This shit. This shit right here pisses me off...

This shit. This shit right here pisses me off. We have a generation that feels entitled to compliments for no god damn reason. Fat hate thread

Other urls found in this thread:

>women say men do not deserve sex
>they think they deserve compliments
fuck off

It's not just fatties that are entitled faggots, user.

and yet we have people like you, OP, who feel entitled to oxygen.

You said it, OP.


Agreed with you, OP. Women already get way too much special treatment from thirsty men/orbiters and develop massive egos to go with their sub-par looks. This shit needs to end, not get even worse.

>At the store pharmacy
>Pic related waddles up to the counter after releasing her death grip on her cart
>Demands 10 packs of sudafed and doxycycline for her infection
>Pharmacist denies the ten packs of sudafed but will give her the antibiotics
>Walrus is not pleased, but says fine and sits down
>Opens bag of chips and sweet tea to eat while waiting for drugs
>Husband comes up to her while picking scabs on his face asking about the sudafed
>Weighs like 10 pounds
>Runs up to counter and starts threatening the pharmacist demanding sudafed
>Womyn ever so gingerly puts her bag of chips down for a second and waddles over to husband
>literally Picks husband up and drags him outside with the groceries she hadn't paid for

Weird day.

Why do you care? (Genuine question) this place was cool when it was getting advice to better ourselves or some sort of motivation. But I guess threads hating on fat people and complaining about no gf is real informative.

Her weight is so high that it shifted the camera angle.

>implying anyone deserves a compliment
If some nerdy guy said this, he'd be laughed out of the building.

shut your noise hole, you fat fuck

It's funny cause most of the people posting in these threads struggle with their weight/were fat as fuck at one point.

Real skinny people don't give a fuck.

you don't deserve anything
nobody deserves anything

t. devout catholic

No fattie here. Just not an insecure, faggot.

Why do we constantly have to have one of these threads?

It is the same old shit that gets posted every time and occasionally there is a dribble of OC.

Don't start a new thread unless you have some new shit or something actually interesting to discuss.

>Just not an insecure, faggot
nice comma usage. now stop eating while typing, youre making your keyboard dirty, your mother disappointed and me sick

nice fuckin' waist clincher

I have never understood the love for nutella.

jesus christ , fat people stories which evolved into fat hate has been a staple of fit, the reason it is fat hate and not fat people stories is because of the massive influx of the 'obesity is love, obesity is life' shit that has infected half of the worlds population, understand that everything in the world isn't meant for instant gratification and positive reinforcement of negative behavior, go back to tumblr. most fat hate threads have at least 1 or 2 fatties who open up and express the truth, which will help get them on the road to recovery. self-loathing leads to self-improvement.

I come to fat hate to drown the cravings for food away.

You know what I meant and it doesn't change the fact that making fun of overweight people makes you feel better about yourself.

Oh sorry. You must be the founding father of fit. Hurrr durrr fat assess dont they know they cant be happy.

m8, if you don't like fat hate threads, don't open them

something tells me your BMI is measurable by regular numbers

seriously , go back to tumblr. hurr durr fat asses can't be happy, look at all the fucking drivel they constantly shit all over social media. go to any fitness/weight loss subreddit, and read the hate fat fucks spew at people who lose weight or better their lives. you are clearly fat, you clearly hate yourself, change your diet, once you get your diet under control start with some moderate cardio/weight lifting.

i'm ashamed to love that stuff, but usually one or two spoons at a time are enough for a few days. They mostly get bad (by date) before i even eat a whole glass (which is good i guess?)

Fucking meth heads man. At least fatty regulated.

Some guy on /r9k/ just posted this

>This is true, but people who lose weight end up having singnificantly slower metabolisms (burning as much as 800 fewer calories/day) then people with the same height and weight.
>But once you gain the weight back, your metabolism returns to normal. In essence, your body literally fights to get back to its original weight.
>The biggest loser study proves this:

This sounds like horseshit to me, but I was wondering what the technical explanation is.

"We deserve compliments from society" triggered

>The sample size is 16


Though it is true that you do burn fewer calories when you lose weight, that's because your fucking BMR went down with it, not because of metabolism.

This stuff makes me feel like I'm crazy sometimes.
>Stereotypes about plus size women need to change
Okay, you know what? I am totally on board. I mean, in general, negative stereotypes in general are pointless and inefficient. So cool, I agree-
Wait, what? Now it's about YOU receiving COMPLIMENTS? What petty bullshit are you on about? It's like they get so close to making sense, then zip straight into entitlement and attention-seeking behavior.

>Stereotypes about fat women need to change
What stereotypes is she talking about, even? I'm sort of confused about what she means.

