Obese guy wanting to become Veeky Forums

I am really high bodyfat, more than 40%, no muscle at all (when I say this I mean this), and do very little movement each day (very sedentary lifestyle).

I really hate my body and want to become fit for once in my life. I can't do a pullup, can do maybe 1 pushup, can't run without my knee hurting, but I can walk and possibly swim.

I am 95kg and 5'11" but it is all pure fat.

Can someone give me some real advice, on how I can start dropping my fat level, and start improving my body so I can run and do proper exercise without difficulty?

I am hoping to change my diet soon, to one that has no fatty/junk food, and has few carbs but more meat and veggies. I was thinking I should walk 30 mins a day too, maybe swim every other day for an hour or so. (Does the sauna help with fat loss/health in any way? I have a membership for that)

Please help me out, I have asked my doctor and all he told me was 'do some exercise' but I feel like that is too vague and i'd like specific goals I can work towards. I don't know shit about nutrition or exercise.

How long would it take for me to lose my excess fat and go to a low bodyfat?

Takes longer than you probably think.

I was thinking maybe a year to lose my fat to get to a normal level, then another year to gain some muscle so I can look normal

Are these estimates too optimistic?

Sticky, you fat retard.

you can drop to 75kg in less than a year with a deficit and some cardio (swimming would be good)

after that, start lifting and eating a small surplus

Took me a little over two years starting at 285 and 45%

Fix your diet, first and foremost. Any and all exercise you do is just a bonus. But if you don't fix your diet, NO amount of exercise will help you.

If you eat 500 calories per day less than you burn, you will lose 1 pound a week. This is a moderate, average pace. You can bump it up to -1000 calories a day and lose 2 pounds a week, but this will require some willpower on your part. You will be hungry a lot. You will need to learn to embrace and even enjoy the feeling of being hungry.

Wow, sorry for posting a thread that is about trying to become fit and not about homosex or haircuts

For lifting which programme is best to follow? Starting Strength or should I do something else?

fuck off with this passive agressive bullshit, fatty.
You are no special snowflake, read the sticky and do what sticky says

For counting my calories, I have a slight problem because I am asian and normally eat asian foods. It's pretty hard to find the recipes on calorie counting websites (sometimes impossible), because the way we make our food is much different to what westerners consider to be that food.

Should I just start eating western food only or can I somehow control my calorie intake accurately with eastern foods?

Fixing your diet is much much more important than getting some exercise when you want to drop a significant amount of weight, especially in the beginning.
Don't get me wrong exercise is important but you really can't outrun your fork.

Count your calories and cut out sugary drinks.
Also read the god damn sticky.

It'll take time OP, but I'm glad you're ready to step up to the plate. Just know that no matter how long you run/cardio, you can never outrun a bad diet. Cutting out junk is good, also take out sugar, soft drinks, and snack foods. Drink lots of water, especially if you think you're hungry/stomach growling, it can surpress it pretty easily. To lose weight, you need to be in a caloric deficit. You can achieve this by burning calories in exercise and/or eating less, I recommend both.

Give the sticky a read and good luck.

No, they are good goals. I was around 90kgs this january and I'm 77 now. Figure out your maintenance calories, substitute like 500cals from that and start doing cardio/lifting.
Start with walking, or something that doesn't fuck you(knees, etc.) up until you get to a lower bodyweight, then you can start running. Same stuff with running too, it will take time to work up to a good speed/distance.
Look up a simple beginner routine, I wouldn't recommend SS, who likes fucking T-rex mode only these autist on /fit and some memers spam that advice. Reading the sticky helps
Good luck

Literally everything you need is in the sticky. You got fat, it's your responsibility to fix that. Stop asking questions that have already been answered for you, looking for a quick fix, and get to work.

I am reading the sticky now. I posted this thread to see if there's any specific advice I can get. It will 404 in an hour anyway, no need to be so angry.

Thanks dude, I will try all of that.

