I dropped a weight on my toes last night. It hurts like a bitch. How fucked am I?

I dropped a weight on my toes last night. It hurts like a bitch. How fucked am I?

Maybe broken, had better let a doctor inspect toe

Go see a doctor, better safe than sorry.

Walk that shit off you pussy.

What's the point of looking like a man and acting like a bitch?

spoiler op lives in america and if he goes to see a dr he will be sry cause he'll be in debt for the rest of his life LUL

You will be fine. At worse, have some step on it if it is broke or pop it in place. I went to the doc for a broke toe and all they do is pop it in place, splint it and give you a shitty single tablet of Oxycodine. I could have just stepped on it to save the bill. Just rap it up and go back to lifting.

What kind of sheltered fag think's this is Thread worthy?

have you people never heard of health insurance?

What is wrong with your little toe?

It's not that dangerous to break a toe. I broke mine as a kid and I didn't even know until I had been in pain for a month and got an x-ray

This is the real question OP, fucking explain your shit

I sometimes "accidentally" drop plates on people's feet if they wear shoes that annoy me (running shoes to lift? Really buddy?). I make sure to only do it to skinnyfat manlets. Usually dyel asians.

I've done it about 4 or 5 times since last september. I'll just put my hands on my hips and say in my steve urkel voice "Did I do that?" My victims always act like they've been shot (wtf a 45 lb plate isn't as bad as a bullet) but none of these losers have stepped up to challenge me

>little toe hasn't grown since he was a baby

>dropped weight on my foot
>stuck my finger beneath weight plate trying to put it on the floor
>pinched many of my fingers while racking loaded bars and dumbbells
>actually chopped piece of skin from my finger by pinching it between a dumbbell and the dumbbell rack
>hit my head on smith machine bar
>hit my head on racked squat bar
>accidently hit my skull during overhead press
never went to one doctor and i'm perfectly fine.

I have health insurance under a hospital corporation, some of the best in the world, and even then, the bill was retarded. Healthcare in this country is a joke.

I did the same thing. That toe is gonna have to come off OP, you'll never deadlift quite right again.

gym accidents thread?
>be doing skullcrushers
>some italian manlet asks to work in
>sure buddy
>puts his notebook next to the bench and does his set
>start my set, everythings fine
>mid set he reaches for his notebook and gets banged in the head by my bar

Some internal bleeding, it is not much desu. I dropped a cinder block on my middle toe as kid so I know what a fucked up toe is really like.

You'll be fine breh. Once I stubbed the same toe so hard the nail literally ripped out from one side and jammed into the other, bled like a bitch and I had to rip it out because I didn't want it to be ingrown or something. Yours doesn't look like it'll do anything bad if you leave it alone.

i think he has cute toes

my friend once did a plate drop down with 1pl8 to his toe, toe broke and nail fell of never growing back

I squatted with a rusty barbell once and my traps were sore for an entire week after that. Went to the doctor and he said I have a corroded artery

You have tiny ass toes.

I'm pretty sure this is one of those "ohh I have a harmless question about nothing special BUT LOOK AT MY FUCKING HAND, I'M AN OGRE LIVING IN A BASEMENT!" threads.

this is why i dont shake peoples hands or touch them at all. 5 mins before this guy offers his hand out, hes got them all over his absolutely disgusting feet and god knows what else.

He's right that all a doctor will do for a broken toe is set it.

You do get the option of either letting it heal naturally and being somewhat deformed, or having surgery done so that it looks normal, but hardly moves anymore though.

He's got lady toes...

What's wrong with wearing running shoes to the gym?

Unless there is a fracture that is severely displaced, a doctor isn't gonna do anything to it.


same happened to my big toe. pulled the loose nail out, grew back, good as new.

I can confirm this. I break stuff all the time.
Ice it, walk it off, Dr won't do much.
If it is excruciating pain and you can't move it get pain meds from Dr.