2.5 dozen eggs can be had for less than $2

>2.5 dozen eggs can be had for less than $2

why are you not eating more eggs? cheap bulking with protein and omega 3 fats.

Other urls found in this thread:


Because I care about my heart



Grown men just drink a couple of cartons of pic related everyday.

because i allready eat 12 a day
i eat enough eggs

Is 5 daily enough? My frying pan is already getting kind of overworked I think six would make them cook unevenly


ur dumb

you prob follow this also

>tons of cholesterol, 42:1 ratio between omega 3 and saturated fat, more calories and bioaccumulated industrial pollutants and pesticides per mg of omega 3 than pretty much anything else
>"omega 3 fats"

shitty bait thread

>low fat
>most fruits are high sugar so high in carbs
>eat 8-15 "servings" of carbs a day
Holy fuck, how could nutritionists in the past fuck up this bad?

watch this documentary

>5600mg cholesterol for $2
Have fun with with your heart-attack

>dietary cholesterol is bad
did you use a time machine or cryogenic freezing to come here from the 70s?

or read this book

>buying shitty disgusting factory-farmed eggs

Glad im not a poorfag

they assumed people weren't horribly sedentary. carbs aren't evil, what's with the decades-old momscience in this thread?

You mean you are a poor fag for buying super expensive "GMO" "free range" eggs.

the best marketing campaign ever

when people's diets are 90% simple carbs, yes they are evil.

Whether you bowl oats is bad isn't the question

No, i mean i'm not poor.

I care about groundwater pollution, ethical treatment of the animals that provide us our gains, and supporting a farmer 20 miles from my house instead of some jew megacorporation, so $3/dozen is nothing to me.

Enjoy your disgusting shit-tier eggs

If you weren't so poor that you had never even eaten a good egg, you would know that there is a massive difference.

spending more money = rich

you're literally the fitness version of being nigger rich

learn 2 finance poor fag

>what is free run?

No, it's well worth it as i explained.

For one, the reasons for purchase have not been refuted, and i didnt even mention quality or taste.

Secondly, $3 is nothing to me. If you think that hurts my pocketbook or my life in any way you are pathetically poor.

send me $3 now :)


could you spare me $3 rich man

>Eggs are bad for your heart

Is this true?
I eat 5 scrambled style every day. Should I cut down on eggs?

Do 1 egg yolk, 5 egg whites

Too many egg yolks will fuck your cholesterol up

Eggs, especially the shitty eggs you get for $2, are not a good source of omega-3

Also you're retarded if you take this comedy movie seriously

>Gary Taubes


Congrats you eat 250% of your daily recommended intake of cholesterol, you are well on your way to hardening arteries which have fun side effects like back pain, erectile dysfunction, and sudden death!

>when people's diets are 90% simple carbs, yes they are evil.

Is that what the food pyramid says? Make refined sugars 90% of your diet?

>muh why

Because I'd rather eat salmon, ribeye steaks, and scallops, and can afford to do so.

>doesn't have good cholesterol genes
>not turning all that dietary cholest into mighty test

lmaoing at yr life


Yeah, how dare those nerds tell people to eat healthy whole grains and fruit. How anti-intellectual of them. They should appreciate the need to mistake science for some colorful "muh feelings" disney adventure just like fad diet book authors and documentarists do and promote fatty junk food instead!

I eat 28 eggs a week. Come at me bro

No. Earlier this year the consensus became that eggs are fine and they're removing cholesterol from nutrition facts since dietary cholesterol is a non-factor.

>I eat 28 eggs a week. Come at me bro
200% of your drv cholesterol per day

have fun with your erectile dysfunction and sudden death

>We should not let the pendulum swing all the way back to where it was earlier, when saturated fat and dietary cholesterol intakes were very high. The current U.S. mean intake of dietary cholesterol is 273 mg/day. This is well below the earlier recommendation to consume less than 300 mg/day that had previously been determined from rigorous research on diet and cholesterol. As we know, though, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.

>The take-home is that just because dietary cholesterol is no longer a “nutrient of concern,” it does not mean we should forget about the problems it can cause. An apt analogy is that just because we know dark chocolate has some heart-health benefits, it does not mean people should eat 10 bars a day.

No, that's just what the media spun it into. The final decision of the USDA was to remove the specific number limit, but reinforce that people should eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible in the context of a nutritionally adequate diet.


>The Key Recommendation from the 2010 Dietary Guidelines to limit consumption of dietary cholesterol to 300 mg per day is not included in the 2015 edition, but this change does not suggest that dietary cholesterol is no longer important to consider when building healthy eating patterns. As recommended by the IOM,[24] individuals should eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible while consuming a healthy eating pattern

>An apt analogy is that just because we know dark chocolate has some heart-health benefits, it does not mean people should eat 10 bars a day.

