Is there a more dangerous ethno-linguistic group that the germanic peoples...

is there a more dangerous ethno-linguistic group that the germanic peoples? imagine all the death and suffering caused by them all throughout western history/ from the barbarians that the romans had to contend with in their time, their "assimilation" within rome that ultimately caused the original roman culture to crumble and for the empure to fall, their religious dogmatism that split christianity,, the world wars

when will this stop?

Russians started WW1 and WW2

Of course, anyone but not Germans.

What really illuminates the brainstem is considering Jews, particularly Ashkenazim, as Germans, as well as pondering the chance that since France, Spain, Italy were conquered by waves of Germans (Goths, Francs, Normans etc), their elite was prolly heavily German

>Russians started WW1
>and WW2

The German will throw the Jew under the bus as a last resort while forgetting that Ashkenazim formed along the Rhine speaking a dialect of German then corrupted Russia into Westernisation til Stalin Russianised Bolshevism

Der Holocaust ist die größte und nachhaltigste Lüge der Geschichte

This is amerimutt-tier German.

Romans and Mongols caused more death and suffering

Germans weren't the ones who went out and colonized the globe, desu.

There's a reason why Asians couldn't give a fuck about the Holocaust. It's Euronig on Euronig violence.

germanics not germans as far as rome
feel like we have to post that in every one of these

Blame the Anglomutt language that made Magyars into Huns, Gemrans into Germanics and Slavs into Slaves.

just imagine all the innocent celtic people they raped and killed and forced into slavery

savages I tell you

>trying to pass this amerimutt off as german

what are you? some kind of Blossom-loyalist?

>blatant anti-germanism again
You. I like you.


>I'm German and French

reminder that anglo-saxons are germanic as well

Tiocfaidh ár lá

>Soviet Union did not invade Poland

are you stupid

fucking germans

Anglos started WW2.

Dies uezs.

>calling a communist ZOG government "Russians"

>no posting the american mongrel pic

you had 1 job

found the russian neo nazi

Found the idiot.

>be germanic
>live in cold forests
>life is hard but keeps us noble
>climate forces us to move, r*mans kill us when we just want to farm some empty land
>r*mans invade us, kill, rape and enslaves thousands upon thousands
>true evil empire
>we are the good guy resistance, finally drive them from our land and win serious battles
>feel pity for the r*mans now, help keep them safe as foederati
>only ask for a little bit of lands in their poorest provinces
>they betray us and try to kill us all
>r*mans are degenerate and greedy, we take over with ease now
>in a few years peace and order return, people are happy to be managed by noble germans
>east r*mans (gr*eks) invade again causing terrible destruction
>nobody wants them in the west, drive them out but italy never recovers (their fault)
>europe propsers under germanic rule
>defeat arab invaders
>but then == franks forget their germanic heritage, become like r*mans, europe begins decline without germanic spirit
>england becomes like french, become insufferable divide and conquer fagets
>germans continue to be the economic and technological powerhouse of europe tho, even with a crappy HRE (r*man shit btw)
>finally unite once again, europe on the precipice of germanic golden age of peace, russia invades fellow germans over some balkan shit (slavs also r*manboos)
>blame us
>take our land and humiliate their saviors
>great german man restores german pride, anglo declares war on us
>blame us again
>non-germans create an occupation government post war and blame us for everything it does
Its so tiring. Europe needs real germanic leadership, not less

>le "northern Europe was harsh and unforgiving" maymay strikes again
Scandinavia had a climate similar to northern Italy during the Bronze Age

This x100

ashkenazim are genetically half semitic and half italian

he's referring to the iron age