Is veganism a meme or is it actually bad (health/longevity wise, fuck morals) to eat meat?

is veganism a meme or is it actually bad (health/longevity wise, fuck morals) to eat meat?

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veganism (no red meat, no fish, no eggs, no diary) is fucking retarded and you basically depend on supplements to be healthy. I bet supplement companies love to shill the ideology.


what makes you say that? sounds like you're just a jelly poorfag


Nigger, did you just make me look up child porn on googleo?

google image search you retarded mongrel fuck

Red meat isn't very good for you. Apparently that's more processed red meat though?

It's also carcinogenic which obviously isn't good. I think chicken can be pretty healthy if you cook it right, and fish is probably the healthiest kind of meat unless you're eating tons of higher food chain stuff like tuna where you have to worry about mercury.

Windows 10

It's not CP. I can't remember her name but she's done tons of professional shoots. As other guy said google it.

Yes, meat eaters live less, it has been scientifically proven and measured.

The vegan diet is invariably the most healthy one. The more you restrict meats, the better.

>The more you restrict meats, the better.
Bit of a stretch. Vegetarians and vegans are in general going to be more conscientious about what they eat, but that doesn't imply all meat = instant death.

Like 90% of B12 supplements are given to cattle. You don't need any other supplement.

>I didn't read a single link, yet I feel the need to reply with a fallacious hyperbole
Yes, sure, eating some chicken != instant death, FFS. No one implied this ever.

what's wrong with windows 10

What's the point of living longer if you're just going to be a huge faggot the entire time?

>The vegan diet is invariably the most healthy one. The more you restrict meats, the better.

Not necessarily. I'm a vegetarian and there are days where I have to work to hit my protein goals esp if I don't have access to a fridge or forget to buy cottage cheese/eggs/yogurt. Vegan lifters have to worry about protein even more than vegetarians do because your body doesn't process plant proteins as well.

I'd agree that vegetarianism/veganism can be pretty healthy IF you are still eating the right macros, though.

>The more you restrict meats, the better

Fuck you.

80% of omnivores are B12 deficient.
Vegetarians are aware that the "standard western diet" does not provide enough b12 (because of how food and hygiene are addressed nowadays) and they drink fortified activated almonds milk or b12 supplements.

I can get 120g proteins/day effortlessly without resorting to greek yogurt or cheese. No GMO soy and the like.

Truth hurts.

>fortified activated almonds milk

You blew your cover.

what are your main protein sources?

Clearly dudeloads and bullshit.

and yours are rotting flesh and cancer

legumes, nuts & wholegrains.

when cutting how do you maintain low carb, high protein ratio?

>rotting flesh
Yes, I am an omnivore.

Low family incidence aside from the odd melanoma or lung cancer in the smokers. Live long enough and we'll all get it.

You enjoy your moral superiority, I'll enjoy my balanced, flavorful diet.


C'mon dog I thought Veeky Forums was above this.

High carb low fat masterrace

great, i will do the same


I've been trying a vegetarian diet recently.

I've not seen one thing to suggest plant protein is "inferior." Yes, many plant proteins have an incomplete amino acid profile, but this is resolved using multiple food sources.

As far as B12 goes, though, I don't know whats up with that.

How do you produce enough T on a low fat diet?

I don't care about low carbs that much. 100% of my carbs come from unrefined or "whole" sources. When I cut I just count calories. My macros on a cut are 40~45% carbs, 25~30% proteins, 25~30% (non-trans) fats

Being vegans pre easy.
Usually have 4 pancakes in the morning with maple syrup.
Then before my workout I eat Green Veggies, Tofu, Brown rice with any sauce of my choice.
I usually have pasta's for dinner and then I snack throughout the day on smoothies, fruit and vegan snacks.

I take creatine, whey protein and a mens multivitamin (just to be safe). supplementing b12 is a meme also, only if youre b12 deficient you should be taking it.

Also in 8 months I've gained around 10-14 kg lean mass and I also get to eat pizza on the regular and not have to worry about it.

>Being vegan
>whey protein

>I've not seen one thing to suggest plant protein is "inferior."

There are a few links in the sticky that discuss it.

Plant sources of protein generally are less digestible, for one thing. The latter two seem to also show that your gains are better from milk protein compared to soy protein.

there are vegan whey proteins

Also, most whey proteins are vegan/vegetarian.

Post body please

No gooby am a vegan myself

Veganism is unhealthy but most vegans don't do it for health reasons.

>whey protein

Whey protein is not vegan ya fucking knob. And in all likelihood unless you're making the pizza with the fake cheeses you can get, neither is the pizza. wtf.

