/plg/ powerlifting general

/plg/ powerlifting general

>does this world champion upset you edition

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Sean confirmed for Hancott.

Point and laugh at the hurt spoiled child.

Why does he have such an awful haircut though

>buttblasted weak dyels who don't even belong on /plg/

i bet you have hair like Alex, lol stfu nerd


If it's so awful, how come it looks so proper? You're just mad you can't pull it off.

real new thread

I use magnums babydick.

reminder that worthlessbro is a closeted homosexual who masturbates to crossdressers


>tfw joint pain in knees and elbows and nagging pains in shins and ankles
>warm ups with the bar for squat feel heavy and shitty

wouldnt be surprised

If anything it's closer to Boardie's hair.
Speaking of, saw a dude at my gym last week who looked remarkably like Boardie, had to quadruple take.

>masturbates to crossdressers

Not trying to meme you or anything but I seriously thought you stopped squats and deadlifts again, or did plg lie to me again?

wrong thread joe

Tbh I can no longer tell if this is Sean being serious or an user meming.
Poe's Law is strong.

STop spamming your shit thread you child

Eat healthier. You're accumulating inflammation and oxidation damage.

>not having /sp/ one of the largest boards

are you stupid

The reddit is strong with this one.

Yes I am stupid. Going to remake.

Is boardshorts here? I have a question for him.

That's weightlifting nice bait though cunt.

Official poll (with updates)

What's your question?

/x/phile represent
...it's so bad nowadays. so, so bad.

Why r u so gay & ugly lol

go ahead and make yourself a catchy trip and get comfy new friend, you've found your spot!

Hello (your trip is off btw)

I remember you posting an image from mike israetel on facebook where he was talking about how people should do bulks and cuts and what it meant for the training cycles?

I thought it was really informative and tried to find it on his pace yesterday but couldnt.

could you please post this image when you are able to?

Define healthier.
Like what stuff?
I'm currently cutting.

>Like what stuff?
Like pizza, hamburgers, chicken wings, anything fried really.. coca-colas for liquids

Honestly lads I really really like women

Like I really want to hold a girl in my arms and have her tell me everything will be ok

I really want to feel the soft breasts of a woman

I really want to lay beside her and feel her skin against mine

Am I gay

So everything I can't eat while losing weight?

If I couldn't eat nice food I'd kill myself

Almost certainly

real powerlifters dont cut, thats part of the reason why youre getting injured, obviously

>real powerlifters dont cut


Chicken, fish, vegetables, and things that are not otherwise fried or covered in cheese can taste good too, user

i thought the B was an 8 so that his shirt said "S8D" like "sated" or "satisfied"

More antioxidants, more phytonutrients, balanced, consistent omega-3 ratio, fiber, whole foods and more fruits/vegetables in general. Simply the act of oxidizing glucose for ATP (i.e. living) creates free-radicals which increase oxidative stress. Cutting also means increased catabolism, which increases inflammation. Also accumulated fat-soluble toxins are being released into your body when losing weight. You're dying from the inside from day one, least you can do is reduce the overall stress.

/b/ was the first place I went as a hs fag, but Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums were my main lurks once I came to the site consistently.

summer truly has arrived

if i plan to go from 80 to 70, how much str will i lose and what's the best way to preserve it?

Yea I went and got some fish oil pills but not sure a good dosage.
Can you recommend some good foods to get in?

no, oedipus, you're certainly not.

Tell me how

Proper seasoning.
Proper flavor combinations.
Not cooking things to death.

Too much effort
Fuck your science shit

Lift hard, eat big, die in glory


Spices, onions and garlic, proper cooking technique.

Just answering the question, fella. Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums go hand-in-hand.

Meh. I'm sick of caring about diet. Just wanna live life, not monitor what I eat. I eat everyday and this becomes REPETITIVE

Better said: I wanna eat to live, not life to eat.

Not going to make it.