>take lazy couch potatoes with barely any lean body mass
>make them go on insane crash diet for the viewers, ensuring their last bits of LMB go along with the fat
>wow, what happened to their BMR? science loses, HAES wins!

who are you talking to?

>deserve compliments

This is not what this study says. In fact, it says the opposite.

Here goes:

At the beginning of the study (prior to the show), the participants had normal RMRs for people their weight. At the end of the show, the participants had normal RMRs for someone at their new weight

What is weird that happened, is that, despite gaining the weight back, their RMR didn't climb back to what it was at the beginning. Instead, it stayed where it was at the end of the show, when they had lost weight.

Now, what this shows is that the metabolic adaptation persisted, but not that it was greater than to be expected. So, as far as this study can tell, once they were at their new low weight, they could have maintained by eating like someone at their new low weight. They 800 calorie deficit only occurs AFTER they fatted themselves back up, because their RMR didn't rise back in response.

But, most importantly, I want to reiterate that there is nothing in this study to suggest that they would have had a harder time maintaining their new low weight than someone who had been that weight for most of their life. That is, they could have stayed at their low weight if they continued to eat like a low weight person, as far as this study can tell (because this isn't addressed by this study)

1) because fatties from Veeky Forums come here and their hatred burns of their blubber
> this is how I got in-fat
2) it keeps thirsty fitizens from fucking fatties and increasing their already inflated fattie-egos.

Same, these threads keep me motivated to not eat like shit

Me too.

I try to find one anytime that piece of cake in the fridge crosses my mind before cheat day.

This post is underrated.

>put zero effort in
>demand praise

Fuck off, Fatty!!

You're a useless sack of shit. You'll amount to nothing. You'll cry when I take a photo of you at the grocery store.

Feels good to not be a freak.

>attention from betas
>boosted ego

Not quite.

They get attention, lots of it.
But they KNOW it's from a ugly, pathetic beta.

They hate that fact, that's why they cry so much, they constantly wish they could attract a better mate, but they never will.


Because it's funny as fuck to laugh at disgusting fat fucks

You're not even human

Worse than niggers

>defending fat disgusting lardasses, but judging people by their skin color

retarded idiot cunt

You're getting b8'd on, m8

>defending fats

I did no such thing.

Niggers are scum tho. G19 keeps me safe from the ferals.

fuck off fatty
fat hate helped me push through the worst parts of my sugar addiction

How bad was your sugar addiction

I love desserts and it never made me fat. Just have to control yourself user

>sugar addiction

>sugar addiction

Shut the fuck up you pathetic sack of shit

You weren't 'addicted'

You're a greedy fat fuck

yeah, what a faggot right?
>18*sqrt(i) BMI master race

>Addiction is a condition that results when a person ingests a substance (e.g., alcohol, cocaine, nicotine) or engages in an activity (e.g., gambling, sex, shopping) that can be pleasurable but the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work, relationships, or health. Users may not be aware that their behavior is out of control and causing problems for themselves and others.

Consider suicide you bitter chubby faggot.

>claims 'addiction to sugar'
>calls humans laughing at him 'chubby'


>normies who fell for the "addiction is chemical" government-sponsered meme

Not the guy replying to, but are we actually on Veeky Forums jesus christ?
Sugar creates an craving, which can turn into an addiction. If you quit coffee, you'll feel a huge lack of energy until you're free from it, then you'll have energy you didn't even know you had in the first place.
Same goes for cigarette.
Now if you manage to cut off sugar, even natural one, the same will happen. You'll feel like shit for a couple of weeks, you'll crave it, and eventually you'll get the upside of being fucking unkillable energy-wise.

>confirmed fats


It's fucking science, mate. Read a book.

the show is about to begin

>not understanding addiction is a mental condition
There have been many studies friend.
People who have food addictions do so not because they are hungry, but because it is a pleasure response and stress reducer.
The vast majority of people who end up with food addictions also have extreme social problems, shit family, next to no friends, and constantly are ostracised for their issue.
Couple that with the fact that salty/sugary additives are in ALL food because idiots in government havent the sense to ban such practices, and you have a recipie for obesity.
In the end it starts with parenting imo.
Fat fucks generally have parents that are FUCKED UP or too nice.
Arnolds dad made him do situps to earn breakfast. Her learned that work was rewarding as second nature early on.
Its hard as fuck having a problem you dont have the strength to combat.
But this is murika, we want sweat, blood, and tears. Not results.
Its people like you that make fat acceptance movements possible.

