Alright, which one of you did this?

Alright, which one of you did this?

what opening line did he use though

Nobody here has any big muscles man..

probably the guns line

Hello, 911 emergency? Theres a handsome guy in my house,

wait, cancel that, its just me


Hello operator, there's a man names flex e gains here waving his guns around

Hello I just killed my arms at the gym


das the one


What kind of Johnny Bravo shit lmao

You can't be sure it was Veeky Forums because we don't know if the dispatcher was male.

>le fit le homo
Please stop

kek underrated

You're trying too hard.

Hi I just hit a child with my car but more importantly I have big muscles

>911 state your emergency
A-are you an archeologist?

Thats fine, providing you picked the car up and hit the kid with it. Anything less is for the weak.

new here huh?

boss life

is it me or are those really shitty biceps

he's like 90% tricep

thats how properly trained arms look.~66% of the upper arms is your triceps.

the insertions are bad though

whats bad about them?they're pretty good actually.
lets see your to probably have fatceps and you think its muscle.