Pic related, especially interested in skinny dudes who put on weight. Fat dudes who lost it appreciated too

Pic related, especially interested in skinny dudes who put on weight. Fat dudes who lost it appreciated too.

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I wanted to travel the world, feel good and fuck women

Get a haircut

No one cares about fat people who lost it all they do is cardio its not hard, going from skinny to huge however is a massive accomplishment.

tired of being scrawny and wanted more respect / attention. Its nice going out and getting complimented. People actually listen to what i have to say now.

What? So you say eating 6000 kcal is hard? I had so much problems stopping eating Shit all the time three years ago. Ate 5-6000 kcal a day. Now im cutting from 18% to 10%. Eating 2 meals a day 1000 kcal total


daily reminder that any fitness subreddit >>> Veeky Forums

I joined the military

i had a bad lsd trip.
felt so grateful when it was over that i wanted to change my life.
dropped 25 lbs in 4 months. started lifting. ez

>permanent bulk

that's not hard, there is nothing difficult about stuffing your face

what you meant to say is what's impressive is fatties losing a shitload of weight and then bulking

5'6" manlet who went from 200lbs to 140.

>feels good/

Was 60kg 6 months ago. I'm now 75kg.

Gym and eating a lot more (sometimes used to only have one meal a day).

I want to gain another 10kg.

im so gay

>what I have to go through is hard everything that's easy for me but not always others is unimpressive

lazy fatty shoo shoo

from 52kg to 81kg
11month progress

whatever it takes

good job OP
My friend:

>Ran 5/3/1 with Joker sets once per thrice week cycles

>Has stop weightlifting (completely) and focused on running, even though he dropped 800lbs on a new power rack/bench
>Runs 2xDay (6xWeek). Each run 15-20 minutes
>Running to focus on "cutting"
>He's 5'7'' and 162lbs
>Cant bench his bodyweight
>Does barbell rows with a mixed grip (like a deadlift) ... yes you read this correctly
>Wears a belt for squats, no matter the weight
>calls his "cutting and not lifting" method the "hybrid method"
>says girls like skinny guys and he's been getting checked out by women more often (he wears TIGHTS without shorts to the gym/outside)

Holy shit, Carl really bulked up after that video got out.

You're... interested in dudes? Ok.

kill yourself, faggot

DYEL fucking spotted

29kg in one year is nuts (and a lie).

he clearly gained fat with the muscle. look how underweight he was to begin with...

It's seriously true.
I was very dedicated and bulked on top tier nutrition.
You get what you put in my friend.

Wut? He obviously also gained a significant amount of fat. 20 pounds of muscle as a skelly natty is reasonable. Plus 30 pounds of fat. So around 25kg. Add in a few pounds of creatine bloat, and based on the appearance of user, maybe some puberty height gains, and you've got a 30 kilo bulk

>eating is hard

>not eating is hard

I was tired of being a skinny cunt. I have wide hips and weird insertions, so I'll never be truly aesthetic, but it's a lot better than being a skellington.

I'm 6'3 and weighted 52kg from
drug addiction.
I went up in weight like crazy when I got clean and started being healthy.

Faggot, both my parents are drug addicts

>drug addiction.

good jbo getting over it though ... im assuming

im 5'10'' and prrob 20% BF ... but my lifts are still novice. I cant cut until i get decent strength........

Lol sure. It is hard work at the beginning until the body is used to eating so much. A fat dudes body never gets used to eating a little (objectively for that person). For that reason going from skinny tu muscular is much easier. Also the benefit of easy shredding time.

How do you achieve this?

He looks nowhere near 51kg in the first photo

Took 5 years, but I went from 270 to 185 to 210

This. People actually accomplish things and help each other on reddit.

Your nipples are so small. Very nice.


Wouldn't it be better to just cut all the fat off and then lift if you're 20% BF?

Did you cut from 270 to 185 in one go? What did you look like after, before you started bulking up.

I kind of agree with the both of you. As a former fat person, after I lost all that weight it seems so much easier to lose weight than to gain it accordingly with muscle.

>daily reminder that any fitness subreddit >>> Veeky Forums

9 months. Went from 64 Kg to 76 Kg.

Wow, lots of fatties here

Tired of being on 6 medications. Now I'm only on one pharmajew and a sleep med.

