Hey Veeky Forums...

Hey Veeky Forums, I don't really browse this board but I was wondering if it is realistic to gain some muscle mass in roughly 7 weeks. Keep in mind that I am 6 foot, and 127 pounds (skinny as hell)

Read the sticky

127lbs...nigga you could get 25lbs just from eating normally. What do you eat, breakfast only? Eat normally, lift some shit...like yourself can you even do a pushup, go do it


You can gain up to .25 - .5 pounds of muscle a week if you train really hard and eat enough food. So expect 1.75 - 3.5 pounds of muscle gain in 7 weeks under the right conditions. I'd run ICF 5x5 for maximum hypertrophy training.

I actually eat a normal diet, even a bit more sometimes. I just have a really fast metabolism.

That's a really fucking stupid question, even for someone who doesn't know anything about fitness. Is it realistic to gain SOME muscle mass in 7 weeks? Is it realistic to aim for a nonzero gain in muscle mass in 7 weeks? Yes you fucking dummy, of course it is. Did you think it might just be impossible to make any progress from almost two months of lifting and eating?

No, you don't. You think you have a fast metabolism. In reality, you just don't eat much.

I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every fucking day.
How should I proceed then?

Oh wow, breakfast, lunch, AND dinner? That means nothing. You could consume two thousand calories in one meal or not break a thousand over three meals depending on what you eat. I'd bet money that you're eating 2000 calories or less a day.

Not the guy you were replying to, but I guarantee you don't eat as much as you think and you'll see that if you start counting calories. Read the sticky and start a bulk from there

>How should I proceed then?
Stop asking stupid questions and read the fucking sticky

I might be delusional, but I am sure I eat properly. Today I ate cereal (don't judge), a sandwich with ham, cheese, lettuce and butter, an apple, pretzel sticks, Doritos (tiny bag), I made my own chicken stuffed with feta cheese and spinach, dumplings and salad. What more do I need? I understand I may need to eat a tad bit more if I want to gain muscle mass.

READ THE GODDAMN STICKY. Afterwards download myfitnesspal and be sure to hit your macros. It's that simple. If you want to escape skeleton mode quickly you might try GOMAD

Eat double. You are delusional

>6 ft
>127 lbs
>"fast metabolism"


I haven't lied.

>Ate one decent meal and a bunch of utterly useless shit
>I am sure I eat properly


No, you're just delusional. Literally measure everything you eat tomorrow, calculating exact calories. Then make a thread admitting you simply don't eat enough. I'll be here :^)

Holy shit this guy is literally from that pic making fun of what lanklets eat

OP is either a troll or a retard.




the wall

If you SS+GOMAD, you will build SOME muscle in 7 weeks. You will not look all abz and sexy. You won't even be big or strong.

You'll have do SS for at least three more months on top of that and move to an intermediate routine more in line with your long term goals and consider diet adjustment in order to get where you want to be.

And even then, given the level of body dismorphia on Veeky Forums, you probably won't get to where you think you want without steroids. Which might be considered after SS.

Also, because this has apparently been a problem before, SS+GOMAD means the SS program and a gallon of milk a day IN ADDITION TO SOLID FOOD. Do not just drink a gallon of milk and consume nothing else, even if it would make for a fucking hilarious thread.

Wow! A whole sandwich??? Fucking skellys




>What more do I need?

A gallon of WHOLE MILK per day. That will be 2400 calories in addition to the food you're already eating. You will gain weight.

With this in addition to SS, you will gain muscle

But in absolute seriousness eat double...at least
Like he said


With how small you are, you could probably make a difference in only seven weeks. But generally it takes 3 months for a significant difference body composition wise.

It takes 4 months to finish optimising your cns before you can put on actual muscle mass. You have zero chance unless you take steroids, and even then it's highly unlikely you'll be able to accomplish much from that, because a typical cycle is 10 weeks, and you would have to account for shipping time.

what, i don't know what that is but as long as someone eats right and does the work they should be able to build muscle mass from the start, at least I did

Congratulations you ate 1800 calories in a day MAYBE. Only 178 less than how much you need to maintain your fucking weight

Central nervous system.
Initial strength gains are actually just your nervous system optimising the neurones that innervate muscle fibres for stronger contractions, and lessens inhibitory safeguards on the muscle.
Basically you aren't really putting the muscle in a state of progressive overload until it's no longer able to optimise contractions to adjust for the weight. You'll find that being sore after having never working out in your life is very different from muscle soreness after you cause microtraumas, in that one just slows you down, and the other allows for muscle to rebuild and adapt to higher work loads.

Thank you skeleton. I've got immunity cat though.


I can give you some actual advice here. I was 5ft11 and I weighed about 125 pounds.

You probably have zero chest muscles right now, after about 7 weeks you should be able to flex your chest muscles and have a minor increase in arms, shoulder, legs and back size. You will get quite a lot of noobie gains.

The most important thing is eating properly. Do as everyone said in this thread, download a free fitness app and input everything you eat for every single day. You will see that you are only reaching about 1700-1900 calories on average (was like that for me). And considering you probably do have a bit of a faster metabolism than others, that's 500-700 calories less than you should be eating to get a healthy weight.

If you are going to work out, you want to try to reach 3500-4000 calories every single day (at least in the beginning) to gain some decent weight, because right now you are underweight.

Reaching 4000 calories a day was really hard for me and I often felt sick, in fact I almost never reached that amount in the first month. But it's a nice goal to have. Just try to be consistent. Good luck bro

yes yes, you eat fucking nothing as others have said

learn how to properly bulk and go from there

Thats what they all say...

shut the fuck up I thought the same thing when I was 125lbs at 6'0

You don't eat shit. That's like 200kcal of calories that do something and MAX1000kcal of empty carbs and sugar

read the sticky


u can tone ur body in that time.. most of ur gains will be from improved technique though sorry