How much do you have to squat/diddly for it to be socially acceptable to use one of pic related?

how much do you have to squat/diddly for it to be socially acceptable to use one of pic related?

It's never socially acceptable to wear one.

Tremendously heavy weights have been lifted without them

Literally depends

If you want to powerlift get one as soon as possible

If you just want to get strong you don't really need them

Whenever you want to, I was only pulling 3.5pl8 today (paused) and decided I really would need one.

how fast do i need to run on sand before i can run on a track?

if you want a strong core never

People love buying shit because it makes them feel/look "cool". Nobody needs a belt. Literally nobody.

Seriously though, they do serve a purpose. Most people use them all the time, which is exactly what you don't want to do. Unless you're serious, and I truly mean serious, you don't need one and you won't benefit from using/owning one.

why's lu using one here when he doesn't even use them in competition?

so what is the purpose of the belt? And don't just say "increase intraabdominal pressure".

What is the physical-mechanical reason why a belt helps "serious" lifters? Tell me.

There's a difference in positioning between squats and the competition pulls. Its entirely possible he gets a benefit from it on the squat but not on the competition lifts (maybe he doesn't need the extra tightness, maybe it gets in the way of the movement, etc).

Belts are really in the way when you do weightlifts honestly.

Squats and deads on the other hand, not so much.

I PERSONALLY didn't really invest in one until i was deadlifting 3.5pl8 for reps and squatting ~3pl8 1rm.

But don't listen to the dyel's on Veeky Forums you can start using a belt whenever. just don't rely on it like a crutch and only use it on your top/heavy sets.

DONT warm up w/ the belt on and do all your light work with it or you wont develop your core very well

It cues you to flex your transverse abdomen. You push against it with your gut.

The belt itself would do nothing by yourself if you didn't tighten your core, but it makes it easier to keep your core tight.

They exist so you dont get fucking hernia all over the place.

Nobody will ever care if you're wearing a belt unless you're lifting professionally.

I hear they're most acceptable when you're lifting 60%+ of your 1RM max.

So they should be used when you're lifting at your max capacity. Regardless, nobody will ever really care what accessories you're using as long as you're working hard and lifting heavy.

If anything, they actually make hernias more likely due to the increased intra-abdominal pressure.

The reasons against using a belt are a crock of shit and are obviously false when almost any other form of athletic performance is considered:
>yo bro, shouldn't use your track spikes for intervals you won't develop all of your legs
>bro, make sure to hold the golf club differently when you warm up than when you actually swing
>dude, best place to practice for a slam dunk contest is on sand. Gotta work dem stabilizers.

People who say stuff like "only use a belt if you're doing ur max bro" are advocating this kind of bullshit. Athletic performance is very specific and prone to interference from similar movement patterns. This is why sprinters stop running when they notice in practice they are too exhausted to maintain form. Lifting form and stride form both follow the same rules. And because you perform a lift differently in a belt than you do without one, you're really training to be mediocre at unbelted and belted. You should pick one and stick with it. So pick using a belt.
A belt lets you lift more weight. It works your abs MORE by giving them something to push against. It structurally/mechanically gives you improved core stiffness because it causes your core to approximate a cylinder shape. The more you use it the more you can load your legs and, arguably, reduce your odds of rounding your back.

The only disadvantages to belts are potential lack of intrabominal strength but this is easily fixed by stomach vaccums or perhaps additional strain on the heart in people with bad hearts.

Commercial gym goers hardly know what a belt is for

source: ask the when they breath during an exercise

Research has show that training with a belt leads to more muscle development


don't have a link but basically it just allows you to activate your core more by giving it something to push against

it isn't going to make your quads bigger unless it allows you to squat heavier weight

>used one when i was maxinh at 2pl8
>have reached 4pl8 and didn't use or use one at that weight