Accepting your mortality

Guys, this may sound very silly and childish.

But I want to live. I love life.
I'm 22, I'm a software eng. with a wonderful girlfriend. I have 4 courses to go until my degree.

I usually do alright, but every once in a while this thought knocks me to a horrible depression.

How do I deal with this?
the only thing that cheers me up is that science may prolong life. But nothing will last foreever.

I just wanted to share this.

Other urls found in this thread:

>science prolonging life

You're one of those singularity fags, huh.

You're 22 years old, why are you worrying about death? You're in the prime of your life. Have fun and forget about it.

piss off normie

Everyone gets these thoughts every now and then.

I'm pretty sure its just a case of ignore it and get on with life.

I think you need to go vegan and find God.

Consider yourself lucky that you have a life worth living and aren't a failure at life like me and a lot of the others here.
Enjoy what you have all the more in light of the fact that it will one day be over.

This. You will have an easier time during your passing if you're not thinking "I've never lived, was worried about death too much."

Yup, it sucks to know that one day we all will bury our parents and one day our children will bury us.
The years just slip by
you should just do things against the status quo

I went skydiving a week ago, bungee jumped, and took my mom out for dinner the other day, she's 62 and time is the enemy.... My dad already died so this year, feelsbadman

go travelling retard

We have such incredibly different outlooks I can't offer any advice user, but here's a nice relevant story for you.

>“I am sorry, my little one, you have gone to another life and I did not want to let you go. Let us find a resting place for you.”

For a more Western take (meaning, a soul crushing fable)

Don't say sorry for being honest, saying sorry on an anonymous Bhutanese curtain installers discussion board is a sign that you need to start forgiving yourself a little bit more for whatever is knocking you into these bouts of depression you don't need to apologise to me or any other anons on this board or even in life, feeling small and insignificant is human I'm sorry it's just part of the experience. The life you live now is forever it is all you will ever know stop wasting it on trivial philosophical ponderings like you mentioned they can keep you grounded and humble when you realise your place of existence on the scale of things but you need to take that and realise that because of your insignificance you are free to not give a flying fuck and not bound to anybody or anything unless you choose. Grab life by the reins stop wasting your time here experience new things, go to new places, jump out of your comfort zone because It doesn't matter what you do whether your in a dark room by yourself or out doing new challenging things it all amounts to 0 so why choose to get yourself down? No one cares let it free you not bind you user.

Wait til you hit 45, that's the real crisis.
Also grow up, the muh death crisis should only be experienced in your teens

I think this is a normal part of a male's growth.

When I was in my early 20s I used to have some fucked up, dark thoughts.

I was raised in a great family, I'm smart and handsome. I have a good job and good gf, too. But, on occasion I still fall down.

I explain it to my gf like this: When you're 'up' 95% of the time, it makes the 5% you're 'down' really bad.

I think it's normal, OP

>When I was in my early 20s I used to have some fucked up, dark thoughts.

So you don't anymore? I find that hard to believe. The fucked up dark thoughts are as useful as survival heuristics as the beautiful, good ones.

I'm in my mid twenties and it doesn't bother me to occasionally have rape/murder fantasies or spend an evening brooding. In moderation it's necessary to keep up the relentless pace in the rest of my life, progressing along every avenue of life I care about: women, money, culture, fitness, pleasure.

Those dark fucked up thoughts would have been necessary during Savannah life, and are still useful now, provided you use them right (motivation, stress relief, staying balanced).

We had 2 million years on the Savannah and 70 in the modern world so understandable really.

Read "Mortality" by Christopher Hitchens.

Burn your stuff along with you gf on ship when you die, then you can take it with you to Valhalla, if you die in combat anyway.

I'm going to turn 30, soon. My job is shit. I supervise a bunch of transgender faggots and autistic people with victim mentalities. I haven't dated a woman in years. I don't enjoy sex. The last blowjob I got, I had her stop because I knew I wasn't really going to enjoy it for the work she was putting in. My sleep schedule is fucking awful, 4-6 hours a night with wakings every 1 or 2 hours. I live with my parents, because I am too cheap to move out. I have absolutely no interest in marriage and any interest I had in having children is gone. I rail caffeine on work days, so that I can keep losing weight and not slip back into zeppelin-tier hamplanetry, then I take xanax to sleep my weekend a way.

The only thing I get excited for is deadlifting and my paycheck.

You already know what you need to do, user.

so philosophical, so deep
no pleasure without da pain rip biggie

I'm 24 and have gotten these stupid thoughts for as long as I can remember. Lately I've realized that I've spent so much time dwelling in depression that I haven't had time to do anything meaningful, which makes me think that I've wasted my life.

So every week I try to accomplish something, like trying a new recipe or hitting a PR, so that when I'm feeling down I can look back and see all the things I've done.

I know. 5 pl8s.

>momento mori
>carpe diem
pick one and be happy

If you live to be old enough you'll embrace the sweet thought of death.
Living get's to be painful after a while.
Just look at anyone 80+. They're not afraid of dying.

Exactly user.

I still do, but not as often.

I'm almost 30 now.

I still get extremely angry sometimes, but I'm better and channeling than I used to be.

I have spent more time than is probably healthy daydreaming about killing people.

