
What's the best body type to achieve and why is it Glen Danzig? He literally looked like he cycled high amounts of test while doing nothing but push-ups and bench press. Alpha asfuck.

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He has tits now...

>not wanting Carl mode

>What's the best body type to achieve and why is it Glen Danzig?

>being 4'11"

nah im good

>nothing but push ups and bench
Look it up you fool. He was on a split.


Glenn is a turbo manlet

Glenn Danzig is 60 years old ... he is allowed a little bitch tit.

Satchel from Steel Panther dude.

Glenn is King, but Doyle is a MONSTER!

>being 4'11"

as if he could help it

he made something of himself, and you are just a plain dude "with height"

>he made something of himself

Yeah, a fool


Doyle's a vegan too

>that video of danzig getting knocked out with one punch

well that's fucking gay

I guarantee neither of you have been punched in the face before. I'm not saying danzig is a tough guy or anything but a shot straight to the face by a dude of any comparable strength will disorient the fuck out of you. Danzig does think he's tough though with his gay mma shit. But my point is you two have never eaten a punch

>soulfly t-shirt
>woman saying fuck you , you cunt

metal fans are still cooler than country and other faggy genres at least they look like they party

It's not even that he got knocked out that's so funny, it's that he got knocked out for being totally in the wrong about something and not taking responsibility for it

>schedule a band to play in your show
>they drive 2+ hours to the venue with all their equipment
>go on too long and don't leave them enough time to play
>backstage, "come on dude, you couldn't have saved us 30 minutes? we came all this way"
>realizes he has no excuse and no right to argue
>immediately gets laid out

ive been punched many times kek
to be fair tho the guy hitting him was massive

Hater gonna hate

did he ever say anything about his routine?

so pissed that he didn't take the role for wolverine
in the movies

looks like bench, shrugs, sit-ups and beer