>thinks Anonymous is one person

>work at pizza place
>daytime manager
>the location im working has a dine in area
>get stuck alone with a single delivey driver
>guy is a 300 lb ginger with a giant jewfro and a pedo mustache
>'smoke weed blaze it' wanna be hippie kinda fag
>smells like absolute shit
>a sun of construction workers come in to eat, order three pizzas
>they all use the bathroom to piss, hands are still covered in dirt when they leave bathroom
>you know they didnt fucking wash up
>they finally get their food after a 15 minutes wait
>usually takes 10 mins but I wont let the fat guy touch the makeline, cuz he smells like a walking health violation
>they eat and sit there for an hour and a half
>they finished their meals in like 20 mins but talked for forever
>when they finally left I noticed they put their napkins and bubble gum on the pizza pans
>didnt finish a whole fucking pizza but put trash all over it
>tell the fattie to bus the table for me and he sits down at the table and starts going to town on the goddamn pizza like its the best hes ever had
>I stare at him in horror
>looks at me and says...'wut, wuts wrong?'

Closed up early that day.


Not really. Men that are 9.5/10 will still be thirsty and give attention to average looking girls. It's only the perfect Chads that don't put women on a pedastal.

the biochemical explanation has to do with the hormone Leptin.
Leptin is in charge of whether or not you feel full. It is created by adipocytes when they are filled (where fat is stored) to signal that you are full and should stop eating. Inversely, when your adipocytes are empty, leptin is low, so you feel hungry. However, when you eat too much your body creates more adipocytes to store more fat. The problem is once you start trying to lose weight you now have a lot more adipocytes than the normal person. This means itll take more food to fill your adipocytes to get the leptin response to feel full. Unfortunately adipocytes take a really really long time to be lost, so you need to have discipline to fight off your hunger when losing weight.

It's literally a meme. It got spammen on 9fag and now everyone's always loved the shit. Fuck, I hadn't even heard of it before that. Maybe it was all viral marketing.

Any other self-hating fatties in this thread?

Threads like these help keep me motivated to stay on my cut.

>we deserve x!

OMFG bitch it's called a holiday, go take one.

it's more akin to long service leave without having to provide long service. who the fuck hands out 3+ months of vacation

yeah, but they want it paid

people who aren't misogynists, shitlord

Only a woman would go such lengths to rationalize her laziness

Or it's a very poor attempt in being funny

it becomes clear later in the article that she is actually jelly of the attention new mothers get and that they get to leave work early



"The guy who wrote that is a retard.

>Caring about what others say on a girl scout cookie ordering board.

Back to r.eddit bud

I used to agree to extent because I never really found anorexic models that attractive but they've taken it way too far to the point they're trying to make people believe every fat disgusting whale is attractive in her own way. No. Most of them would be more attractive if they lost weight.

Not really that interesting but it russled my gymmies, happened tonight

>small city
>work in a bar
>only about 3 other bars downtown
>dont usually go out much
>if I do it's constantly having to meet and greet the regulars
>make an exception for an old oneitis
>meet her at one of the other bars
>shes looking good, chatting it up
>in walk some of her old work friends
>"omg user!!!"
>que 5 minutes of "I havent seen you in forever"
>I suggest we all grab a table
>soon hambeast joins the table
>affectionately greeting who turns out to be her boyfriend
>he will be called bucktooth
>3 gentlemen, myself, my date and the hambeast
>be all 20 something years old
>I am enjoying a conversation with the others about geting cut off at bar
>hambeast intetjects
>} was talking about cutting off a regular by giving him a plain coke press
>"You cant do that user! You have to be upfront with them
>bert stare
>"Dont tell me how to do my job"
>hambeast errupts
>"I really dont care"
>various other insults not related to my features
>at a loss of words for fatty who exploded
>turn to hambeasts boyfriend, who is now attentive
>"Hey dude, youre a nice guy but tell your girlfriend to stop being a bitch Im sick of her shit"
>bucktooth now demands
>"bro you just need to calm down"
>"I am calm, if I was yelling everyone in this bar would know"
>bucktooth puts his hand on me, Im not aspie but tren is telling me DONT TOUCH ME FAGGOT
>I (reasonably) keep my composure
>as Im removing his hand
>"Dont fucking touch me"
>que deathstare
>i am 6'1" 195lbs, martial arts background
>all three guys are skinny fat
>Why are they even challenging me is absurd in my eyes
>he returns his hand
>"calm down user"
>"I am calm but if you touch me again Ill break your fucking hand"
>prepare wrist lock.jpg


Hey it is not polite to hat someone because he/she has obesity complex.

Still the thought that fat women are uglier is valid. Everyone thinks that obesity makes you ugly and it is true(i mean i think that way too).

I myself am not a socialist so i shouldn't really give a fuck about it, but if you would want to make society do the right thing then you should make society hate fat people so that they start to think about their food and exercises.

Try to see it like they see it.

Imagine you are a woman. A fat woman. You keep hearing about how guys will do ANYTHING just to get the honor of having sex with you. You keep hearing about how men just can't contain themselves around women - sometimes even to the point of rape. You see guys constantly annoying your girl friends trying to get into their pants, some of them even becoming some sort of menslaves for them.

