Can you use Metamask as a security layer between MEW and Binance?

Can you use Metamask as a security layer between MEW and Binance?

Watched a few basic explanations, but they're talking about completely different things.

The fox animation watching the cursor and looking as you type makes me giggle like a 4th grade mongoloid


it has some furry vibes to it, so i dont use it

>he thinks there's security online
nothing is safe m8

I know that. I just want to INCREASE the relative security.

I use MetaMask all the time in between MEW and exchanges, never had any problems with security, just don't use malicious plugins or click phishing links.

And does it actually increase security?

they prioritized animating the fox head to follow the cursor than security

It alerts you when you visit a phishing site which is pretty cool.

So it's not inherently more secure?

I don't know what you mean with more secure. It's as secure as any other wallet, unless you're a retard who downloads malware from the Internet you'll be fine.

I remember people talking about how it protects your private keys or something.

You have to input a password to access the private key or the recovery seed if that's what you mean.

Anything not on an airgapped computer is not secure.

Explain this to me like I'm a child.

do you have to be logged into metamask to get these messages? i only unlock it when im transferring shit

no, it just has to be installed and enabled in your browser

oh sweet. im yet to see it pop up.

did anyone else hah problems with metamask?
I installed the chrome plugin and when I click the icon the window that pops up is blank, any ideas?

it still takes them a couple days to add the phishing sites to their blacklist. don't rely on it too much.