Why aren't you a radical conservative?

Why aren't you a radical conservative?

I like anime

because I have a brain

>being radical anything
>lacking personal identity
>the largest facet of your personality is a political view

Why would I? Radical anything sounds retarded.

I like you


>he isn't unironically radical centrist

What good has it done you?

>being able to be labelled means you lack personal identity


Because that's retarded

Are Quakers the most useless minority? do they even pay taxes or is that forbidden in the bible. Its hard to say they've done anything relevant since abolition movement

I live in Lancaster County. The Amish are fucking awful. The horses shit on the roads and in parking lots and God help you if you're driving behind one. They also have their kids walk alone on the sides of streets without sidewalks and are significantly inbred.

Fuck the Reformation.

Thanks for your shopping outlets. Love, Delawarean.

Thanks for your no sales tax. Love you too!

I'm radical radical

>is that forbidden in the bible
Render unto Caesar...

I am.

Why aren't you a radical moderate?

Because I don't get my kicks from bible thumping, rigid moral posturing, and stuffy traditions that are never examined for effectiveness.

You don't have to be conservative to be primitivist or a Luddite and vice-versa.

I never understood people like this. You don't like sluts? Sluts are the greatest things in the world!

It's highly inefficient and not conducing to happiness, power, or pleasure

>not conducing to happiness, power, or pleasure

citation needed. And power is for the weak.

>They also have their kids walk alone on the sides of streets without sidewalks
thats a problem in american urban planning, not amish peoples fault

came here for this, a (You) for you, user

I don't look good in a fedora.

Tbh, I can respect people who have a certain set of beliefs more than those "individualists" who base their identity on their consumption patter.

I am central conservative. Although I do kinda want to gas all faggots.

What if their consumption patterns indicate their beliefs?

Well, you see i have this thing inside my skull called brain that prevents me from having retarded views.

Just had a stupid idea
>Age of space colonization
>Enter into a radical conservative group that larps as classic Greco-Romans
>Live in one of dozens of 'city states' in an ideal green world
It's stupid, but kinda awesome. Not as retarded as the fucking Amish though

Only a Sith thinks in absolutes.

I can bear the burden of freedom.

why doesn't that city have gates

The Amish have an enormous fertility rate, with like 6-7 children per family, their population is exploding in size. They're infinitely more reproductively successful than the incels making fun of them in this thread, and probably happier too.