Veeky Forums survey


So I could climb the Everest and prove vegans can do anything!

Fuck you Veeky Forums. Why is my message classified as spam?

It's because sniag nagev (backwards) is filtered as spam since that green shithead used to spam Veeky Forums with his youtube channel to get views. The booblehead vegan dyke is probably filtered as well.

Meat is murder

I like animals, have a bit of empathy and care about my health and the environment.

The only valid answer to this question is "because I'm a homosexual."

How fucking dare you associate us with vegans.
T. homosex

Fucking vegans are worse than fucking vampires
You ain't turning nobody here you greenfuck

>vegan ''''gains''''

I'm too shy to tell strangers about my dietary preferences, so I can't be a vegan.

A grain is very much like an egg, an embryo, that could germinate and generate a beautiful plant, yet vegans feel no remorse in eating beans, but expect others to feel guilt for eating eggs. How do vegans cope with that?

I don't think it's the egg itself that people are concerned with in the ethics of egg farming

But chickens have no more feelings than plants, other that fear/breeding.

No they have problems with the egg. They blew up at me for my "rescued" cage hens that i let free range anywhere in my lifestyle block in a ""we vegans are the greatest"" thread. Probably because I have done more for animal welfare than them

Is this what non-vegans believe?

But what about free-range eggs, tho? Like described. Why are they banned from a vegan diet?

i like animals

thats just race mixing

>i like animals

Yup, you do, right in your subs.



sadly the white genes overwrote the superior black genes

technically I'm not vegan but I'm deathly allergic to all dairy and eggs

This. Beta low test white genes ruined what could have been high test and pure African genes

He probably has a tiny white dick too

holy shit VG is really blacklisted

when did this happen

and why

did he really shill his channel? I thought it was everyone else