How do you stay naturally thin user?

How do you stay naturally thin user?

I don't eat every second I'm awake, not doing something can be very rewarding.

I don't eat much,

sleep tight porker

wii-fit and zumba

sleep tight porker

I activate my almonds

Years of cutting from fat fuck to fit has altered my appetite quite significantly and nowadays I pretty much just eat whatever healthy foods I feel like without counting calories / macros and I stay lean.

run three times a week

Well you know I just go cycling sometimes and watch what I eat :^)

drink a lot, move shit tons, eat slightly less than you´re supposed to and hit the gym

Wii Fit and Zumba, of course.

new meme?


>I'm not american

old meme

that actually made me lol

are u new?

what u means

I'm fat ass fuck lol

i mostly cruise :^)

get b8ed nerds