Apparently my thread didn't have enough click bait

Apparently my thread didn't have enough click bait.

My question is pretty simple. How do I motivate my girlfriend to exercise?

She's lost about 20 pounds, but that was over the course of 2 years and mostly due to medication. I know she WANTS to lose weight, she just has a shitty self image and gets embarrassed easily. Absolutely won't go to a gym. We have a stationary bike she won't use anymore because I might see her and "judge her". (Which I fucking don't)

Getting down to a healthy size would do so much for her (and she isn't even far off) but I just can't help her break her weird neurosis. She keeps telling me about how she wants to be thin, and eventually have a big ass and shoulders. But she hasn't even done cardio in... 5 weeks now?



It bugs you let's say it's my sister.

Tell her what you want her to do and tell her the consequences for not doing it are you will break up with her.

If she honors your terms join her and offer positive support.

If she does no agree or does not honor your terms you need to follow through and break up with her.

She'll certainly resent the ultimatum but if she agrees follows through on her end and gets fit she'll thank you for making her improve herself. If she doesn't why the fuck would you want to be in a relationship with her?

Why are you dating a fat girl in the first place?


Following through is key. If you don't then she knows without a doubt that she wears the pants in the relationship. Do you really want to be with someone who doesn't respect you?

Seriously break up with her. If she doesn't have the willpower to even ACT healthy then she'll never get better. If she's timid around even her boyfriend she's absolutely never going to make it.

Bulk all the way up to her size and cut with her

this is good advice

>she just has a shitty self image and gets embarrassed easily. Absolutely won't go to a gym. We have a stationary bike she won't use anymore because I might see her and "judge her". (Which I fucking don't)
>weird neurosis
>But she hasn't even done cardio in... 5 weeks now?

Lmao, enjoy walking through that minefield of irrational arguments and despair. There is no way this ends the way you want it to.

what's her height and weight? she can just keep losing weight by eating better quality food with less calories. she'll end up skinnyfat and then you'll have to try and find some normie girls on Tumblr or instagram who aren't using anavar to make her think about lifting.

ultimatums never work so just skip straight to dumpsville

...typed user, from his basement

No offense but this sounds like some serious redpill shit and I'm not doing it. But I do thank you for at least trying to help me

she'll lose weight if and when she truly wants to. there's nothing you can do, if you push her then you will look like an asshole and it will ruin your relationship.

if she's not trying and her only reason for not exercising is embarrassment, she doesn't really care so neither should you

I have the same question but flipped! I suggested myfitnesspal to track calories, it's a good start. If she loses weight by eating healthy, she might be inspired to lose more weight by exercising! Keep supporting her, maybe she needs professional help for her body-image issues?

My boyfriend doesn't want to exercise in front of people, for different reasons. He

>started mfp 4 weeks ago
>have lost 8 lbs
>boyfriend started 2 weeks ago
>gained 4 lbs

;;___;; why is it like this. He's 5'9" at now, 260 lbs... I'm so worried about his health!! I wish he would take losing weight more seriously.

That's what you get for dating manlets

This is terrible advice. Ultimatums are entirely uncalled for in this situation. motivate her with incentives/rewards. Have you tried sitting down with her and writing out goals? And if she meets said goals reward her with taking her out to her favorite restaurant( hopefully it's somewhat healthy) or taking her somewhere special, like a really fun date. Don't back her into a corner with a bullshit ultimatum like "workout or I'll break up with you," that is the last thing you want to do.

Don't take the redpill bullshit advice user, if you love her, stay with her.

You should try to show her how easy it is to lose weight, because it fucking is. Tell her what food she needs to eat. Also you're way too obsessed with cardio/gyms. I haven't seen the word diet in your post while its 100x more important than exercise

Don't judge her on the stationary bike asshole, she'd probably lose weight then.

Try getting a dog to walk with or doing fun hiking with groups. Start easy and the body will slowly adjust and crave more. #1 mistake is too much too quickly and the secret to fitness is consistency.

Try stopping all soda drinking and having a chart or something to keep track of how many times soda was not chosen as beverage. same with fast food.

Cutting soda & fast food could be 500+ calories less and walking/hiking daily can burn more too. Simple things like this could be 12 lbs in 1 yr

We have been using a calorie counting app for about 2 months. I've lost 10lbs and she's stayed the same weight. (We're going slowly, I am by no means saying 10lbs is a lot. I know it isn't.)