That's not really an apt analogy since dietary cholesterol doesn't have any known health benefits

i mostly agree with the pyramid.

what are u trying to show me? whats wrong with this pic?

How does any of this mean that eating 5 eggs a day isn't fine?

Eating 5 eggs a day would be closer to "eating as much dietary cholesterol as possible" than "eating as little dietary cholesterol as possible"

oh noes animal cruelty

Because a dozen free range eggs here cost 5 bucks at least

What kind of logic is this? Eating more than 0 eggs is closer to "eating as much dietary cholesterol as possible" than "eating as little dietary cholesterol as possible". Are you another fucking vegan trying to scaremonger people away from eggs?

Both of the huffpo and the health.gov pieces talk more about the dangers of a diet high in saturated in combination with cholesterol. I wouldn't advise someone to eat lots of eggs if I thought their diet was high in saturated fats, cholesterol and they lived a sedimentary lifestyle but I doubt that's how the Veeky Forumsizen lives.

Because I live in Canada and eggs cost me $5/doz

The recommendation is "eat as little dietary cholesterol as possible" and you're asking why eating 5 eggs, each of which has about 200mg of dietary cholesterol, coming from a history of 300mg/d being the max allowed in a day from all sources (you aren't just eating eggs) wouldn't be fine. Eggs aren't even low in saturated fat. 5 large eggs is 7.5g saturated fat as well.

Absence of evidence that it is? Not one population on the planet with low disease eats like that. You're a guinea pig, bro. When the data comes in on all these new low carb shitters in a few decades like it did with asbestos and PCBs we'll know.

Where's your evidence that your dietary cholesterol had anything to do with ED? That's right, there is none.


Because I have chicken that literally shit them.

>Surprisingly, ED might be a sign of heart problems.

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but stop, just stop. You have no idea what you're talking about. If you're trolling, then shame on me. If not, educate yourself.

Poor artery health can cause ED but so can psychological factors.

>Like, get educated! It's 2016! Please stop!

>sedimentary lifestyle
I hear it rocks

I ate a dozen eggs a day, 5x a week, for over a year and had perfect cholesterol.

I'll take my personal experience over the fucktards at the USDA any day.

Remember when sugar was evil?

Remember when fat was evil?

Remember when salt was evil?

Remember when carbs were evil?

Remember when they restructured the recommended intake of food groups every decade?

Fuckers can't make up there mind. If you can grow it or kill it, then fucking eat it. Try to minimize everything else.

Stay mad whitescucks
I live in the Netherlands, where the food advice center admits dietary cholesterol plays no role in vascular disease. Have fun with your shitty "health" lobby.

Yeah, science is retarded. Let's do things based on our feelings instead.

Out of curiosity, what were your cholesterol numbers?

>Also you're retarded if you take this comedy movie seriously
Which part don't you take seriously? Don't say, "All of it" if you didn't even watch it.

Here's a critical scene where he points out how misleading Super Size Me was. The math is solid.

>tfw eat 2 superior duck eggs per day

Isn't salt still evil?
All dat dere water retention fucken yo ab definition.

The whole "heart disease is a government conspiracy, an evil scientists tricked the world for 5 decades and now a stand-up comedian is here to tell you the truth. Also please don't investigate this on your own, just trust us that it's all true"

Fucking Ancient Aliens is more credible than that movie

All that protein.

>tfw eating 5 scrambled eggs with cheese every morning on a cut
>tfw low bp and cholesterol
>tfw cutting fat fast as fuck

stay mad vegan cucks

Nice, what's your bp and cholesterol numbers?

He didn't say that, straw man.

Be specific.


Too many fallacies to count and a ridiculous mistelling of the history of diet-heart research, saying scientists (who would have also been competing with their own theories) were all tricked by an evil man who published false data to push an anti-saturated fat agenda.

This youtube channel has good videos about this crazy accusation that's told by low-carb quacks.


wish we had that here

Where the hell do you go for that many eggs at such a cheap price? For $3 if be lucky to get a dozen

same here.4x a day

Le scientists are impervious to corruption! Let's praise our scientist overlords!

Because the macros are not that good.

The calories are 35%P, 63%F, 2%C. Meh.

I can't look at YouTubes right now. However....

I will admit he didn't explain the lipid hypothesis correctly. The error that he should have explained was the severe tunnel vision than Ancel Keys had.

This blog seems to explain it objectively:

Health sciences in general are not as clear cut as, say, chemistry or physics.