>whey proteins are vegan
No, they're vegetarian. Whey is derived from milk.

Please explain how in FUCK milk-derived whey protein and pea protein are the same and how the former is vegan.

Alon Gabbay, now vegan.
He must be protein deficient.

...a lot of pizza is vegan. I'm not vegan but I hate cheese and there's plenty of cheeseless pizzas. You don't need to substitute.

>anything besides the steroids actually matter when you're on steroids

top lmao, he could be on a diet of wonderbread only and look good with his insertions and some chemical assistance

Whey isn't vegan

How is it unhealthy? Strictly health speaking, apart from the lack of certain vitamins that the body traditionally gets from meat sources, there's literally no downside and arguably a lot of upsides.

I think no one will argue against the convenience and ease of building muscle on a carnivorous diet, it's not really disputed that meat and egg protein has a higher biological value and hence far more effective for stimulating hypertrophy.

But in terms of health, I've never really seen any genuine upsides to eating meat. Then again you do correctly mention that most vegans don't do it for health reasons, for me personally the health reasons are second nature.

>but I hate cheese


Any extreme is bad. Too much meat can be bad and restricting yourself to a strict vegan diet can be bad.

Read a book on human nutrition and find a balance.

Are steroids necessary to get big on vegan diet? Cuz the dude in that pic is 100% on roids which kinda detracts from the message.

And weaker than drug-tested guys two and three weightclasses below him.

It just tastes really gross to me, I don't know how to explain it. I tried it by itself when I was little and I gagged and I still hate it now

Average life expectancy from these three places is ten years longer than the global average. They also have the highest populations of centenarians (people that live over 100).


this senpai

That's missing the huge amount of fish consumption in Japan. They're hardly close to vegan.

Skinnyfat: The Diet

LMAO at vegans getting BTFO.

Getting BTFO?



>standard western diet

then change your goddamn diet you don't have to stop eating meat to fix shit like that you fucking mong

Based Australian gov.

Based USA gov.





>(health/longevity wise, fuck morals) to eat meat?
Eat only vegetables and live a miserable life, still get cancer.
There is absolutely no proof that meat causes cancer so i would rather make gains, eat a good diet and die at the average 65 - 70 than live such a miserable vegan life and cross my fingers i didn't get cancer from something else.

Alon is stupid as fuck. It would not suprise me if the guy is actually retarded on the IQ scale. And he is on gear.


so you found some case studies of retarded vegans abusing their kids, nice brah

>Jon Venus went vegan less than 1 year ago.

Be patient, he will look like pic related in 10 years of vegan lifting.

He's won those records when he wasn't a vegan yet (or just converted to veganism a short while ago), tho

He hasn't really won all that much since then.



roiding vegans don't count

>Plant based diet

This is some next level bullshit. Saredegna is famous for sheep meat
















after everything there is still an animal that lives a horrible life and dies a horrible death for your selfish pleasure. the least you can do is reduce your meat consumtion to once or twice a week and get your meat from a reliable source. also the meat replacement stuff tastes pretty good if not better than the real thing.

what do these articles prove? people knowing nothing about nutrition going to a hardcore diet, fucking stupid. at least they had a good cause that would be a strong argument for that diet if they werent so careless and just a little less hardcore in their believes. you know theres millions of people who drink and smoke during pregnancy, whatever.

8.3/10 24yo 140lb vegan chick co-worker was skinny fat a year ago. a year later, now she weighs less but looks even fatter and she has fat ass arms that stand out. on a good day 6/10. i paid attention to her today when she came by and her face looked aged like a smokers. she doesn't smoke and barely drinks. she works out... at times. her diet is fucking her shit up! she just maintains her current looks because of her current age. she and other chick co-workers make it seem like she is one of those true vegans because she has been one for like 5 years and she eats a variety of vegan dishes.

that bitch needs to get medical attention. even though no one talks about this stuff, a lot of people of all ages ignore things that should be standard for them. making appointments to get tests done on you can be essential to prevent things that may fuck your health up later on.

>Veeky Forums is ready to enter their prime, while this chick is ready to enter her decline.

she is relying solely on her youthful looks and vegan-plague logic.

>eat less meat goy. Dont be strong goy. Be sickly and submit to foreignors, immegrants, and niggers goy. Good goy.

>if i dont eat meat every day i will lose all my gains
>all the nutrition i get from meat is used up within a day
>all anti meat studies are oppressive and fake
>torturing one animal to death is excusable therefore its excusable to torture and kill millions every day.
>these nutritionists and scientists who are at the top of their field only promote these diets because the diet book industry pays them.

I like eating meat

Fuck Gento.


Of course she's entering her decline, her prime was 5 years ago.