Calf pain/soreness when squatting

Since the last 3 week I've been having this pain in my calves when squatting. It occurs/starts when I'm in the bottom position of the high bar squat.

I haven't take a rest, and I'm not progressing because at the last 2 sets (of 3) I start to have this pain in my calves. Apparently it's in the soleus muscle.

The soreness keeps a few minutes more after I finish the squats and then it ends.

I think this started one day I was stretching my muscles. I was in the bottom position of the squat and let my knees past a lot my feet (while keeping my back straight). Also when I was squatting with 2.5lbs plates in my feet.

Because I can't control that good the weight at the bottom, I do dive bombs. Today I can't finished my squat session because I lost the balance because of the pain.

When walking I don't present pain in my calves.

Am I fucked?
Should I rest?
How many days?
I'm 18 years old, I do 190 lbs squat (80 lbs each side of the barbell) 3x5

I do not present knee pain.

Or maybe it's more like in the tibial where I feel the soreness.

I do not present an answer for you OP

I must say I'm concerned about the e-stats I read here. Guys doing 3pl8 squats after 6 months of lifting, while I've been 1 year going to gym and I only manage to squat 2pl8-10lbs (each side). Is all of this just fake stats? I started as a hungry skelletor with no lifting/sports experience.

stop dive bombing you retard

it's hard to stop dive bombing while doing atg squat

I got my 315 squat at 10 months. 225 bench at 6 months, and 405 dead in 9. I gained 35 lbs that first year staying under 15% bf.

And the soreness is almost in the entire calf, anterior/lateral side.

no its not just deload for 13 weeks and learn


>posts about quads
>gets quads
ho ho, you did something today user.

i think i know what type of pain you have. I sometimes get the same thing - its quite chronic. youre gonna have to take 1-2 week completely off form squatting. try not to sit onto your calves as much. doing pic related should hurt your calves as you stand up, even if you have no weight on you.

>doing pic related should hurt your calves as you stand up, even if you have no weight on you. it chronic? does it means forever?

>I sometimes get the same thing
me too, but since the last 3 weeks every squat session i get it

no, just refrain from doing anything resembling that for a few weeks. it should heal. take it easy on dive bombing, and like i said, don't sit on your calves as much at the bottom of the hole. if it starts to irritate you, take a day or two off from squatting. also, i enjoyed using one of those giant rubber bands to stretch my calf inbetween all my squat sets. it seemed to help.

And it started one day I was stretching and I decided to "stretch max" my calves/knees

take a few weeks off from squatting. and don't sit on your calves. if you HAVE to squat, do half squats or low bar.

Thank you man. But do you still do squats? How much can you squat? Have you progressed since you started to have the soreness? Nothing ends the soreness while squat session, and as I said, today I can't complete the last 1x5 because I lost my lower leg balance.
Can I do calf raises, leg press, lying leg curls, squat at the parallel in machine or should I stop doing leg for a while?
But is this forever chronic or is this just a torn or something else?
Can you jog/run?

OK. I like a lot doing squats although it's tough. It's the best exercise I don't want to stop doing this exercise forever.

to be honest this injury plagued my and prevented me from really progressing. I was able to do 255 lbs for sets of 5 before I had to take time off. If you really want to continue squatting, switch to low bar for a while, or bro squat with 1/2 range of motion. Just don't do anything that compresses your calf. Last time i had this pain was 3 months ago, and I haven't had it since. Today I'm not squatting cause I fucked up my back for different reasons, but I have no calf pain at all. This type of pain has occured to me 2-3 times over the past 2 years. I don't think anything is torn, it really just feels like agitation or a compartment syndrome.

quads of the truth

take 3 weeks off squatting to heal, do other movements that dont hurt to train legs. Then start practicing proper squat form with about half of your max for lots of volume to memorize the movement. After about 2 weeks increase the weight by 5 lbs each session. Work back up to 225.

Oh, maybe you don't have that pain anymore because you don't compress your calves anymore? you still have big legs or a nice body? My body is kinda skinny and I want to be big, I hope this doesn't affect me alot in the "bodybuilding aspect", well, it is just one exercise I'll be missing for a while, right?

ok, SHIT i wanted to set free the beast inside me in this summer break.

i do have big legs. you can still build big legs without going atg in high bar. hell, you can build big legs by doing leg press + leg extensions + leg curl. I just enjoy squatting atg. Taking time off here from squatting isn't permanent. Just come back to it in a few weeks. You'll be healed, and in a much better place than if you keep pushing through pain each day.

thanks man!

no problem

just keep it easy on those calves for a while. don't even fuck with them outside of the gym

Either your calves are tight and you need to stretch more or you're squatting too much and when you go down you're going too fast and probably leaning forward. This happened to me before

use squat shoes and work on ankle mobility