Why were jews expelled from so many countries in history?

Why were jews expelled from so many countries in history?

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Why are Christians the most oppressed religious group today?

They weren't. Fake history.

>can't take loans because the Catholic church has banned usury between Christians
>take a loan from Jews instead
>realize that I'll have to pay back that loan
>expel the Jews from my country so I don't have to pay them back
Basically the same reason that the Knights Templars ended up being destroyed.

Mixture of scape goating, hysteria and just plain autism.

>nothing to do with jews themselves

They were expelled from Christian countries because Christian churches are historically intolerant of other faiths. It's the same church that called crusades to convert Baltic pagans by threats of death and literally genocided heretics for wanting to start a new type of Christianity. Compared to them the Jews got it quite easy, they were at least mostly allowed to live as second class citizens.

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Jews dindu nuffin : the post

There was a lot of antisemitism

They do lend themselves to it pretty well, so to speak. More to do with being an easy target by nature than their own designs though. Pure autism aside.

Because nations cannot seem to extort us for the skills they desire while also breaking us down into easily pushed aside minorities.

We build and create networks and safety nets far superior to their own.

From Europe and Africa to the Americas, always jelly.

Asia is different though.

They were kicked out of 324 countries because those countries were evil Nazi Holocaust deniers,

how could you *sobs* how could you persecute such an innocent and peace loving peoples *runs private intelligence company, misreports the outcome of the Napoleonic war, gets all the goys to sell their shares by spreading fake news in the Lugenpresse and buys them up incredibly cheap, then the actual news arrived and turns out the other side won and now the Rothschild Jews own your entire fucking economy and banking system* *repeat in almost every country*

Wow, /pol/, your arguments are really compelling

You look at the Arab countries in 1948 and tell me that wasn't autism.


>muh palestinian homeland

That land was never theirs.

told ya, nobody here gives a rat's ass
about truth, it's a playground, for kids

Yeah, and Jews stole the land from and exterminated the Canaanites.

tell everybody god told you to.
promised it even. best theft.

>lol all these countries kicked out jews, thus meaning they deserved the holocaust which didnt happen


A mixture of easy way to default on your loans, their extreme nepotism and closed communities breeds distrust in everyone else, odd religious practices, as well as the paranoia and religious zealotry of their host countries.

Nice Jewish Encyclopedia paste mate
THe Knight Templars at the end of the 11th century were just as degenerate as jews but they had no involvement with banking unlike modern revisionism.
If protestant monarchs asked jews for money that's their problem and has nothing to do with the Catholic Church

btw if it wasn't for the Pope the God's chosen people wouldn't be alive today.
Every time germans and russians expeled them they found a comfy place to stay in the Papal state. The Popes even wrote many letters saying to let the jews alone and stop trying to convert them because that was causing bloodbath.
If anything the greatest mistake of Catholic countries was letting jews very close to the rest of the population. In many documented records we see jews having a better life than the average peasant.

love your caps and lower case j's
how's your agenda going for you

Germans and Russians

>the kosher boy being this mad






Instead of admitting their financial influence over the centuries they rely on manipulation and deception to call you an anti-semite. That's why people hate the jews. They don't admit their errors in public because they consider the goyim a lower class and that will always be the root of the struggle between jews and non-jews. They would rather create an entire encyclopedia of lies than to admit a simple fact. They would rather create an entire organization to label people as anti-semites than to have the dignity to admit what they did. That's why jews and non-jews can never live in the same country and I'm talking even about secular jews
