What's a good preworkout without creatine? That shit scares me and coffee pills are not cutting it anymore

What's a good preworkout without creatine? That shit scares me and coffee pills are not cutting it anymore

Yes creatine is amazing and I used it before but I'm losing hair

Caffeine pills.

Been using that for few months. Now they don't do shit. I can literally sleep right afyer taking it.

girls like this are why I lift

You develop a tolerance to caffeine over time. Increase the dosage or take a tolerance break.

Stop taking caffein pills for some months, i'm a student that had to drink 1 gram of caffein minimum just to stay awake.
And when you start taking caffein again, DON'T USE THE SAME DOSE AS BEFORE, when i restarted i took 1.5 grams and it nearly killed me, was shaking, throwing up and didn't sleep for 3 days.

Guys like you are why girls lift ;)
Just kidding they're going for Chad.


i use GAT PMP, tastes good and has no creatine

Stop wasting money on shit supplements. If you're in Murica, buy ephedrine and add it to your caffeine work up to 200 mg caffeine/25mg ephedrine hcl). Make sure to start slowly (1/4 a pill of Ephedrine) otherwise you will regret the sides.

creatine is in in meat, you dumb faggot, you're already consuming plenty of it

>yfw i'm a vegan

Why does anyone need preworkout? It sound like pure product of marketing.

its time for a cycle off OP. its gona suck but trust me you need to let your body rest from that drug.

>lifting for girls

are u so stuopid creetine inst a fuking hell drugg dumbo ass XD

"dumbo ass"

Might be losing hair from caffeine


dumbo assssss!!!! >:I

Cocaine (best between groups of sets)

Meth works too. Basically stronger ephedrine