Fat Hate Thread

The "Muh PCOS" edition

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Here is the last episode. Anyone know a streaming link to TLC?

So she lived?

Do we know what her diet is really like?

Banana and mayo sandwiches


>3 minute mile
>Breaks world record of 3:43.13

She could be very fucking stunning if she lost all that weight. She's has beautiful eyes


Does this bitch think she's The Juggernaut's daughter?



Reminder she blame some bullshit cyst and "disorder" for ballooning up during college. Then right after that says she was depressed during college, quit dancing, and began eating like a hog. So she's a big fat liar, a quitter, and a mentally unhealthy pig.

what a waste

anyone have stream to the episode?

There we go makes if look a bit better.

I think she's confusing meters with miles

What's really shit is the fact that she has an ok face, would be an 8 easily if she stopped eating for a family of 5 for a couple years.

For a moment, I thought her shirt said 'No Abs'.

haven't watched the show, does she have an actual thyroid disease or is she just bulking?

Nope, they edit her eating to make it look like she eats less than she does, but there's a few times where you can sort of take a guess. For example there's one episode where her friend brings her a large pizza for a "snack" and she says she's going to have 1 slice but when the camera jumps there's only 1 slice left. Also in the episode where she and her friend go to the beach they bring 3 fucking coolers to split among 2 people, then there's the infamous incident with the bucket of ice cream.

>the infamous incident with the bucket of ice cream

Go on...

She has PCOS.
A super easily manageable disorder if you take your meds, follow the right diet, and exercise. People are mad at her because there women with PCOS and they are at an normal body weight or athlete because they chose to not have cyst in their ovaries being a crippling curse.
Actually someone in that episode pointed this out
>Pic related
And her response
>I just wanna be fat and healthy lol
Even though she has been diagnose as pre diabetic, rushed to the hospital from exhaustion after completing 2/4 hours of a dance a thon, almost breaks her shins from trying to ski under her 378 lb ass, and get bad news from an heart doc

it just make me mad that gluttony and laziness is celebrated.
why can't we have shows where somebody has a positive goal and accomplishes it?
Like lets follow the lives of marathon runners or people who are actually doing good shit.
Why do we celebrate this?

Because people don't like to be confronted with the idea that the COULD be doing better. They'd much rather watch a show that reassures them that all their shitty lazy habits are a-okay

why is this planet so terrible.

Okay well basically Whitney weighed herself and gained 10lbs from her previous weigh in, so she threw a tantrum and drove off without telling anyone where she was going and refused to pick up her phone. Everyone started looking for her until Buddy had the bright idea to check the grocery store parking lot where she was sitting in her car eating her way through a party tub of ice cream. When she was caught she explained that she "wasn't going to eat it all" even though everyone knows that's bullshit because you don't eat out of a gallon tub of ice cream with a spoon for a snack and where would she put it when she was done "snacking?"


part with the ice cream starts at 3:35

>have these genetics
>squander them on mayo and banana sandwiches


Her explanation, her whole attitude disgusts me.

PCOS is a very real, very horrific disease that comes in degrees. Some people are affected much worse than others and weight gain/retention can be related to the disease.

But this bitch is obese for reasons unrelated to her PCOS. And her denial, the fact that she blames the disease for her obesity is an insult, a fucking insult to the millions of women suffering with PCOS all over the world.

Fuck you and your BS, Whitney. And fuck TLC for peddling this shit, too.

Its even worse because the family tries to help but fails. Today's episode, they held a "funeral" intervention get up but she failed to understand.
I really feel for the dad if anything.
>Tries to to help her to be healthy
>Consistently fails
>Would buy her a shit ton of scales for her and help her with her meals
>His wife buys a pig
>"Look honey I bought a little piggy since we ain't gettin' grandchildren"
>tfw he has to raise another animal
Seriously no parent wants their kid to die and just doesn't know how to get the help he needs. He sorta reminds me of Bob "The Lumberjack" Chandler




Is that her mom? Whitney was born in 1984 (I can't believe it, I thought she must be pushing 40)

Thats was her mom's old modeling photo. She is currently 70.
Funny thing is that was around the part where Whitney teaches the mom how to do sexting and tries to "strike a pose" for a sexy pic of her 70 year old mom

Body Shape?

That made me sad f.a.m.

What a waste

So she runs a mile in 6 minutes? Are you fucking delusional? At her size she'd be moving so fast that the force she'd generate would literally tears her bones out of her joints.

I always assume they ran one lap on a fucking track and field ring when they were high school and didnt know that its not a mile because theyre fucking retarded

When they interviewed him about why he didn't want the pig he was choking up saying he didn't want to dig another grave, I'm guessing he was thinking about his pig daughter not his pig pet.

>probably did one three minute 1/4 or 1/6 mile lap in HS

this is so fake. look at the position of the camera when the dude rolls up in the parking lot next to her. It's OUTSIDE the cars for god sake. I thought the idea was she stormed off and they weren't sure where she went, so why is a camera ready and waiting to get that shot?

They spent the time to arrange the camera to set up a perfect shot and even had her turn her head like she's surprised to see him. I bet the whole situation of her storming off to eat ice cream was scripted

I'm not saying this woman doesn't live a disgusting life and she doesn't eat like a whale, but these trash shows are designed to infuriate people and this one isn't even subtle

PCOS is pretty shit though.
It does mess with them to the point where they have to eat less than a woman without it by up to 700 calories if they have insulin resistance.

this gonna be good

>eating calms me down

She's got a fucking addiction. She needs help. She doesn't need a reality TV show.

