This summer i will lift for rihanna. who are you lifting for?

this summer i will lift for rihanna. who are you lifting for?


lauren. always for lauren.


The evil monkey in the closet

For myself in 10 years. Don't want to be disappointed.

Want to slide benis into this

This summer I will lift for the qt in my anthropology class

I'm doing it for grandma

Maybe if I lift enough I won't have to worry about her father



Lifting for my girlfriend. Been dating 8 years and living together for 5. Got my shit together and got a decent paying job for her. Never been happier. Given her everything. I wanted to make her something she could enjoy but I'm not good with words and I'm no fucking artist either. The only choice I had was to build a body she can enjoy. The sex these past 2 years has been insanely good. We used to fuck once every other day when I had a dad bod. Now it's once a day and sometimes twice if she's not too tired from work. Feels good man.

>being a proud cuck

Don't give her everything on a platter though mate.
People get spoilt easily

>not pumping for Trump


>Given her everything

Ask yourself this: What did you get in return? Make sure you aren't being used or truth will come crashing down on you eventually.

How so? We met when we were 17. She was a virgin but I had already fucked 6 girls by then. It bothered her back then and took like a year for her to Wana fuck. First time was awful lol but she got better

For me

Turned 25 last week

I am NOT going to turn 30 still being this DYEL

She's a total degenerate, no thanks.

She works an 8 hour job Monday through Saturday and goes to school full time also. She knows how to work hard. By given her everything I mean I've been emotionally supportive. I don't mean in material things. Although last year we went to Italy for 3 weeks Shit was cash we learned to snowboard in the alps. She also started lifting with me this year

I don't have anybody to lift for.

The only correct answer.

She's a lesbian

If you're a narcissistic homo

>if everyone in the world was dead would we still Wana lift?

>given her everything
>do everything for her
>change everything for her
>end up hating her for all the changes
Never gonna make it bruh

I heard she smokes the mary janes

Trump ain't gonna win, bud.



Hillary couldn't even put away Bernie, and you're telling me she's gonna beat Trump?


The brexit will also fail and Merkel will run for another term.

delet this


nice taste

damn I'd hit that too user
>high test gram incoming

Not even a question

That's only a dialogue option in the game, she can be lesbian, bi, or straight.

>If you're a narcissistic homo
>this is bad

Books bro, totally lesbian
I am so sorry bro

I'd hit it.

For my wife.

I lift for Rosie!

Doesnt mean i cant pump for him.

oooooooooooooo savage

Well, that is what 90% of fit consists of desu senpai

My girlfriend and our baby to be.

>Trump ain't gonna win, bud.

He can pump me

I can already count how many guys she's talked to/cheated with since for 5 years on both hands.
>Given her everything
Kek you're fucked.

U guys probably date vapid slut or don't know how to maintain a relationship. 90% of this Vietnamese rice growing online forum.

why the fuck would anyone lift for that alien looking tramp??

A girl that probably doesn't even wants me and isn't even that qt.

As long as I don't know, it works as motivation


Because RiRi is best nig

Me too..

that guy on the left must be lucky

dont listen to this NEET faggots, user. If you've truely found yourself a girl that makes you feel this way you should be proud. There's nothing better than a strong woman to hold your love like a banner.

Flat and shapeless! Just how I like my ass.

I lift for my oneitis


I lift for this girl on the right who doesnt know me.

Ooga booga


I'll vote trump before I ever cast a vote for that evil hag

You're not a sexist, are you?

I'd vote Warren, I'm fine voting for a women. doesn't mean I have to vote for that creature, would suck for women that Hillary got to be the first

This can't be the argument people will use. Surely we are more advanced than calling people racist for not voting for a black man.....wait......I mean calling people sexist for not voting for a woman.....surely we are more advanced.......surely.......right........yeah..surely



To cure my depression and self hate issues.

Came here to post this

>GTA poster. I wonder whose place that is.


jesus christ leave your basement once in a while

Already lift but lifting harder for this qt 18 year old volleyball player who's been mirin at work

Im 23 and its fucking fun fucking around with her and pretending I'm in high school again

>Not lifting for ptp

Y'all not gonna make it

Lift for yourself and greatness you beta faggots


But Triss is pretty hot, too.

Is that even a question?

That high test perfect qt that shares at least some of my interest that I will eventually (hopefully) meet before I die
Lifting now will prevent chad from stealing her from me before I muster the confidence to talk to my dream girl
Am I autistic?

These diddly's are for you mr disney


Get out of here Dan

For myself

Always for mummy

For her

sounds like you have a pretty healthy, cool relationship

good for you and good for her

This summer my pump goes for Trump




imagine looking like that

do i get to keep my penis?

never change

my gf who is way out of my league

>out of my leage
pick one

have some confidence senpai

Sure is summer in here

I lift for the aryan goddess of the white race Tay swizzle and occasionally Hitler