Not even going to bother quoting the posts but are you faggots seriously arguing about this? Not eating for a fatty is as hard as eating for a skelly. Whenever you think you "didn't eat too much" but gain weight, a skelly thinks "shit man I eat like ALL the food" and doesn't gain. And so on.

And bare in mind that while you were permabulking you could easily fit 4000cal or more in a day with soda, sweets, fries, etc. A skelly has to do that with healthy food, which is significantly harder. Hell I'm cutting and even I find it hard some times to down my 1500-2000cal of healthy food.

Also what is actually impressive is
>fat fags losing all the weight and then gaining muscle
>skelly fags gaining all the weight and then losing fat

t. fatass

100% agree.

It's 2x more difficult for skelly's to add mass than it easy for fatties to just put down the fork.

It does take considerably longer to get decent muscle compared to losing weight

No, it's not hard. I was able to put on a lot of weight by drinking the majority of my calories.

Grass is always greener etc

Diabetes was creeping up on me. My diabetic stepdad asked me if wanted to live my entire life with it.

But im a lazy fatso

Fake and gay

Nice photoshop

You guys did. The first time.

Back in the heyday of Veeky Forums - that golden era - I stumbled onto this board on a whim. I wandered over from Veeky Forums, lurked for a few weeks, and put it all together.

I started at 430 pounds and completely sedentary, I must of been at least 65% body fat. Calories in, calories out. Move more, eat less. In a couple months I dropped down to 390 and started Starting Strength.

I was almost there. I almost made it. Down to 260, lifts were solid, and my life was happening for the first time in 23 years. Then I fell deep into psychosis. It just came out of nowhere and slapped the shit out of me. I broke my body and severed shit that can never heal, and I lost everything. I couldn't run anymore, I couldn't lift, and that depression combined with my unraveling sanity drove me right back to emotional eating.

I never fixed that bad habit, and just a year later I was back up to 375 pounds.

It took a long time, a lot of brooding, to understand exactly what happened to my mind. I found that the pieces were all there, just shattered into a million little shards.

A lot strange shit has happened in the last year, just like the last 4 years, but this time I rolled with the punches. With every tumble I came back to my feet with another piece.

I came back. When I was back to where I started.

Now I'm 245 pounds and stronger than I was when I was whole. I'm fucking choking up, guys. It just feels like I might make it.

And if I can make, we all can make it.

>tfw skeleton at ~172lb 6'2"

got fucked over/heartbroken by a girl i liked for 2 years last summer

it's taken me a while to recover from that and i just recently started lifting again.

girls are a waste of fucking time for the time being



Took some shrooms one day with a friend. Went on a walk and at the end my legs just felt so weak. I felt weak everywhere in my body. I felt like a total fucking failure and decided that I needed to change. So the next day I signed up at the gym. Haven't looked back once.

You're gonna make it.

now theres a story.

You give me hope. Im a skelly but i was lifting for almost a solid year when something just snapped in my mind. We can make it bro.

hey man, I feel you. My experience was worse than a bad trip, it has permanently scarred me and changed my life. But aside from the overwhelming negatives I now face, I still have such a desire to live and improve myself as much as possible. I've done things that I don't even think I would have done when I was normal before the bad trip.

I am gaining weight in order to make it since I am coming from skelly. It's hard but damn is it so worth it! Making gains is the best feeling ever

I hope you make it man!

that's fucking insightful


That is one good looking ass.

saw this picture of myself flexing and realized that instead of fantasizing about having a killer physique, if i put my mind to it I could do it.

it feels so good to have a physique youre proud of. to have that six pack and those muscles that most people just fantasize about. great fucking feeling. feels good to achieve that goal and always improve.

id also be lying if i said it didnt feel good to get looks and be treated and viewed so differently.

Oh shit, when I looked at that URL I read it as FIFTEEN YEARS. Really glad it turned out to be 1.5 years.

Very similar to where I was at at 1.5 years too, except surprisingly not quite as pasty.


To lose weight, you literally just have to do nothing. Just dont fucking eat that much.
Gaining weight is hard as fuck. That is unless you literally drink oil and sugar all day. Which would be retarded

sad. stroidins are sad.




exactly, right? i was a joke and i didn't know it til i saw myself flexing and you couldnt even tell

>tired of being scrawny
>wanted more respect / attention
This. Still look like a praying mantis but I will get there some time.

Holy shit, roids! You're not even trying to hide it. You juiced too hard bro. Looking like a fuckin space ayyyyylium.

