How much can you curl?

How much can you curl?

One of my friends is the classic "bicep and bench" only kind of lifter. I bet him I could out curl him, despite barely ever working biceps.

I curled 60kg once, he couldn't even do 50kg

What can you curl?

I could curl my dick around dem titties.

or something. im not sure how sex works

no that's pretty much right

One of my friends is like that too, all the fucker does in barbell curls and occasionally does dips/bench. The guy can curl about 40kg, I don't ever curl but do chin ups for my biceps and I can do about 70kg BW + 30kg added. So I'm pretty sure I can do more barbell curls than him if my wrists weren't too bad.

she must be ovulating.

what is that in plates? i can curl like .75 plates for reps

60kg is just under 1pl8

Who gives a fuck? How much can you curl? Seriously??

60 kg is generally regarded as 1pl8

You curl with a 45lbs bar?

How else could it work?

What's this called?


pecs and fat

Pinch here.

pectoralis armpitus (it's fat)

You put your willy in their butt and pee to make babies, I think.

What if your penis has a different name than Willy? Am I doomed?

I do dumbbell curls, 3x12, strict form, 50 lbs as an accessory exercise some days.

Never really tried to max but I would imagine I could hit a 60 or even 65 lb concentration curl with good form/control.

armpit of a slut

you mean with a barbell? I can curl 135 with shitty form. I usually use 35lb dummbbells but I can use 50-60 if I want to sacrifice form

Jeff Seids

who cares about squats and deadlift, curls is all you need for them girls.