I want to do some swimming this summer what are the chances of chlorine burning my skin

i want to do some swimming this summer what are the chances of chlorine burning my skin


u wot mate

i want to avoid damage to the skin

umm so you're seriously considering not going for a swim because you don't want it to damage your skin? are you literally a woman?? smdh...

im not a pansy i kinda dont care what others think but if theres a chance i could burn my skin i want that possibility resolved.


don't swim in a chlorinated pool then.

The chlorine is in such minute amounts in the water.

I think you're good mate...

Excuse me?
Explain further

chlorine doesn't burn you fag

Swam competitively for 13 years, last 5 were 30 hours a week in the water. Skin is normal.

I can't believe the stupid that has taken over these days. Stay in your room and pull the covers up over your head, if you go outside an insect might land on your precious skin, or worse still, you might breathe in some second hand smoke, or heaven forbid, it might rain and God knows what chemicals are out there just floating around. BTW, throw away your cel phone and stay away from power lines, and don't forget your tinfoil hat.

You could I don't know... Shower afterward? Fucking shit you guys are helpless

Well, I may as well make this a functional thread instead of the trainwreck it is.

I'm looking to start swimming for cardio this summer (I already lift regularly). Where would I begin?

In a pool

I don't think there's any proof that chlorinated pools can hurt you. If it really worries you though some fancy rich pools use salt cleaning with much lower chlorine levels so you could go for that

In all honesty if you go to a cheap pool where they over chlorinate to make up for not cleaning it well it can make you feel fucked, not permanently. Also remember the image about fat people cleaning the shit off themselves in pools.

Start by actually getting in the water and swimming for as long as you can. Watch videos of stroke techniques and ask more experienced swimmers for advice while you're at the pool. Or, if you're already comfortable with swimming, most pools have workouts available for you to follow. Start with something in the 1000-1200 yard range and go from there.

Is this even a thing? i swam all my life and was a life guard for two years without ever hearing about chlorine burns. unless you're walking into the pump room and jumping into one of the vats of chlorine, for ultimate mutant gains, i think you'll be fine.

This thread did not disappoint.

Neither did your mom.

Chlorine sucks for your skin. Just accept you won't be able to swim a lot until you can afford a salt water pool.