Fuck Chicken

Fuck Chicken,

Tofu/fish masterrace reporting in

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trying for the cancer/gyno comborino I see...

> not salmon
> not having both fish and meat in your diet
> eating processed food

what the h*ck are you doing m*n?

It's honestly probably healthier than chicken thighs from factory farms

Samon is good but I don't eat it all the time. I eat kangaroo meat too which is amazing.

What food here is processed?


what nigger


Are you trying to imply that Tofu is a processed food like doritos??

>plant based estrogen from soy

youre not going to make it user, sorry to tell you

It's processed garbage, high-quality meat is better due to the phytoestrogene content of tofu, low protein bioavailability and unfavorable fatty acid composition (stacks of omega-6, pretty much no omega-3).


people still believing this shit lel.

Just a meme healthyeating.sfgate.com/eating-soy-increase-estrogen-production-2870.html




My entire diet does not consist of Tofu, I eat more fish. It's still gud tho/


Eh, I'm going to stay away from soy products until we know more about their impact on the endocrine system simply because phytoestrogens behave similarly to numerous synthetic compounds in laboratory models of endocrine disruption.

While the potentially beneficial effects of soy consumption has been eagerly pursued, and frequently overstated, the potentially adverse effects of these compounds are likely underappreciated.


Have been proven to have no impact.

[citation needed]

here's mine, btw: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3074428/

from 2010

>Clinical studies show no effects of soy protein or isoflavones on reproductive hormones in men: results of a meta-analysis


Did you even read your own source?

>For a typical consumer, alarm over soy products is likely unnecessary but so is the belief that a soy-rich diet will alleviate all ills.

Nobody is saying IT'S DA BEST, a balanced diet is important.

> J.H.-R while a doctoral student at the University of Minnesota received some minor funding from the Soy Nutrition Institute for work on this manuscript.

Ahh yes, very impressive.

> Did you even read your own source?

Yes, I read that part but i'd prefer to go with the safe option rather than potentially risk my health by consuming soy products regularly.


>won't eat soy
>probably consumes dairy which has actual mammalian estrogen and other hormones and secretions (somatic cells AKA pus)
but yeah, soy isn't the better option, right?

>potentially risk my health

Implying that Japanese people are killing themselves with soy when they have one of the highest life expectancy in the world. Kill yourself.

umm milk doesn't have a high concentration of phytoestrogens?

> implying correlation = causation


It contains actual mammalian estrogen that has FAR more effect than phytoestrogen.


yeah, phytoestrogens are the plant form of estrogen you fuck. What do you think your body absorbs better, mammalian estrogen or plant estrogen?
Also nice job ignoring the fact that milk has a ton of secretions and pus.
Try using more than 2 brain cells next time you reply.

link me to scientific evidence of mammalian estrogen being bad for you.

it lowers test

Dude it causes infertility, man boobs and erectile dysfunction. I'm pretty sure trannies take it too.

or read this article by a doctor with sources at the bottom
Pro-tip: phytoestrogens are in meat, dairy, and eggs too, with actual estrogen being naturally found in beef

well fuck, how am i supposed to get enough calcium every day then?

surely the benefits of a glass or 2 of milk outweigh the negatives, right?

>That sample size

Cmon now.

Just eat veggies bro, specifically spinach and broccoli if you're really worried about your calcium intake.

Also, milk leaches calcium from your bones anyway since it's acidic, and the way your body neutralizes the acidic solution is by taking out calcium from your bones. Ever wonder why we still have such high instances of osteoporosis and weak bones even though dairy products are literally everywhere? I'll give you a hint, it's because the dairy industry is shilling the fact that milk is good for your bones when it really isn't.

Yeah i might actually try to cut milk out of my diet after finding this reddit post:

> reddit.com/r/nutrition/comments/3o79vd/what_is_the_current_stance_on_milk/cvuv677

I'm not sure how accurate all of the facts in that post are but i do know that lactose intolerant swedes have much lower cancer rates than the rest of the people in sweden.


I never got this gyno and tofu connection. My friends who have gyno are all American hamburgers, my vegan friends are all perfectly lean. And all those Japs and their tofu dishes are the same shit, lean skellies.

yeah I got redpilled on milk, dairy, and eggs a while ago and haven't eaten them since. Wasn't even trying to become vegan but after lurking nutrionfacts on youtube I realizes all the shit I was putting into my body and cut that shit out.

And yes, animal products are associated with a higher risk of cancer.

I have tofu maybe once a week, it's nice to mix it up every once in a while. I dunno why it's so controversial on Veeky Forums.

Are eggs bad? :(

Found this reddit post which states that poultry and seafood haven't been linked to increased rates of cancer but I haven't had time to go through all of the studies yet, seems legit though:

> reddit.com/r/nutrition/comments/32kuhb/eating_meat_or_not_is_there_a_scientific/cqcazju

I think i'm just gonna keep red, and processed meat consumption to a minimum.

