Former obese here , i was cutting for 1 year and still got a shitload of fat...

Former obese here , i was cutting for 1 year and still got a shitload of fat. Will i look decent after the cut or i should've do a short period of clean bulk ?
btw im 6ft6 and 110kgs

Nice pic. Great size. Looking thick, solid, tight.

Greased up Narco prison bulk

trolling ?..i have body dismorphia and cant make the difference between sarcasm and true talk...

Go for the mountain mode dude

its an old meme but you do look good considering where you came from

In terms of size you are 9/10, you are probably bigger than 98% of guys you come across.

In terms of aesthetics you are like 6/10 in my eyes. There will be some girls who go for that big bulky look, but you will certainly be more attractive if you got even leaner.

Depends on what you're going for. Just cut and lift heavy because you're obviously still fat

You have potential to have the kind of build every man and woman dreams about. If you keep building and cut a bit of fat you'll be a fucking beast

Bruh, why your shorts so high?

i feel insecure about my lower belly.

Yeah i know this feeling but sometimes i meet guys as tall as me but more geneticaly gifted ( broader bone structure , large skull , etc) and i get very jelly of them.
Like i said ill continue my cut to reduse the size of my waist to improve my V taper .

>giving nonsensical advice in order to be complimentary

What he said, but keep cutting. You're getting there.

There are always better people than you. Your goal is not to be the most attractive man in the world but the most attractive version of yourself. In this case you are doing the right things to get yourself to your goal. Eat right and train hard.

Good luck bro keep at it.

Bro i'm a 5'7 manlet living in yurop pretty much even girls are bigger than me.
At the moment you are quite high in bfat and I also bet you're not that strong yet for your height i.e 2x bw squat 1.1xbw bench 2.3x bw dl 0.6x bw ohp, once you lose some fat and gain some muscle on you, you will notice your skeletal structure more and might have a reason to complain not now though when you're marshmallow man tier.

welcome to my world

Man, we all had that belly fat at one point, bulking or not. It's nbd, learn to love yourself, you'll get better over time.

Good on you for deciding to not be a fat shit anymore.

Yeah bro i was just saying .
btw my lifts
3 plate incline bench
2.5 plate rows
and 2 plate squats

If you are doing this with correct form and not cheating that's some serious imbalance between your squat and bench.
Also where is your Diddy, rows are fantastic exercise but they don't do the same job as a diddy and you will probably notice because you're a big4u you will do really well with it.

Keep lifting
Do some cardio
Eat clean
You will look pretty good

Looking good fatso
I wouldn't mess with you
just keep doing what you're doing
throw in some cardio, maybe you'll like it

how much you lost through the year of cutting?