
Were their any slavers/slave owners that treated their slaves "well/good"?

Statistically there must have been at least one, though I suppose it depends entirely on what qualifies as well/good treatment

Oh and I forgot to add that i mostly meants slaves and slavers during Atlantic Slave Trade

The thing literally ask to be slave haha

Greek slaves in Ancient Rome.

Depends. Slavery in Rome was pretty cruel. Slavery in the old south wasn't quite as bad as black folks try to make it out to be.

>bringing a product to market to sell for profit
>unnecessarily damaging it before sale

Sure, the living conditions for the slaves were fucking terrible, as was likely disease, but these were problems endemic to long ocean voyages as a whole, whether slave or sailor.


My ex mistress was really nice to me.
>inb4 anecdotal evidence doesn't count


>About 15% of slaves died during slave voyages at the end of seventeenth century
>During the same voyages, about 16% of sailors died
Later in the eighteenth century the treatment of slaves improved (since the prices increased) and their mortality got down to 10%, while sailor mortality from American and African diseases remained constant.
Percentually, slave voyages actually killed more whites than blacks.

Seneca (Stoic Roman philosopher and politician from Spain) said he terated them good and said that the men who didn't were immoral

Shipping companies feared the Black Line

this is news to me but not too surprising - would you care more for valuable cargo or low wage semi-skilled workers?
have you sources it would be nice thing to troll people with.

No internet sources, i did semestral work on it once, and i read this in one of these books, can't recall which - Royal African Company - Davies, West African History - Ade Ajayi, Freedom's Debt - Robin Law

>would you care more for valuable cargo or low wage semi-skilled workers?
this is bullshit, most of the deaths of slaves during the early period were caused by mistreatment, meanwhile all of the white crew deaths were caused by illness.

They ran the gamut from paternal humanitarians who genuinely believed they were helping blacks to brutal psychopaths.

Literally the exact opposite was true. Poor Romans would often sell themselves into slavery to cover their debts. No blacks would ever do that.

bedroom fetishes don't fucking count it's consent

most of it went down in the basement and the kitchen, I wasn't normally allowed in the bedroom, only on special occasions. Also, not everything is consent when you play without safe word.

Alexander Stephens was famous for his treatment of slaves. They called his plnation Free Nigger Town.

Nearly everyone stayed with him until he died

Why would a farmer want to destroy his farm equipment desu

If you really want to know there's over a thousand narratives saved by the Federal Govt in each State. There were good and there were bad.

In ancient rome, some of greek slaves were paid monthly and were respected because of their arts/talents . Augustus threw tableware to floor until rich guy stopped torturing the slave. Sometimes families let slave free but there were expected to take the family name and contiune serving the family.

Cos he's stupid, or drunk, or angry.

>he doesn't want his mistress to peg him

If you spent a lot of money to buy a high quality slave, you would treat him well. Of course it depends what you are buying. If you buy farmhands by the dozens on one of your estates you would do the bare minimum, but they would still have to be in working condition. If you buy an accountant, you will offer him a decent lifestyle. Same if he is your personnal secretary or any other job requiring soft skills and intellect.

So I'd wager most slaves would be well treated by their masters, those that weren't were the labourers, as the masters weren't there and they were left to do menial labour for the rest of their lives, or the female domestic slaves who would, you know, serve other purposes they may not enjoy.

Of course you will always have the odd sadistic master who enjoys inflicting pain and dominating others; but they would be a minority imo.

i remember learning in grade school the North would have like one slave that was a part of your home and you'd treat him decent

The educated* Greek slaves.
But besides that yeah, pretty much.

tbqh, the slightest possibility of ending up is a sadist is why I dont understand why person can argue slavery isn't that bad.

What is the closest they ever came to THIS?

this Take a trip to "fluffy booru", it seems kind of silly at first, just poking fun at /mlp/, however some people there get really into it, spending hours drawing comics with very "creative" ideas, and it would not be much of a psychological leap for these autists to develop the same attitude towards human beings.

Once someone discovers there are no consequences to their actions they might take some worthless old slave and experiment with him in their basement.

>A population, originally consisting of the most diverse and, for the most part, very demoralized elements, a population that gradually grew to 2,500, he turned into a model colony, in which drunkenness, police, magistrates, lawsuits, poor laws, charity, were unknown. And all this simply by placing the people in conditions worthy of human beings, and especially by carefully bringing up the rising generation. He was the founder of infant schools, and introduced them first at New Lanark. At the age of two, the children came to school, where they enjoyed themselves so much that they could scarely be got home again. Whilst his competitors worked their people 13 or 14 hours a day, in New Lanark the working-day was only 10 and a half hours. When a crisis in cotton stopped work for four months, his workers received their full wages all the time. And with all this the business more than doubled in value, and to the last yielded large profits to its proprietors.

>In spite of all this, Owen was not content. The existence which he secured for his workers was, in his eyes, still far from being worthy of human beings. "The people were slaves at my mercy."

>F Engels, _Socialism Utopian & Scientific_ / _Anti-Duhring_

Lynchings have been a thing for centuries. Black pows during the civil war were often simply murdered.