I work construction and am tired as hell 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. I've never been in bad shape...

I work construction and am tired as hell 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. I've never been in bad shape, and working in construction (plus I ride my bike 10 miles to the job and back home) keeps me in good shape, but regardless, I can't go to the gym because of how exhausted I am. My only day off is Monday, and I use it to do literally nothing, which I love because of how exhausted I am.

My question is, if I wake up a couple hours before I usually do to just get a short weight lifting work out in, what workouts should I do? Just basic, compound/isolated exercises that won't fucking drain my energy for all holy hell, because when I follow other routines my muscles are too sore to lift at my job at it hurts my performance.


(I'm working on site ~10 hours a day so I don't have time for workouts over an hour or of intense quality. Just looking for something that'll help me build and maintain a good, strong physique)

Stop being a pussy
you aren't the first person in the world to work a physical labor job and workout.

stop skipping workouts and you won't be sore

>read the sticky

>stop being a pussy
boy don't talk about that shit until you get out of your moms house

get a new job then you fragile little manchild

i'm 6'2" and always bigger than you homo

but seriously just make time for it.
Bench is good
Squat is good
Diddly lift is good
you'll get used to it.

In a similar boat, work in a factory loading boxes onto pallets as fast as the line shits them out for the majority of a 10 hour shift.

I manage to go to the gym after work at 1:30 in the morning (2pm-1am, 2nd shift sucks but pays slightly more) and am working on my second month of SS.

So far all that's helped me is proper nutrition, getting as much sleep as I can, and RICE for injuries.

Bump for interest.

there is nothing worse than physical labor, construction being the worst of them all. i would adice quitting and going to welfare

How much does that pay? I'm curious but prob too much of a bitch
You should roid

I'm making just a bit over $17/hour.. been there for over 8 months and the bossman likes me. I work a lot of over time too

Jelly. Got a degree that is fast becoming useless and my last job was temp and 14 an hour. Tried my hand at warehouse/construction stuff and I'm not cut out for it. I was also turned down by a moving company for being 5'7

it pays so well because of how hard it fucking is. and $17 isn't paying "so well" especially when a lot of the expenses (sometimes) come out of your pocket.. what's your degree?

Interesting, what sort of expenses?
And its in environmental studies.

My construction job was awesome. 75 pound jack hammers all day, lifting cement and swingin sledge hammers. I had to wear full ppe, i mean full face mask respirator, flame retardant coveralls, tyvek suit, hard hatt, gloves in extreme heat. I took creatine and drank as much water as i could, got 3 lunch breaks where i litteraly gorged food into myself to the point people would give me food to see what my limit was..... I had no limit. I gained atleast 30 pounds in two months. They kept me on till the end of the job since i treated the job like a workout and worked like a dog. I lost alot of that weight after but must of gained atleast 8 or 10 pounds of solid mass, no lie.

I weighed 155 at the start n hit 185 by the end, most i ever weighed and didnt lift once.

>pedro, biking 20 miles a day is fucking up your body
>you probably need more water
>weight lifting is counterproductive to your maximal work output on the job
>your work is counterproductive to a weight lifting regiment
>working will get you ripped because you are the one that sets the intensity
>you need active recovery
>you probably need more water
>you're that guy who works in 1st gear.

You work in fucking construction, how are you not in shape from work? Just squat instead of bending over, plank instead of laying down, lunge instead of walk, etc.

I have 13-14 hour day every day job coming up for the next few months. I just did this recently, where I basically wake up an hour and a half to two hours before I need to leave for work. If you can manage to get your 4-5 workouts a week in + regular food and sleep 8 hours between shifts why not?

Worst case scenario I'm tired at work, best case scenario it starts my day off right. By the end of the week I was close to falling asleep at work but there's no amount of coffee or red bull that can't fix that, inb4 not healthy. Whatever it takes.

>that construction worker who lunges everywhere he goes

i understood none of that. if you think working construction will get you ripped you've never worked construction before. it gets/keeps you in great shape, but not ripped. DYEL with big arms by fit standards
haha, i actually lost over 20 pounds when i went into construction. went from 197 to 171 now to 179 (6'2'') because of all the moving and intense heat i work in

held similar jobs in the past. i would lift before work. i always ate a lot of course.

i drank a lot of water and juice. stayed away from soda and caffeine.

when i'd get off shifts sometimes i'd fall asleep in the car. other times i passed out on my floor before making it to the bed.

still met gains and could work at a proper pace but it felt like i was almost doing 2 a days in a way. needed way more sleep and food and water.

Im a PE (low level but not laborer) for a highwy company
>imagining juan lunging around while carrying rebar

you're retarded. I am in great shape, but pretty much a DYEL. you dont get fucking ripped and strong af from construction you underage twink.

>plank instead of laying down
who said we lay down on the job? You're always moving shit and putting shit in the ground here and there, pulling pipes and picking shit.. it's all day, non stop. It's not like your gym work where you go 5 reps and rest. there is no rest. we get a lunch break and that's it. it's been rated the hardest job in the world.

