willing to spend all of my money on it. If I need to I'll withdraw all my crypto (4k EUR).

Does anyone know what I could possibly give her beside love right now.

And no I don't want donations I'm not fishing for them either this is something I need to do for myself.

My grandma and grandpa have always been close friends.

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A dog perhaps

She deff would not want you to spend everything you have on her.

People don't need grieving gifts, at least not permanent ones. She'll just look at it and be depressed every time she sees it. Buy her or rather BAKE her some comfort food.

sorry for your loss user

sorry for your loss user. keep her company, thats the best you can do... no physical item can make her feel better

Don't be stupid user. She just lost her husband, why would she need things? You must be american or retarded for thinking this way.
Buy her some nice but simple flowers, and most importantly, be there for her. Support her and talk about the god old time and all the crazy thing grandpa did or said

>I want to give my grandma something great,

Your time user. Just spend time with your grandma. And i agree food is a good idea.

A gatebox


glad some other user understands humanity. the best present you can give your grandmother right now is your love and support. not everyproblem in the world can be solved with money.

Buy her an Orange tree in Isreal

take her for a trip to different country

A one person bed would also be a decent idea..

Send her some ChainLink

Get as much pictures from your grandpa as you can find, digitalize them and make her a photobook.

t. (((orange tree seller)))

>old lady about to die from heartbreak
>her retard grandson liquidates his only investments to buy her something

I'd hate you if I was her for even considering this just spend time with her you soulless fucking nigger what the fuck do you think buying her something is going to do? make your grandpa come back?


I hope OP isn't an autistic nigger and does this at the very least.

Fuck that stupid cunt and fuck you. No one cares.
Give me your BTC and KYS.

Write a fake email from your grandfather to you describing how much he loves her

Maybe take her on a special trip that they both use to do together that you know she'll love? Like it could just be going to get dinner at a special restaurant, ect.

Being there for her is the best thing you can do though, older people really just appreciate the company and having someone to talk to.

im sorry for ur loss user.

Just your time, while she still has hers.

do you really think someone who just lost her love wants a physical item?? wtf
either make her something to express love or just kill yourself too to double down, give the old bat a taste of reality

something only a grandson can do for his grandma, be there

this OP aren't you jealous that your grandma is thinking of her husband instead of her awesome grandson?

Give her the only thing that will comfort her in this time of need.


This user all the way.
Go and see her, spend time with her.
She's not going to care about money, friends and family will trump all

Don't do it. Just give her something kind. Maybe cook for her.

>tfw grandpa died 4 months ago

you're grandma don't need your money right now fool, or gifts or anything. the last thing she would want is for you to spend your tiny savings on her. be there for her fool, not on this retarded ass board

just spend time with her user

This OP, this.

This. Food is customary to give during these times. Make comfort food. I send those Edible Arrangements to people who lost someone close to them. They seem to really like them.


>grandma lost grandpa
sure man the most sane thing to do right now is buy your grandma something nice, because that's how you show love and support to your loved ones right?
Buy her a nice vacation so she can go out and treat herself, that'll make her feel all better.
Fucking idiot. Go and cry on your bed and tell your grandma you love her.

Tell your grandma you're in love. You think she wants to know you cry yourself to sleep and masturbate 3 times a day? Her happiness is seeing you happy. She already did it all.




This lol. You sound like a faggot OP.

>drown grief in food
fucking amerifats.
Last I checked when someone I knew died the last thing on my mind was food.

Tell your grandma that the reason your grandpa died is becuase you confessed to him that you are a FAG!!!!

>Last I checked when someone I knew died the last thing on my mind was food.
Did you think at all before you typed that? That's exactly why food is given.

These times 1000

OP if you aren't already on your way to her house I curse you until the day you die.

Give her the dick obviously, she won't be getting any action now so it's your job to satisfy her.

Unless it's a picture of him, or something for his funeral, she's not gonna want it and it'll be weird. The best gift you can give is emotional availability and your listening ear. Just spend time with her and talk with her about your Grandfather.

Sorry about your lost op

>4k EUR

Sorry for your loss bro. I was pretty torn up when my grandfathers died because they were the last real men of their respective families, men who knew hard work and sacrifice. The rest are selfish hedonistic slobs who richly deserve the hell that's coming.

you're a dumb faggot just kill yourself she'll be happier that way. Literally asking us if you should piss away your lambo ticket to help nana's fefe's. People die, its life, people DON'T get the chance to get in on paradigm shifting technologies like you did EVER.

lol so by your own summation the last real respective men of your family raised dogshit individuals. They sound like dumbfuck preboomers to me. The last real men died in the late 20's, anyone who turned in their gold in '33 was a faggot fucking KEK who contributed to the shit show we've progressed to. Fuck your stupid old grand parents. YOU ARE THE FUTURE. AND YOU WILL BE THE NEW 1%. DO NOT FUCK THIS UP LIKE YOUR GRANDPARENTS DID.

Bruh... I'm laughing my ass off

Because you're right

im being dead serious you fuckers dont realize this shit is gonna explode exponentially in the next few months. Secure your shit, and remember to never trust jews, homeschool your kids FOR FUCKS SAKE you're gonna be so crypto rich that you won't have to wage cuck. Spend that time raising your kid to be the next Nikola Tesla.

>crypto rich

If this happens I will make lots of other Anons rich. The blackpilled ones who were once redpilled. Imagine how much sweet chaos this would cause.

its all coming, 2018 fiat will start collapsing

Set up a couple exchange accounts for her with some money you send. Tell her to visit Veeky Forums to learn the ropes of cryptotrading. She'll forget about your grandpa in no time

Give her your time and attention. Be emotionally available. There is no material item you can buy that will replace that relationship.

Just be there for her.

buy some bitbean for her, that adorable little fucker will surely lift her spirits

Dubs confirm.

It's fucking happening

if she comes to biz and posts tits, she will make money guaranteed