Suffered a severe injury while deadlifting over 2 months ago. Initially I felt the pain in my lower back the worst...

suffered a severe injury while deadlifting over 2 months ago. Initially I felt the pain in my lower back the worst, followed by glutes,and a little hamstring. I rested 2 days and hit the gym again only to find out how stiff and painful my injury was. I tried working out around it until I decided I needed dedicated time off to let it heal. Eventually the pain went away and I started lifting again after 2 weeks, but then the pain and stiffness came right I moved to only doing push ups and pull ups. My back started feeling good, but last night I kneeled down to clean a spill and instantly got a searing debilitating pain in my lower back that killed me all night. It's finally subsiding after ice and heat but I have reduced mobility all over again. So what could be happening ? I thought strains only lasted 4-6 weeks. I was told not to rest too long but s friend who had a similar injury and that stretching and activity helps but this injury will not go away and keeps resurfacing.

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I had a minor tear from dead-lifting and it's still a problem now because i never saw a physio

Should I really go see one? Visits are expensive for me so I try to avoid them

Look it's honestly one of the biggest regrets of my life, and honestly what's $80~ when you can be fucked for life. My injury was 2013 and it's still a fucking issue
>Literally struggle to squat 60KGs
>130 bench/110 OHP etc, etc,

It's fucking hell, just see a physio

Op do not see a fucking physio.

I had an injury nearly exactly how you described.

It might have a herniated disk. The fact that it goes to your glutes is a sign of it. Possibly l5 s1 herbiated disk.

DO NOT SEE A A PHSYIO SEE A FUCKING NEUROSURGEON. get your scans and get it determined.

A pjysio will give you exercises assuming its a muscle problem with can and will cause more irreversible damage to the disks.

I was misdiagnosed as a injured muscle and sent to one who made it much much worse. 2 months later i see a new doctor who showed me right away on the scans that it was fuckes and the physio did further damage.

Get scans
See neuro surgeon.
Do not go to physio

get off Veeky Forums and go to a fucking doctor idiot

A Physio will do scans unless you live in fucking Somalia or somewhere without proper healthcare like USA, Also;


Kill yourself

Also op the sign that streching us causing more pain is further signs of disk damage.

You are compressing the spine causing the herniated disks to get fucked up bad. I have an l5 s1 injury and you aound exactly like me.

The only relief i get is resting flat on my back in order to decompress my spine.

I bet you wake up fine and the more the day goes on the worst you feel?

Op stop streching, don't compress your dam spine by streching or sit upa or fucking heavy weights and see the dam neurosurgon.

How would going to a physio have helped if you tore something in your back? Wouldn't that require surgery to fix?

I live in australia and no they dont do scans
They do not have anywhere near the knowledge of even a gp in diagnosing problems. You are a fucking idiot.

I bet you expect a chiropractor to cure your cold aswell user.

Op phsyios have their place in re habiltation of musculoskeletal injuries when diagnosed by a doctor.

They are not fucking doctors and do not have the skills to diagnose you.

Wow, I have seen some bad advice in my time on Veeky Forums but this is right up there with the worst piece of crap anybody ever told another person.

You do NOT know what the fuck you're talking about AT ALL (even if you did have a poor experience at a physio)

Yes they do i live in Australia and had scans performed when i had by back checked out upon my injury, stop going to the shittiest possible physio who went to fucking ACU/Notre Dame and go to a hospital you dumb cunt. If it's so much of an issue than you'll get a referral from there but you would have to be flat out autistic to go from suspected injury to neurospecialist because of some autistics anecdotal evidence on the fucking internet.

Literally kill yourself

Physios help with the rehabilation of muscle injuries. But be careful because they are not medical doctors. They have nowhere close of the knowledge of even a 4th year med student.

I left it too long and it no longer required surgery. You don't "need" surgery for minor muscular tears.

>back injury caused by disk damage
>think it's stupid to go to a neuro surgeon with your scans.

OP here after physio what are possible treatments you think they would reccomend based on the possible injuries? I cannot exactly afford a lot as I'm uninsured at the moment.

Sorry where did OP say it was disk damage?

Wait he didn't and it's all your own experience you're trying to force into this persons experience because apparently correlation equals causation?

Are you a coon by some chance?

Don't try treat an injury without knowing EXACTLY what the injury is that's fucking stupid, See your GP at the very least

>They have nowhere close of the knowledge of even a 4th year med student.
Sorry to say, but on some things it's actually the other way around. Case in point:

OP again I would like to add that stretching doesn't cause more pain, it often feels good after the initial shock of stretching. Yoga poses also feel good. Sometiems when I workout,l Ile my pull ups, the pain goes away completley for a while.