>lunge instead of walking
are you autistic? I could just imagine myself lunging across the street with a pipe and everyone in the street calling my boss telling him there's a fucking retard in the middle of the street with his equipment. Why even suggest something as fucking stupid as that

Yea im a hard gainer, i literally got force fed by the brick layers...they even took pics of me eating cause it blew their mind...they were all 230+ , so speaks for the eats i was gettin on with

haha, that's fucking awesome. but yeah, i know what you're saying. everyone thinks you work construction and you get huge as fuck.. nah.. it's actually a shit ton of HIIT and just intensive labor.. and the only "heavy" lifting really just fucks up your spines and joints. I need to get in the gym and pick things up and put them back down again with a system to see real muscle results. dont get me wrong, im in great shape like I keep saying and am very healthy, just looking for a program i can do before work that wont be too fucking hard that'll kill myself and have no energy for work, y'know.

Jack hammer did it for me, over head n shit. Shruggin wheel barrows... Dunno i loved it

how long you been working? I used to do that, now Im too tired.. i just struggle to get through my day

Gota say i was worried about silica and my cardio even with the respirators.... N confined spaces gave me nightmares, but yea just drippin snot n sweat hard grindin work

That was a 2 month contract on a iron ore pellet furnace. I was laid off at the time, i am an equipment operator by trade. Def needed the cash so i made the most of it and worked for my name

I did roofs for a while and it didn't improve my physique at all, just gave me great grip strength. Construction jobs just beat your body down. Everyone I saw on job sites had a huge beer gut

I work recycling electronics and buying scrap metal. This shit is goat man. I get to carry around cat batteries and electric motor and heavy shit all day. Barter with contractors and homeless fucks.

Building skids of tvs is the best. Deadlift the really heavy ones and carry them to a skid. Curl the heavy ones and place them on top. Clean and press the mid weight ones and set them on top. Wrap skid. Repeat. Don't ever have to deal with the light ones cuz I get the Skellyfags to do those so they don't steal my gainz.

Blue collar is the way to go if you wanna make some real progress

Blue collar construction types are weird ass hicks but I'm a worthless city boy and jealous


I work 12 hour days full of climbing, swinging hammers, shoveling, lifting and I can work out after.

Just eat a lot, and drink a lot. That's your best bet to being able to workout after. If you don't eat enough, you are fucked. I need to start bringing snacks to work because the other day I almost dropped from hunger. Climbing around in rafters for hours didn't help, considering it made me more hungry.

Also, if you don't feel like full workouts, force yourself to do pushups, and split squats afterwards. I wish I would have known how amazing split squats were even a month ago.

I work in construction as a materials tech. Plenty heavy lifting all day long. Work minimun 12 hours a day, did 17 hours once. I work 12 days in a row then have two off. Plenty jobs in construction are easy as fuck physically i e. Banksman. I manage to lift between 5 and 6 times a week. You are a gigantic pussy OP.

You guys work nonstop week to week all year long?

I have long breaks between jobs and a ton of off time.

I find it hard to believe guys who say they work 60hours a week all year long.


Like everyone has said ITT: Eat more, and also I'd recommend is that you lift heavy. Find a strength routine that has low reps, and builds your strength incrementally. It will make your job easier and you won't expend so much energy during the work out.

hurf durf I'm special and the sticky does not apply to me

hurf durf im a twink and i think i can get away with pretending not to be

I did the same thing, for 2 summers in a row, rode my bike to the site and worked long hours. Honestly, eating enough and getting sleep is the way to go. Do heavy compounds on a AB schedule 3 times a week is fine. do 5x5 or 3x5, as it doesn't tax you as much. Good luck.

deadlifting will kill you, so dont do that, whenever I deadlift I sweat like a motherfucker

>20 miles a day on bike

Found your problem.

Let me guess, never worked a day in your life?
Even my office job will leave me dazed and tired after 10 hours.

I was in a similar position OP.

>Always in great shape, athlete
>can't get job after college, go into pipeline
>3 years of satisfying well paying work
>get sick of being to sore to enjoy off days
>I can lift heavy things and do physical stuff but can tell I'm less "inshape"/healthy
>quit to go be a STEM fag

now I run, lift, row, and golf everyday of the week
Best shape I've been in since high school
I actually look forward to going outside and doing things on the weekend too where before I was just to tired and sore
plus in a year I'll be making at least what I made before, win win

For me it is 40-50 hours a week in december and january, peaks at 60-85 hours a week in June, July, August and September.

I think you should eat more.

I remember reading about a thread where some annons who were also const workers talked about being tough.

Don't just eat more, eat more good food, protein and stuff... but yeah its hard..

I kind of work in construction....im a pre construction archaeologist. We dont just brush bones all day...the majority of the work is heavy manual shovelling, pickaxing and carrying 30kg buckets about.

A couple cups of coffee during my tea breaks helps during he day to keep focus. I tend to eat small amounts of protein/fat based stuff throughout the day with the odd bit of fruit. I then have a chocolate bar or something and go lift. I hit the big compounds straight after work when I can before my energy levels drop about 8pm. I then go home and backload on carbs and protein, and fat before bed and I drink a shit load of water through the day.

Im not strong by fit standards but stronger than everyone in my shitty gym and my forearms are juicy. Easy to keep bodyfat off too. Also, lifting and mobility work balances out muscle use and keeps injuries away. All my colleagues are slow as fuck compared to me and get hurt all the time. I sleep 7 hours a night on average though and this isnt enough.

Just basically, expect slower progress but its definitely doable. Also lifting belts help with back fatigue from work a lot.

>Guys, I'm exercising all day, how do I find the time and energy to exercise?

You're fucking retarded, OP