How do you motivate people to start going to the gym?

How do you motivate people to start going to the gym?

My best friend is fat and has basically no discipline. He dropped out of HS because he was to lazy and is currently failing some stupid non-regular HS that allows him to repeat classes as often as he wants. He often starts things like completely banning his computer from his life, actually studying for school, fixing his diet or learning to program but always fails a few weeks in.
He even went to the gym for a month because of the "Bosstransformation", an overpriced meme routine by some (probably) roid-rapper.
That would be sad but okay if he didn't care but he is always complaining how shit he looks and how unsuccessful he is.
Every time he quits something he has some kind of excuse so it's never him being responsible for his failure.
I told him that's what he's doing and that he is the only person responsible for his future, but he keeps quiting on things as soon as they get hard.
It's so frustrating and I don't know how to motivate him to do anything. I offered to go to the gym for him. I'd even changed my workout so that it was enough cardio that he could leave while I went to doing some weight stuff. Same goes for school, I can help him in every subject but he just isn't motivated enough to learn.


>pic for attention

A person like that, you can't. They don't see how deep in shit they are before something dramatic happens in their life, despite all he's still living relatively comfortably so he doesn't get that *shock* and realization, he just blames shit and dwells forward

it took a friend of mine a heart attack while walking stairs before he finally took a good long look in the mirror and realized what a pathetic man he had become. He will carry that realization for the rest of his life

You can't motivate people like who you described, something has to happen to them for them to snap out of their bullshit

That's terrible. I see him turning his whole life into shit and I want to prevent it but I can't. He's gonna ruin him self and I have no other possibility than to just sit here and see his life go down?

I don't like your chances: as long as it's easier to find an excuse than to change, he'll do that.

But it sounds like he's got worse problems than just skipping the gym. I'd guess he has no drive to succeed because he doesn't believe he can. If he's a failure, why put in effort just to keep failing? He needs to believe he can succeed, and I suspect the only way he'll get there is by picking an easy enough goal.

Basically you need to treat him like a child. Are you willing to do that?

Do you think consistently lifting every week for years is actually done though just plain discipline ? In my experience the people who stick it out for years do it primarily because they like to lift .

Who do you know that has lifted for years and says they really don't like it but they force themselves ?

I'll do anything to make him not throw away his life. What would be an easy goal? I mean even cutting out soda out of his diet seemed too hard for him.

I think everyone can gain an appreciation for lifting. I straight out hated it when I started 1.5 years ago. It took a lot of discipline to stick with it. Now I do it because I know it makes me feel better. I still don't like the act of lifting weights though

You probably don't want to hear any of this but you need to listen.

There is nothing, and I mean absolutely NOTHING, you can to do help someone who doesn't want to be helped. And the more time you spend around them, the more you'll turn into them or at least get sucked into their misery, dysfunction and drama. Read Robert Greene's the 48 Laws of Power. Specifically, law 10, Infection: avoid the unlucky and unhappy.

I'm not speaking out of school here; my own sister is an out of control drug addict and alcoholic who has been kicked out rehab multiple times for drinking mouthwash in the bathroom. Everyone in my family has tried multiple times to help her and it's completely pointless because she'd rather die than stop drinking. Kinda like the Nicholas Cage character from Leaving Las Vegas. Anyway, I realized a long time ago change comes from within. When someone is in so much pain that they NEED to change, that's when they will. Your friend is obviously nowhere near that point and the sad thing is, it may not come until he's 47, obese, working some shitty job and preparing for some kind of major surgery due to not taking care of himself, ever. Honestly, I'm basically describing the life of the average American loser here. The question is, do you want to torture yourself waiting 20+ years for your friend to change?

Do yourself a favor and tell yourself right now "I absolve myself of any responsibility for this person staying a loser."

Stop saying to him what he should do, it's his life, not yours, if he doesn't want to change then it means he doesn't need to.

Personally when someone tells me to do something, it's worse, i don't want to do it.