For instance, did you know dietary cholesterol doesn't even affect blood cholesterol for a large percentage of people? And that not all cholesterol is bad anyway? And that now nutritionists and dieticians are questioning whether there is such a thing as HDL and LDL?

All of this is irrelevant anyway since cholesterol is far less important when it comes to cardiovascular disease than saturated and trans fats.

Nobody denies that the sky is blue or that potassium and water cause an explosive reaction. But well-respected and credible health experts disagree on fucking everything. And that it's undeniable that every few years there's some new nutritional boogeyman, usually spun by the media.

Look at this fucking article published just a few days ago.


>You don't need to be afraid of fat in food anymore
>Fat is back, new research shows.

Determining what's healthiest isn't as straightforward as studying lines on a spectogram.

if you're a man you need to watch out for high cholsterol


>huff puff post

don't ruin your argument like that

>Isn't salt still evil?

Just drink water and piss it out

fuck you. where i live, they're about 5 bucks for 12.

Looking back on that I can't believe how fucking dumb it is. It must have been created to sway the populace towards the consumption of grains and boost grain sales.

No one from any time period would ever tell you that Wheat is what you should eat the most for health. If you suggested so they'd look at you like you were nuts and tell you that someone wants you to think the diet of a broke ass peasant is a glorious.

I thought only roosters had that shit on thier heads?

the hippie inside me feels for those poor chickens, try to buy cage free when i can but damn expensive

Omg Veeky Forums you drive me fucking crazy.

I eat at least 1 egg a day, hardboiled. Maybe 2 on a weekend day. It fits my macros. Do I have to worry about this?

As someone with a blood cholesterol level of 405 (between 300-405 since I was a child) I gotta tell you that diet does jack shit to that number. Statins (cholesterol medication) would be ineffective in changing that number more than 25 points. Don't eat meats? No change. Don't eat carbs? No change. Cut out all fats? No change. Why?

I have Familial Hypercholesterolemia which is a genetic disorder that means my cholesterol levels are naturally in the 300-500's.
The body builds blood cholesterol out of proteins it gathers from the food you eat. A process in the body signals the creation of cholesterol. If I some how ate a disk of matter that was soley comprised of cholesterol, I wouldn't change my blood levels at all.

But get this....people with my "disorder" have the exact same life expectancy rates as regular people. The scientists studying my disorder and tracking a population of families with the disorder (over generations) found no evidence whatsoever for higher risks of heart disease or a lower life expectancy than regular folks. However, those who took statin drugs had lower life expediencies and had more heart attacks. The study built to search for a connection between heart disease and high cholesterol levels found no connection. The scientists concluded that heart disease comes from some other environmental factor. They proposed another study be done to check the effects of sugar intake and heart disease as the countries influx of easily accessible and cheap sugar was the same time period that heart disease began to rise.

Don't believe that cholesterol bullshit. Stop spreading those myths.

pic unrelated

>10/10 would bang
thanks mr skeletal

Sounds like you need an antipsychotic in addition to that statin.

Beyond saddened that there is such an incredible lack of knowledge commonplace on Veeky Forums these days

I've eaten 7 dozen eggs a week for 2 years. Every morning is 6 eggs+6 egg whites.

Everyday, cutting or bulking (Cutting Is 4 eggs 8 whites, bulking is 8 eggs, 4 whites)

Why would I need an anti psychotic?

I've summarized a study and flavored it with a unique perspective.

Cholesterol is actually really good for you

1 Dozen eggs is $4 in my country. Every country is different.

Think before you type.

Stupid cunt.

"In the United States, USDA free range regulations currently apply only to poultry and indicate that the animal has been allowed access to the outside.[3] The USDA regulations do not specify the quality or size of the outside range nor the duration of time an animal must have access to the outside."

You can literally make a door from the chicken house to a cage outside that is 3' x 3' and call your chickens "free range". Free range is a fucking meme word used to sell overpriced eggs to morons.

Buy your eggs locally if you want a shot at supporting anything resembling humane treatment of animals.

Dietary cholesterol has little effect on serum cholesterol.

>heart disease is linked to ED
>therefor dietary cholesterol correlates strongly to serum cholesterol which correlates to heart disease which correlates to ED


Yeah. Like when they used to cook meats wrapped in othermeat and stuffed.inside a crust of bread to keep it out of the ash. Then they threw away the bread and the servants ate the shitty meat wrapping. Wheat is for alcohol you morons.


>Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an autosomal disorder characterized by increased levels of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein cholesterol. The FH clinical phenotype has been shown to be associated with increased coronary heart disease and premature death.

lol k