Yet none of it ever occurs to you. It's almost like you're invisible. They just don't care about you at all.

>hambeast senses bucktooths impending doom
>ensue shitstorm
>"I am a douchebag, and Im actually being nice because I could be pretty harsh right now but Im trying my best to be polite"
>"JUST GO user"
>"See thats the thing Im not going to"
>everybody begins to tell us to cool it down
>"I am cool but Ive got a short temper and I really dont wanna knock anybody out tonight"
>my date finally interupts
>user youre more handsome when your calm
>"Im calm everythings fine"
>hambeast sits across from me
>let out a gnarly burp
>blow it strait into hambeasts face
>obnoxious even for me
>Bucktooth comes to the rescue!
>"t..that was rude"
>"Yeah it was. Is there a problem with that?"
>tren wtf are you doing
>bucktooth backs off
>eventually hambeast and bucktooth leave when conversation ensues between everyone else
>all I wanted to do was tell this girl
>even if I was bald theres more skin under your neck than could stretch over my would-be bald head

Im still confused why the hambeast challenged me. It was very out of line for someone to jump to personal insults so quickly, even though she was literally a pig nosed pork-a-belly. Figurately, sorry. Immediately on leaving my date apologized and said she had no idea why her friends gf was such a cunt.

I held 99% of my temper but the tren was telling my brain to break his bones.

Well shit, didn't know it had that much palm oil. Gonna give it a try

Oh they know. They know HARD. They know every day when they wake up and think maybe today is the day they finally end it. They know every time they get up and their back hurts. They know it everytime they try to get into a relationship and the person has this look of complete disgust before denying them.

Fat asses are pretty damn aware that they can't ever be happy. Not while they're fat, at least. The problem is that they try to hide it with lies and create a fucking echo chamber around it. Then some poor souls will get trapped inside, believing the lies and giving up on his own life.

If someone is too weak willed to not eat like a fucking elephant, then that's their issue, but once they start fucking up with others, then it's everyone's issue. Obesity is a huge problem and needs to get crushed.

Great story. Compelling and rich.

>1/8th low fat cocao
>1/5th sugar
>1/4th oil

Damn man, talk about restraint. I'd have had trouble keeping my cool for sure... good story

>This shit. This shit right here pisses me off.
Why, are you forced to give compliments to fatties?

> I had always dreamed of marriage and motherhood, but I still wasn't ready
I think the words she's looking for is "No one wanted to marry me and impregnate me because I'm an ugly fat bitch who's also lazy and selfish".

This was just shat out by someone on right? Not some publication?
Because even proud fatties would pause for thought before saying they deserve compliments like its a human right.

They actually believe they are beautiful and that the fat is not a thing that makes them uglier.

They think people only dislike fat because of fatphobia and patriarchy and oppression and that if people really looked at it, they'd think they're gorgeous.

I find this to be true. The people who hate fatties the most are the formerly obese.

Nutella is God like. holy shit does that stuff tastes good. it's also great during sex, lick it off your girls nipples

It's not horseshit it was proven. I read an article in the New York Times on this. It explained that people do get permanently slower metabolisms after losing a lot of weight so that it is much harder for them to maintain a normal body weight than other people despite eating the same number of calories. They have to eat in fact 800 calories less than the average person with the same height and weight just to maintain what the average person weighs. So I do feel bad for them. They have all the odds stacked against them. I stopped hating fatties at that point. They are more objects of sympathy at that point.

Stereotypes about plus sized men need to change. We also deserve compliments from society

Poor hygiene

>want to reiterate that there is nothing in this study to suggest that they would have had a harder time maintaining their new low weight than someone who had been that weight for most of their life.

The opposite is in fact true.

read this article you'll see that it clearly states that they have to permanently eat at a deficit for the rest of their lives just to maintain a normal body weight.

For Americans yes.

The rest of the world has been eating nutella for decades. Here in the UK I had it all the time growing up in the 90s.

Maybe you guys just discovered what non-puke flavoured chocolate was. (American chocolate is infused with acids commonly found in vomit, which is why no one eats that shit in Europe)

Maybe next, you'll discover that eggs are supposed to be brown, not white. Inb4 a bunch of you fags look it up and discover the horror behind American white eggs. (Enjoy)

Do you put your eggs in the fridge or is it legit over there

Nope, I do it because you fat fucks get so mad lmao go eat your feelings

Fat guy with no intention of losing weight here, while I dont think anybody deserves compliments, but bulling fat people because they are fat is incredibly stupid, now this is Veeky Forums and its the internet, so you can do here whatever you want, I cant and dont want to change anything about that, but please for the love of god, keep it here.

And just something to keep in mind, I am as happy as I can be.