Start cooking for yourself so you will know exactly what you eat, measure everything. Ofc it's easier to count your calories with simpler foods like the classic chicken breast + rice or sweet potatoes + veggies combo. Eat like 150gs of protein(everything above that is most likely useless) and a healthy amount of fats, fill out the rest with carbs. Every gram of food that touches your mouth goes into myfitnesspal. You will also probably fail sometimes and eat some shit food. It's acceptable, you just have to keep going and not make it a regular thing.

Bro, I was 130kg at 1.86m three months ago, now I'm at 103kg and while I'm still a fatass, the difference is shocking.

You can do the same.

Just do what you planned and stick to it, don't lose your hope.

you lost 10kg a month???
thats like 24000Kcal deficite a week

Yes. At first it was really fast, I'm losing like 2/1.5Kg per week since may

The hard part isn't what normies tend to think it is. After a certain point, hitting the weights becomes habitual and enjoyable. You're there for 45-60 minutes, then the rest of the battle is diet. As a recovering fatty, that's always been the hardest part. A key thing that helps me is to always cook something before I get terribly hungry. When Im hungry to a certain point, it's real easy to pick up some pizza or chinese takeout or sweets. Dont let it get to that point. Realize you're just hungry is all. Once you eat the cravings will subside. Eventually you'll learn to ignore/control them. Good luck mang. I used to be 5'9" 250lbs my graduating year of high school. If my manlet ass can drop the weight and become aesthetic enough to try out girls until I pick a gf, I know you can do it. Took about two years for me.

This. After doing it so many times, you're just on autopilot mode, not even thinking about the pain. Goes over in a flash.

But really OP read the fucking sticky

I am pretty sure thats impossible
you probably just lost a lot of water weight

I don't know, maybe

But the fact is that I look way better

>How long would it take for me to lose my excess fat and go to a low bodyfat?

probably a year at least


hey op, i hear you. i'm currently landwhale status
>inb4 kys
and i'm working at it too. i've been at it for just shy of a month and already am starting to feel better, and i'm sure you can do it too! a couple of things, coming from an also-current-fatass: if you're drinking soda, STOP. don't say this is your last one, or the next one, or a cheat. just STOP. drink a ton of water. srsly, always have water with you. it's amazing to me already how often i let my body trick me into thinking i was hungry when i really needed water. and start moving! walking is good to get yourself more active and you can add on from there. i started with cardio for 20 minutes daily in the first week, and only made it 5 of the days. but now, it's 6 days a week and i'm up to 30 mins, and just added some barbells for resistance. it's also important to stay inspired. i check Veeky Forums regularly and while i am landwhale status now, i won't always be. it will take a long time, but that time will only be longer if you don't start today and keep moving. good luck op, i know we can do it!


the thing about doing a routine like ss is it allows u to immediately see strength gains, aesthetic gains arent gonna come for years, but 5 mor lbs on the bar is very encouraging

As someone who was 124 kg the same time last year to 84 now, I'll tell you that a big part of it is counting calories, willpower, and living a more active lifestyle will all help considerably in the scheme of things. Don't think after every week you deserve a "treat," like those cows at the gym who go on a treadmill for 30 minutes then go eat an XL Pizza.

Learn what your TDEE is, eat at about a 500 calories deficit, and go from there. My Fitness Pal is an app that'll help with it. You won't be building much muscle at all by cutting, but lifting is still strongly advised.

Learning about macros and what to eat also goes a long way too. Just throw out soda and junk food, start cooking stuff on your own.

The sticky will help you out tons, so as everyone else says, go read it and all the links.

You won't get fit, OP.

You're too fat and lazy.

That's why you skipped the sticky and went straight for the easy option - you want your fitness spoonfed to you.

You'll give up in less than a month

Post pic

Fuck you, i'm gonna screencap your post and next year i'll post progress pics to show you

If I lift, will i still make strength gains if I am eating at a deficit?

For a while sure. Everybody who has not lifted before will get some muscle mass/strength.
Greatly depends on your deficit though, if you go on a slow cut you will build decent muscle mass too while losing the fat. If you cut hard you probably won't progress far with your lifts.