Did you know it's actually illegal to sell eggs and label them as "healthy" or nutritious"? They're so high in cholesterol, and raise your cholesterol the same as if you had smoked a cigarette. There's studies saying "eggs aren't THAT bad" but they're usually funded by the egg industry and use jew tactics to get the results they want.


I don't eat eggs every day but I find that 2 eggs scrambled can be a good low calorie high protein meal.

Yeah that's probably a good idea, if you have time look up nutritionfacts.org on youtube, he has some great videos explaining basically everything I've said in this thread.


The FDA, and most government groups, are paid by shills in the animal agriculture industry to say that their foods are healthier than they actually are. You don't think money has anything to do with the new decision?

If i remember right its because soy product increases estrogen levels. Thus the tofu stigma

soy doesn't raise estrogen levels- there's no scientific evidence that supports this

>buying frozen, packaged fish
Landlockedfags never learn

meh, tastes decent and is cheap

I don't see why you can't have Fish, Tofu, and Chicken.
You can add chicken breast, tofu, and broccoli to make a stirfry type of dish. Add some teriyaki sauce in the mix and it's delicious with some rice.

Chicken is super overhyped on fish but you are right, they're all decent and there are plenty of tasty recipes for them.

Milk is gross as fuck for a multitude of reasons, but as a chemist I'm gonna need a source on calcium ions chelating to something in milk at a high enough rate to cause osteoporosis.

This is basically broscience: the thread.

Nigga, this is from Veeky Forums

Oh look, it's the token vegan here to shit up the thread by parroting nonsense from PETA.

>no rebuttal to the valid points being brought up
>hurr durr fucking vegans

Calm down.

We're all calm here, friend

Want to have a go at refuting the arguments brought up or is your brain too clogged from the cholesterol :^)


I woke up this morning and had a piss, the first second of the stream was very cloudy

Is this because too much salt/ protein?

I'm also vegan if this affects things + woke up with a very dry mouth

>too much protein
Top fucking kek m8

Another thing that makes gyno prevalent is milk, which vegan retards won't drink at all.

Try quark m8.
2 or even 3 times more protein.

Bro, you are calm now. Thing is when you will go into a full sociopath mode and start doin shit.

I'd like to see you get force fed meat in prison.

What most vegans cant wrap their head around is this: Your vegies grow with the biggest load of pesticides/ fertilisers mankind has ever seen. If you live in a western country not focused on rural agriculture then I guarantee you 100% your vegies are full oh chemicals. Also, the naturarly grown shit is just a label dont even bother refuting my arguments, I know first hand since both my parents studied agriculture and my father works as a agronomist.

If: your vegies have a very mild taste and they are larger than a fist (talking about tomato/apple kind of vegies aka medium sized), you eat poison.

In rural farms in my country (greece) owned by people who only use the minimum pesticides possible (unless you want to lose 90% of your crops to worms/plant disease), vegies have a very very similar taste to fruit, regardless of the type of vegetable. EX: tomatoes taste juicy, sweet and have a stupidly strong tomatoey aroma. Absolutely 0 watery flavour. Brocolli tastes like fibery farts unlike the shit you get from farms and they sell it to you for *all naturarly grown*

If you want to eat real vegetables dont search in western countries, you literarly buy cancer at your grocery store.

PS: Veganism is bs. Balance in all things bruh. Also, dont fall for the water-washes-the-chemicals-from-the-skin-of-the-vegies-meme.

Living in a western country, being vegan only makes you eat more poison. Enjoy cancer vegan fags.

Actual mammalian hormones break down in your gut and cause no problems, its only estrogen like molecules that can survive the stomach that cause problems

Its a meme created by vegans. Later studies measuring actual calcium intake vs output have shown the opposite is true.

To further my narative, if you are a vegan in USA,Canada,Britain and the whole northren/mid Europe and China go have a sperm count test.

Dont be surprised if you are half castrated already.

Oh and btw EU and many organisation may have opposed bans on such chemicals, but believe me when I tell you that you can find cheaper 1990 pesticides and more easily than normal/modern ones. My father sold twice as many older type of these than new ones. Your average farmer just cares for profit, he doesnt give a shit about you getting cancer, and when his farm produces 3 tons of tomatoes for example opposed to a guy that "grows them naturaly" and makes 0.5 tons, dont think that they dont mix with eachother on the market. Crops get sold to mediators who push th product to the market and they get mixed with eachother anyways.

TLDR Dont be a fucking vegan in western countries if you respect yourself. You put yourself out of the gene pool and have 0 clue where what you eat comes from.


I'm Asian and eat tofu regularly, it's good shit. I eat meat as well.

It's not the be all or the end all but it's definitely good to learn how to use it properly so that you can add more protein into your diet without eating chicken all the time. Fish is also based as fuck, I don't know why so many white dudes are scared of fish!?

totally agree , greek here and everything you said it is 100% true.
There is a HUGE difference in taste and everything between home grown veggies and "organic" that they sell at the supermarket or other shops. Especially with tomatoes dude, it is insane how different the taste and smell is.

>thighs and not breasts
>not buying free-range organic
