I've reached my natty limit. Where do I get steroids?

I've reached my natty limit. Where do I get steroids?

over here kid, step into the stall here

post pic

Natty limit?
Develop your gymnastic agility.
Reached the limit for this?
Learn to fight.
MMA champion? Learn to meditate, do yoga.
Can levitate? Develop your endurance.
Can run up a mountain? Learn to read.

If you're really as strong as you can be in one aspect if your life, develop another one while maintaining your strength!

Besides, you've probably just hit a plateau.

if you would be lifting long enough to hit natty limit you would know it yourself where to get them :^)


If he's really at his peak (lets face it, he isn't) then it isn't really possible to maintain that while branching out. You can keep a lot but some sacrifice is inevitable.



are you kidding me
cut you unwilling piece of shit

You don't know if you've hit your natty limit until you've cut down to bodybuilder tier bodyfat percentage.

Having high bodyfat can make you appear bigger than you think you are. Also - high bodyfat can reduce your ability to even hit natty limit.

chill, i bet this wasn't even OP

or the whole thread is bait

Hahaha I hope that's not actually OP, skinny fat turd

Depending on how fat he is. Super high BF can screw up hormones, but super low will also knock down the maximum amount of muscle you can carry.

That's all very inspiring, but I want to be a monster. I want people to say, "Ok you're too big now. You'd be more attractive if you were smaller." I want the power and the attention, I don't give a fuck if girls think I look "weird".

Make friends with the biggest guy in the gym. Then after you have his trust ask for his sources.

Thanks for actually answering my question. I've never tried 'making friends' at the gym because everyone is so focused, I don't want to bother them. Also no one approaches me because of my resting bitch face (or so I've been told, my eyebrows point down so people think I'm always angry).

>sack of shit body that's never exercised more than 30 minutes on the treadmill a week
this bait is too obvious

>noob gains run out
>reached muh natty limit!

Just go up to him and say something to him about how big he is. Shake his hand and walk off. Next time you see him you now kind of know him so ask what he's working just make small talk until you feel like you are becoming gym friends.
Don't ask for steroids too soon or he may think you are a cop.

Wow it's almost like

You can kind of tell that

Someone came from

A place called reddit

When they post like this

And automatically assume that

Their opinion and goals are that of

What the fuck OP is looking for

Thus completely missing the point and adding fuck all to the conversation .

Eroids.com reviews?

DESU I think I have reached my genetic limit. Have been working out for 5 years. Ate 4k calories every day a month ago and I only gained like 5 pounds on bench. Being natty sucks




That means you need periodized training methods if you want to get stronger.

I'm gonna

Post like

This now

Dude , people are usually stopping to build muscle and lose them at the age of 40 aprox. and muscle loss is extremely slow tho

Don't get so triggered m8


This post

Go to Reddit's SST

You don't even know what skinny fat is you stupid fucking summerfag.

I keep getting offered dianabol at the gym and other places. Im 18 been training for 5 years and no clue about steroids except all the mixed opinions flying around any advice Veeky Forums?