We eat healthy, no soda, fast food, ice cream, pies, cakes etc. That wasn't hard for us to give up, in fact we gave that shit up last year. Her app claims she is eating at a caloric deficit but... clearly that can't be the case if she's staying at the same weight and not gaining muscle. I AM trying to start her off easy, I've been doing only 10-15 minutes on the bike each day. I said "try doing like 10 minutes every other day". But she won't do it. She won't refuse, she'll say she wants to but never get around to it.

No, don't bring a dog into this relationship just as it's beginning to fall apart

how fat

women are lazy cows, she'll just gain it all back if she barely has the motivation to lose it now, find a new girl who is already into fitness activities.

How to break up: the post

the average man finds fat girls attractive.

>he just has a shitty self image and gets embarrassed easily. Absolutely won't go to a gym. We have a stationary bike she won't use anymore because I might see her and "judge her". (Which I fucking don't)
pic related is my reaction. Assuming she's telling you the true reason, that means she's more concerned with what random strangers think of you than what you think of her. Is that the kind of relationship you're interested in having? What other areas do you come second in, to her? Does she treat you with respect, trust, and deferment in other areas?
It seems she's already made her decision: she does not want to put any effort into her body. Now honestly, it'd be different if she made some kind of effort but stopped because of anxiety, like she got dressed to try to go to the gym but then froze up; you could work with that because that would be genuine effort from her and you could meet her halfway or more.

If necessary go together really early or really late when there's fewer people there.

also this:
is a little bit harsh, but only because it makes the ultimatum explicit. It should be already implicit that if you don't get what you want from the relationship you won't stick around; if it's not then that means she can do whatever she wants and you'll just take it. You can't make her do anything; it's up to you to decide what you want to do, and then she'll make her choices in response to that. If you're actually less interested in her because she's larger now, don't pretend that it's not the case because of political correctness or awkardness or whatever. You shouldn't go out and cheat on a woman because she puts on 5 pounds, but nor should you stay with her no matter her weight just because she 'hooked' you at a lighter weight. Sorry to say, the type of thing you're experiencing is common to people with poor self-image, and there is absolutely nothing that you can do to change it, no matter how much you care about her. It has to come from within

Some posts here are a little sad. I mean if you were in my situation and would just dump her, that's your prerogative. And honestly considering the average girl, I'd side with you. But this isn't your average girl, I love her and plan on being with her as long as possible. I won't blog about it but treat this as a math problem. Dumping her isn't the answer.

>it'd be different if she made some kind of effort but stopped because of anxiety
That IS the case user. She wants to but gets all neurotic. I recently found out she does squats in the bathroom so I can't watch her. I'm like "Dude if you did only 3 of the worst squats ever I would only congratulate you". What the fug is my reaction too, user.
kek 2

From what I understand you're both fat and you're working on it. She's not. The problem you're going to run into, if you keep it up you'll drop another 20 pounds in 4 months - you'll see it. You'll start to look better, other people will notice it and the compliments will roll in. This is going to strain the relationship drastically - especially since your girlfriend saw that it took 6 months for it happen. In her mind, she'll be 6 months behind and she'll dig her trenches even deeper.

Your girlfriend doesn't want to lose weight - those are platitudes. She may want to be thin, she may want that validation and the attention, and 'eating whatever I want because I'm healthy tee hee' but she doesn't want to lose weight. If she did she'd be losing it.

After all, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

The only thing you can really do is drastically change your own lifestyle step by step and hope that she follows you - if she loves you as much as you love her she should.

>Try getting a dog to walk with or doing fun hiking with groups. Start easy and the body will slowly adjust and crave more. #1 mistake is too much too quickly and the secret to fitness is consistency.

This is a great start, and like the user above said you're going to want to take this slowly. If you can slowly transform your lifestyles then it will take hold.

If you don't already, I urge you to start cooking together for yourselves. Nutrition is 80% of the battle when it comes to weight loss. Tackle the kitchen and you're already there.

Good luck, brother.

oh no I meant 5'11"!!!! oh god if he was 5'9" he'd be ENORMOUS

>The only thing you can really do is drastically change your own lifestyle step by step and hope that she follows you - if she loves you as much as you love her she should.
Thanks, that's what I'll do then. I do cook, I've been cooking for years so no issues there.

You deserve each other you pathetic cuck.
>waaaaa how do I stand up to a crazy bitch
I'm actually glad someone as beta as you got stuck with future Mrs. Hamplanet.