>It is hard work at the beginning until the body is used to eating so much.
Former skelly here. It never gets easier, you never really get used to it. The appetite improves, sure. But skellies just have a different relationship with food, it always feels like a chore and it's easy to forget to eat when skipping meals is so deeply rooted in your life habits.

>Had a dream about true love and I want to experience that again in my life time.

I just started my weight lose plan from being a fat ass 280lb 6'3'' 19 year old.

So far 2 days down and it's not as bad as I thought it would be but I'm worried I might relapse down the line. I've cut my calories down to about 1800cal a day, taken up swimming in the morning every second day. I posted this on Veeky Forums a little while ago and everyone was super supportive so If guys have anymore tips I'd love to hear them!

despite doing roids you're still that skinny faggot

lol @ having to roid to weigh 167 pounds

a true faggot OP is

>thinking not eating is not hard

>doing something
>not doing something
gee, I wonder, which is harder.
Fatsos detected.

Started in September at 292.

Current weight in the picture, but holy shit I am retaining all the fat right in the torso and it's a huge pain in the ass. Luckily I'm still losing, albeit a bit slower, and all my lifts are up but still.

I'd like to lose the fucken A cup.


Unlike drug addiction, there's no getting over being a manlet

I don't think skeletons realize its not just about putting the fork down.

You literally have to stop your self from listening to cravings.

Being full and still wanting to eat is very real.

You don't realize skeletons live with that feeling their whole lives but for cutters it's just a phase?

This, fat fucks have to do LITERALLY nothing to lose weight.

>why can't I stop shoveling my face with literal shit

As a former fatty, fuck off.

Why isn't it an accomplishment to just get fit in general?

Fat fucks have to stop eating.
Skinny fucks have to start eating.

There's your equal footing, bitches. There's a struggle on both sides.

they can make your limbs feel heavier though

Bait, but tasty, and I bit.

At more extreme ends of the spectrum your perspective has flaws.

Joe Blow skinny fat can look 'buff' in 6 months with enough dedication.
Jessica Anorexia, with years of therapy could be Mrs Cuck in a year or several.
350lb Manny Manlet who has a history and genetic leniage of depression and obesity has AT LEAST a year to loose all the weight, then 6 months putting on some muscle, then has loose skin after all that hard work to look 'better in a shirt.' All of this with iron clad resolve, and he WILL NEVER be as close to asthetic as Joe or Jess( loose skin, gyno, wide hips)

Dunno about you guys, but for the morbidly obese, for looking purely aesthetic, they got it pretty bad.

Yes, lost 115lbs. Loose skin at 235 is... Hard to take.

But I do look better in a shirt, and holy shit is it fantastic.

Also forgot to mention how people treat the morbily obese compared to 'normal weight people. When you are fat, you are fucking invisible.

this triggers the fatty

how do I into those forearms


he already had an attractive face before

I dont think you realize this but I have to stuff myself even when I dont want to, I wish I could just eat whenever I feel like it but that never cut it, I ate a whole jar of Peanut butter everyday for 3 months, now I drink almost a gallon of milk every day because I vomit when I smell peanut butter, I ate 200 grams of mixed nuts with raisins, now when I put a handful of that in my mouth I want to spit it out because its so fucking bland and boring, I ate sardines in oil and I hated sardines, I dont even like tuna, I have 3 tins in the house since last sunday.

I drink chocolate milk now because normal milk became a chore to drink, I ate 6 eggs a day and after the second week I couldnt stand them any longer but I still ate them.

You dont know what it means to grow to hate food, seeing your chances of bulking become smaller every day because everything you once could eat is now filling your mind with thoughts of sickness.

I still do it, I eat my pasta I drink my milk I eat my oats but its tiring, at least I know I will have milk for a quite a while since I can still stand its smell and Ive been drinking milk since 6 months every day.

you fat ignorant assholes think its hard putting down a fork, it takes nothing out of you, you know I ate all the time too, just not pure fucking saturated fats and sugar like you amerilards do. fuck you, you fat fucking cunt

roids you stupid fuck

>All these triggered landwhales who think that doing something is easier than not doing something.

So what you're saying is that it's the same fucking thing, just in the other direction

I know this feel, senpai.

Dirty bulking on all the awful shit you love like Ben & Jerry's and fast food is the only way.

Greentext your experience pls