Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

>3.75 pack a day

How did you get to this point you absolute madman? How do you afford that?

I don't know I was at 50 cigs a day after 2 months of smoking and also a pack has 25 cigarettes in it I smoke 3 packs a day

my packs have 20 in them

Are you ever not smoking?

I buy king size packs not the small ones and they're 12 bucks a pack

You have to go full stop if you want to quit. Not a single fag a day for 3 month straight.. you won't have problems going no smoking after that


so the longest you go without smoking is...15 minutes ?? this is OCD stuff

Pretty much


He doesn't need one he's just got OCD

I like seeing this thread in the catalog. Please keep going

Allen carr's easyway did it for me and my friends. Its applicable to any addiction really. Wud rcmd

That is not possible.

Bro you're paying the same amount of money for 25 cigarettes as you could for 40 cigarettes if you just bought 2 packs.

OP please quit you are on the path to throat tube please Just think about your health

Assuming user sleeps it would be one cig every 12 minutes.

Yeah actually thia user makes a point, cmon op this is basic marketing if your gonna smoke a fuckton at least do it in the most cost effective manner

I know I know, vaping is hipster gay shit.. but it has really helped me cut down. I can go full weeks without having a cigarette now. The only problem are the weekends if i hang out with friends for drinks, alcohol makes me crave smoking a couple again.

But also i suppose its my duty as a fellow Veeky Forumsizen to warn you that what your doing not only will hinder your gaisn but all aspects of your life, its all about self control man if you have the discipline to get swole as shit then you have it to stop smoking the meme sticks

lmao enjoy your short life you weak-willed faggot

8 hours asleep, 16 hours awake
960 minutes, 75 cigs
every 13 minutes another cig

Quit 2 weeks ago after 20 a day for 15 years going good, optimistic about leaving it behind forever