You realize that's how most fat people are right? Eating is a calming/leveling thing.

We have to keep in mind that this is not her own show she funds herself. It's reality TV. She may have started to promote basically HAES, but as years pass in public, she starts understanding how this works, how all attention is good for the show, she becomes a pro and more willing since she can separate her ego from the TV persona.

When the parents are being savage, they may have even been fed lines and the savagery they do is funded, her being degenerate and eating tubs of ice cream in parking lots may have been planned beforehand, and her collapsing while trying to show she can still dance and be active may have been completely fake and it may have been taken multiple shots to make it look good.

By balancing this she gets the fat-positive audience's applause and sympathy for enduring savagery, her parents get everyone else's applause and her degeneracy creates interest in her when fat-negatives are infuriated. She's a pro entertainer now, this show is just entertainment, no reality here.

>"wasn't going to eat it all"

topkek. a party of tub of ice cream to eat in the car. amazing... She's such a lying piece of shit. Why doesnt the show try to catch her out more often?

pic is confusing as H*CK

As a dude that was on a reality tv show for a major network. ITS ALL FAKE EVERYTHING. They make you do entrys and exits into buildings from 20 different angles. They film for like 500hours for one 30min episode. Its literally all fake. Everything.

They make you do things you'd never do, they make you contact people you'd never contact.






What show?




She's not obese because of PCOS. She's obese because of her diet, and PCOS may be responsible for 20lbs of her total weight (of 380 lbs). The other 220 lbs is due to her food addiction. She hides behind the PCOS excuse.

PCOS is the most common hormonal dysfunction for women in the world. 18% of women worldwide have PCOS. Some women gain weight because of it (20 lbs on average). Other women lose weight. Obvious 18% of women worldwide don't weight some 400 lbs.

TL;DR - PCOS didn't make her fat.

You just know that what happened was that that all happened, but when she wrote that she realized that she actually had written one of the better FPS' out there and added the completely out of place threat to her life so that she would definitely be the victim there and fats are oppressed.

What this guy said
Friend of mine had an MTV show film in their high school. Before they came there wasn't really the cliquey dynamic that is shown in American movies/tv.
So they credited it and made out there was all these cliques that hated each other.

pretty sure this is a troll
pretty funny one at that

>mfw i do the same parking lot thing

For thousands and thousands of years, the figure of beauty has always been a curvy woman. What people would call "thick". These women were sculpted, painted, and etched in ever piece of art throughout all human history.

Then the fashion industry found a way into everyone's home. And a bunch of gays decided that the figure of beauty was a tall skeleton with no hips tits or ass. That image persisted for some time. Decades. Then, something broke men out of the spell. I don't know what it was exactly. But it's been like an awakening. Suddenly everyone is remembering that meat is ok. That's what you're seeing now. A return to thick.

>The new ass age


My gf had that, she said that she probably gained like 6kg while she was on treatment and she lost all the weight after it in a couple of months.

Why is she proud to not have a STEM degree?

>Falling for the "she'd be hot if skinny" meme

A meter in 3 minutes is slow senpai



wow jesus


32 km/s for 1600 meters.

That's faster than the legal speed for scooters here

the womens record is 4:12.56

I like how she shows she's ugly on the outside AND on the inside.



The picture on the right literally takes up the space of average her and typically fat her.

>not taking up half a photo with three pictures of myself

same here
I also got less obnoxiously loud because I didn't need all the confirmation anymore. The Abby-screenshot made me realise that.

Why do they all look like that

You can actually see gravity doing its work on the fat deposits in her face.

>tumblr tier glasses and bottle of diet coke in right hand.
Thanks for the kek user.

>Those cold, dead, anger filled eyes

Thirty two kilometers per second?

That fat redhead girl with the tattoos at least has a pretty face. This one's face, though, is actually unsettling to look at.


eating foods you like calms nearly everyone down

Worked for the 'My 600 lb Life' girl. Of course, I'm not about to go through the headache of trying to coach a fatty that resists at every turn down to a decent weight just to reap the benefits. She's gotta want that change herself.

>someone using sand nigger runes judging any white person

Know your place Ahmed

>ayo hol' up
>*lip smak*
>i 'on'no if its a lady thang or a race thang

It was a weight thing all along.

Go fast or go fat

Or both

Out of control junkies make for the best reality TV, brah. I want to see this slo-mo human trainwreck happen in front of 100 million people.

You're paranoid, man. The show isnt scripted.

Hahahh hendo is fucking class

Is that a guy?

This is the only scene from this show I've ever seen. Her boyfriend is adorable, but hell if he isn't an enabler.

Same here

>Mfw when i think normies are on to me

Obese people are the best, I love to fuck with them on a daily basis. Especially the ones that piss me off.

>regulardly attend classes with a bunch of XL-tumblrinas
>one in particular made fun of me in highschool for being asian
>now she mires and asks me my "secret" to being thin
>tfw asian genetics keeps me thin, but proper dieting gave me a 6 pack
>midriff clothes everyday
>i digress.
>claims she wants to be in the """""/tone/zone""""" and leave the other whales/humanity behind
>tell her to try IIFYM
>she has no idea what I'm talking about so she asks me to help
>calculate her macros to a +1000 calorie surplus
>tell her to eat larger meals after starving
>she's loving her new diet