I know exactly what i am talking about user because i experienced this first hand.

>back injury like op
>get referal by gp for scans
>Got and mri and the works
>take it back to gp with the radiologists comments
>both tell me its maybe muscle problwm they dont know
>get referal to go to physio who also tells me after looking at scans its probs muscle. I see him for 2 months roughly with it only getting worse
>have enough and go to neuro surgeon
>looks at scans within first 20 seconds and tells me the problem and points it out clearly
>tells me the physio caused irreversible damage and was a fucking idiot
>tells me im fucked and in welcome to see another for an opinion
>other tells me exact same thing and also tells me the compression caused by phiso caused more damage without a doubt

Im done replying op but do not listen to these google md medial professionals.

Go see the best peraon you can because a permanent back injury can ruin your life. These retards have no idea what they are talking about.

Threads like this is what makes me afraid to start lifting.

Correlation doesn't equal causation you autistic cunt, not every injury is the same.

>Get referral by GP
So don't skip this step OP, don't listen to this mongoloid who apparently must've been raped by a physio or something.

Exactly you retard. He does not know so dont go see a physio which is the point.

Do not go to a physio who had 2 undergrad courses of training at best at reading scans to diagnose you and give you streches to do.

Get diangosed by a medical doctor before you risk inury.

Are you literally retarded? I have been saying go get diangosed by a doctor this whole time.

Go back to UON phsyio undergrad 1st year.

I don't give a shit what you've experienced, your advice is still bad and there are a lot of things you don't know.

Here's a FACT for you: Imaging (including MRI) is not recommended as standard practice for low back patients due to the following reasons:
1) You'll nearly always find something "wrong" even on healthy, painfree people.
2) You literally have NO way of knowing whether what you find is what's causing the pain.
3) Even if there is a disc herniation and it happens to be what's causing the pain, the best course of action in most cases is still a conservative approach i.e. no surgery.

These are well established facts and beyond discussion.

>pain goes away after pull ups
>hanging causes decompression of the spine and disks
Literally user go see a gp and get scans. Get diagnosed by a medical doctor and i highly recommend getting 2nd opinions.

You are a textbook possible herbiated disk injury.

Also I want to add that this guy telling you irreversible damage has been done to your back is considered very, very poor practice among healthcare practitioners. Doing so causes what's called "nocebo" LITERALLY mindfucking you and risking making your pain worse.

>advising him to get diangosed by a medical doctor and see specialists for back injuries before risking further damage and getting 2nd opinions after
>bad advice

Literal idiot.

>specialists for back injuries
Like a physiotherapist? You do know doctors refer you to a physio, right? Because they're like... Specialists. It's literally what they do.

Look it's cool you have an opinion but you can't logic your way through this when the simple fact is that I know something about this matter and you really don't. So please shut the fuck up when the grown ups are talking.

Experienced the SAME issue, except I had mine when squatting. Ended up being unable to walk for a week.

Doctor visit/Xrays (2 years later), said no spinal or nerve injury, but the strain was so intense/repeatedly trying to come back too soon/continuously re-aggravating has left that my lower back muscle practically covered in scar tissue.
There's nothing he can do, or anyone can do. Maybe I can get cortisone shot, but he doubts it would work. I feel it aching 24/7, I take almost 20 NSAIDs a day to control it.

Whenever I squat more than 2 Plates, I feel it it straining. Whenever I deadlift more than 1 plate, I feel it. I haven't squatted more than 2.5 in 2 years, when I used to rep 4+.
I can overhead press my BW, I can do super heavy chins, but direct work on my lower back is hell.

And there's nothing I can do. Accept your limitations, acknowledge that you made a mistake, work around it, and don't let it define your lifting progress. I'm in pain, but I can still lift. Pain can be controlled, it's just something I feel, not something that holds me back. You may be like me, and unable to can't fix this bro. Just learn to live with it, it's not the end of the world.

Look at this medical professional better listen to him.

Oh wait.......

Fucking kek. Op go see a doctor it's not hard.

Stop listening to the kid with a useless neuroscience degree and go see a trained medical doctor.

>calling a phsyio a back specialist
I bet a chiropractor is a bone specialist to aye?

I bet a speech pathologist is a head and neck specialist am i right?

Literally an idiot. Hows the failure to get into med school going on user?

Fuck you

And fuck you

To those out there who are actually dealing with chronic low back pain and lurking this thread, I strongly recommend you check out and educate yourselves, and it might just help you return to some of the activities you used to be able to enjoy.

I'm out.