Also people are inspired by "role-model" (ex: a good father, a celebrity...).
Be his role model, show him what you accomplished and tell him it's easy, you just have to do this.

It'd have to be something he actually wants, can be achived fairly quickly, and provides feedback that he's succeeded. I doubt anything Veeky Forums related qualifies. I don't think passing school will either, because it sounds like he thinks it's something he has to do rather than something he wants.

What would he consider an achievement?

He always sets his own achievements. It's usually learning something.
Programming, playing Keyboard, writing music, photography and so on.

The thing that might work is drawing. He is doing it atm and getting better, but the problem is that there is no quantifiable quality about it. He notices it too but I don't know how to turn this into a call to make him do other stuff like getting his ass up in school.

Yeah, drawing lacks a simple "success" criteria. Is he taking an art class? Or is there some connection in what he's drawing that could make it into a project he could "finish"?

Make sure he keeps the older drawings as proof that he's imrpoving though.

He doesn't take any classes or have any projects. Thought of asking him for some drawings for an adventure game I'm working on though.

Be a dick to him in an explosive fashion.

>you're a fucking pathetic piece of shit man. You were my best friend but now youre so lazy and useless calling you a slug would be a compliment. I can't have someone that behaves like you in my life. I'll give you one (ONE!!! (1!!)) chance to come to the gym with me on my routine, pass your classes and get your shit together or I am cutting you out of my life.

Then if he fucks up or won't do it, cut all contact and forget about him

It's his own life.

>chance to come to the gym with me on my routine
>forcing a fat normie into even an average routine
If he does not take an express trip to snab city, he will end up hating the guy's guts anyway.

Explosive talk might help, but not guaranteed. You see, such people are bereft of an alternative. They do not know how bad their lives are because they do not know how any other life looks and feels like. They are also very reluctant to step outside their comfort zones.
I used to be one of them - sedentary, lazy, eating all kinds of nasty shit and being (semi-)ok with it. I got flabbier and flabbier, until one day I realized that I am about to hit 200lbs.
Even after I made it utterly clear to myself that living on the way I did would kill me, changed my diet completely and started hitting the gym, it took massive willpower to keep going. Sticking to the routine, not skipping the gym, not eating garbage... The period between the DOMS starting to recede and the gym becoming part of my life was hard as hell to plow through, but I made it. This guy might not.


Start with light weights dingus. You don't just load up a 5 plate deadlift and go LIFT THAT OR WERE NOT FRIENDS

If Kollegah doesn't provide enough motivation nothing will.

This OP

And, OP, how dare you accuse Kolle of roid usage?

Kollegah has shitty genetics desu.

But he didn't quit because "no progress" (he'd only lifted for about a month) but because his back was hurting so bad. Pretty sure it was because he had a shit seating position 12 hours/day and only noticed it when his back was worked out but w/e.
Going on that routine was fucking stupid anyways, it cost 179€ and his sister was a bodybuilder who could have given him solid advice for free.

it's achievable natty but I feel like he might be using roids because:
>(partially) earns money with his body
>has a lot of other shit to do
>seems to have exploded a few years ago
>there's pics of him with roid-acne on his back

I don't really give a shit though.

Are we talking about legit pain or just massive soreness? Before lifting I sat around most of the time and in the first weeks of working out my erector spinae was sore most of the time.

Wait, that shit cost money? Where do you get the patience of being around such a person?

You can learn to enjoy it though. Once you start seeing actual progress the feeling you get from it is great, so you want to see more.

But the difficult part is getting over the first hurdle, because that's when you want to quit the most. That's where the discipline comes in.

I'm doing stronglifts, and every time I feel like I want to the gym ASAP, because every single day is PR day.

The feeling of progression is so satisfying, every visit to the gym means improvement, every single time I lift I have tangible proof that I'm stronger than my self from two days prior.

SS and SL get a lot of shit, but they do what all other programs lack: rewards. They make you feel like you're doing SOMETHING, they're addicting, they're the best possible way you could be exercising: with constant gratification.