/m/a/ster race

Come the fuck at me

YOU MEAN /w/easel "masterrace" ahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhah

How should I structure training while working too much for more intensive shit like sheiko?


I'm not here to make it
I'm here to make something of myself

yo, how should i progress in squats and deads if i do them on same same only once a week. Im doing labour job so that restrains me from separating them.

atm im doing about 2-3x5 in squats and 1x3-5 in deads but im stalling a lot

wew lad thanks

>try a true rouge like game
>don't know what to do
>fight rat and die
>have to restart entire game (1 life)
>try my best and get further
>do some missions
>realise I need to level up before even attempting rats
>level up for ages
>go round looting towns
>kill everything in sight
>loads of missions done
>see cave
>go inside
>easy xp
>go deeper down the dungeon
>keep going deeper, like 3 levels deep
>this is getting hard now
>run out of potions
>can't find a way out
>running away from monsters while trying to find a way out
>tfw lost hours of work

Fuck rogue likes

probably going to cut slowly now, feeling kind of fat at 19% bf (w/ caliper)

Speaking of which, youtube.com/watch?v=ER0XQEWyqjo.

Mr Isley can you please give your opinion on this


When doing chins, rather than keeping my back straight, I tend to lean back a lot, which seems to me to use a lot more bicep involvement; anything wrong / uncommon with this?

Rather than pulling straight up, its more of a diagonal pull.

Fuck guys i was told at MEPS in jan i was 5'9" went to the recruiters office for height and weight measurement and im actually 5'8" I guess i really am a manlet.

thank you :)

Just like sean

is this what memes is


Remember that fucking time when I told you that you werent 5'9 and you kept fucking saying you were? Yeah, word from the wise, I'm never wrong

I'm 5'9 you stupid fuck, not 5'8, never make that mistake again

did haack kick you out of his gym

IIRC you said i was 5'7" jokes on you sean


I said you weren't 5'9, anything else was a hyperbole because you're a manlet

like why do people still try to debate me, im never fucking wrong

>tfw 6'
>tfw just made it

no you missed it actually, at 5'9 you could have been better equipped for powerlifting, weightlifting, bodybuilding, general aesthetics and overall athletic abilities

yeah but you look like a kid lol

Ah but I wouldn't have a gf

Bench and deadlift > GF > all else

Until I take my shirt off and your gf see's how fucking jacked I look naturally and she comes running to me cause you have a perma dyel skinnyfat body

>overall athletic abilities

Name a single NFL or NBA player that's top tier and 5'9,


Recommendations for bench programs to be run with C6W? Asking for a friend with a 320 lb 1 rm at 93 kg.


NBA isnt a sport, its a whos taller contest (25% of people in the world who are 7ft are in the NBA)

NFL is a true sport and requires athletic abilities and height

For more athletic positions, the players are typically shorter

less athletic positions like the QB, height is required, see Tom Brady, best quarterback of all time, the true GOAT, and no one would say he is 'athletic'

Running backs and cornerbacks are typically 5'9-5'11 for their athletic abilities,
when you get too tall your athletics dwindle, so its a trade off between that and height

CLutz intermediate, right?


Found the fat powerlifter.

2x8 @280
singles up to raw 1RM
did I get that right

do one of the sets of 8 before and an AMRAP with that same weight after the singles

>CHADLEX maxes on BENCH PRESS and eats PIZZA while you have no TALENT or GF

ok thanks bby

Was going to train today, but I think I'll go tomorrow instead.

Thanks breh

Same. Too tired after work and only getting 6 hours of sleep combined over the past 2 days.

Why aren't you feeling it today, senpai?

Getting a Data Structures project done, and I think I'll be done with it too late to go. I could have gone earlier, but it's whatever. I just need to decide if I'll work out before or after work tomorrow.

is anyone doing anything fun this weekend

Well on Saturday I'm going to the gym and...

Maybe I'll go fishing alone on Sunday