Would it be possible to bodybuild my cat to lion size?

I understand that cats don't have lion genetics but most people don't have the genetics to be big either, they still are able to thanks to drugs. With modern drugs and sports science, can my cat achieve his dream?

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Have to inject him with test to get him past his natty potential but yes it is possible

Myostatin deficiency.

Just let him hunt as much as he wants to.
He'll develop all the muscles he needs.

look at that milk saucer on the floor. you just know that little shit is drinking all the milk. proof that GOMAD works.

What if he's afraid of mice?

Yes you can torture your cat like a backwoods nazi

Not OP, but let's entertain the hypothetical scenario.
Say a domesticated cat CAN get trained in weight lifting.
And that said cat is given a steroid dose that allows it to gain muscle with minimal to no detrimental effects, and is fed a diet to fuel such gains.
What would be the result?

A fucking dead cat you inbreed

what if i get the biggest dogbreed their is and feed it growth hormone from birth?

you would be completely responsible for the suffering of the animal and for that I wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire

Fuck off PETA.

i weight trained my cat for 2 months and there was a big change :) i would put a little jumper on her and sitch fishing sinkers to it and it worked! but when i stopped doing it she started to get fat so i cut her meals down

>Would it be possible to bodybuild my cat to lion size?

Leave your catbro alone and mind about your own gains.

Don't forget to give him fresh water at least three times a day.

nah man if i give my cat a good training program he's gonna live longer and thats a fact

That better be lactose reduced cat milk because regular milk is really bad for cats even though they drink it like fuck.


If you keep him inside he'll live longer and that's a fact.

is that dog still alive?

really now

trap-cat mode is the only way out