Someone breaks into my house, attacks me and the GF on the street, etc etc. You get the gun or knife and kill them and be totally justified.

I agree with your thoughts on the matter.

Well luckily your in the same boat as anyone who has ever lived. I honestly don't want to live forever.

Especially where the world is going.

>Someone breaks into my house, attacks me and the GF on the street, etc etc. You get the gun or knife and kill them and be totally justified.

Shit those are some satisfying thoughts.

I used to struggle with morality in my late teens, but I was somewhat of a complete fucking loser who's only activity was playing WoW.

I'm now 23 and doing a lot to setup a comfortable future that breeds accomplishment and I feel fine & content that my life will come to an end down the line.

I'm really doubting you're content with your life and secure about your future, these feelings are not natural so unless you're exaggerating for fun-posting, you should really seek external help.

That's a nice idea, user. The weeks have just been flying by for me lately, and I don't feel like I'm accomplishing much of anything. Will give this a try.

>You're 22 years old, why are you worrying about death?

>not wanting to die

Same OP. Literally go into slumps that last months for no apparent reason. I have an amazing girlfriend whom I live with, a good job, one more year of college.

It's such shit and she tries everything to cheer me up and feels like it's some how her fault. She asked if maybe going to a doctor and seeing about meds would help I've denied it until now thinking about trying it.

Sorry just need to vent

Deal with it like the rest of us.

Sorry life isn't as fun and happy as mommy and daddy told you it was.

Try weed.

I was going through your shit, now I have a joint after the gym/when I get home from work.

Much smoother sailing, and doesn't interfere with life in a noticeable way (recent promotion, first one handed pull up few months back, gf still super into me one year in)

I reckon our brain chemistries are just fucked or we're supposed to be miserable (maybe as a drive to go out and do more?), so cheating with weed seems a fair response.

Its happening eventually whether you believe it or not senpai. In this day and age you have to be delusional to think otherwise.

I genuinely hope it happens on my lifetime. I'm with you OP, people say that they'd rather die than be immortal but those people are short sighted. I want to live forever. Preferably other people would join me, but even if its by myself for eternity, I'd rather be severely depressed and lonely forever than literally not exist. You'd learn to live with it eventuality, even if it took a trillion years

>Its happening eventually whether you believe it or not senpai

Literally faith based thinking. You're superstitious and you don't even realize it.

The rational standpoint is to admit you don't know is it possible or not, we've improved a lot, you don't know what the upper limit is but you hope it's enough to make you happy.

>Mfw laying in bed trying to sleep after trippin acid.
>Feel like im dessicating into a mummy
>mfw i have no more face it turned to dust famlam

you're making an argument out of nothing

>I want to live
>I love life
>I'm a software eng. with a wonderful girlfriend
>I'm scared of dying
>le science

You are an incredible faggot

You're a fucking bitch who have never suffered properly in your life

I am actually mad from reading your post, you almost ruined my day

People are struggling out there, people with REAL ISSUES
You find life hard because the closest thing you've had to a real issue is babbys first existentialism

Go out there, work hard, start doing extreme sports or something, but please stop being such a bitch

Progressivism and modernism are a disease, it triggers me. Faith in an eternal happy after life are replaced by faith in an eternally improving future.

Try getting closer to God. I had these too before, I was scared that I will cease to exist and that this life doesn't make sense. I also thought religion is crap and it's just a bunch of fairytales. Then you meet educated men who are into religion, guys who studied the world around us with modern means and found out that higher force must exist. Look at people around you, they have no worries about it because on biological level we know life continues. Get a good gf, and i mean nice one that will make you happy you genes and offspring (another factor that will ease your panic) will be strong and well raised.

For me Islam worked but I also learned from same educated men that every religion exists for a reason so feel free to choose what suits you. you'll start looking at people in a more "they are souls too" way which will make you modest but with hard principles, so you won't need to worry about being a "nice guy who gets fucked over".

You're gonna make it man, I was there too and many men were there too. There's a reason a lot of people are believing in something.

ok good for you

They already have peoples brains hooked up with bluetooth to control artificial limbs. Not saying that the next atep is dowloading our minds onto the internet but the capabilities are already being explored. People already know what we have to do to achieve singularity, its just beyond what current tech is capable of. If ethics were out of the picture, there's a good chance we could be there within the next 10 years if it was put at a priority.

All that shit is rad but saying it will happen for sure is erroneous.

Also I've never heard an ethical argument against it, might be different in the US desu

I smoke and drink til it passes. I've had 5ish near death experiences and I'm only 24.
Or who knows maybe quantum suicide is real and we'll all live to the singularity

Move to Afghanistan and become a warlord, only way to be truly free, you're scared of death because you aren't alive.

Where do you live? I bet it's somewhere cucekd and shit

Ever gone to a nursing home? Unless you are top 0.01% lucky, if you make it to 85-90, you will be ready to die.

Dying is only sad when it is an otherwise healthy kid-60 y/o dying in an accident or from some rare freak illness. After that, it's just a life stage everyone goes through.

At least he has a life worth living instead of being a miserable fuck like you

Read pic related and everything will be alright bro

Just b urself :)

I don't fear death. I only fear the sense of regret I'll feel before dying.

You have already died.

Every day is a gift, do not let it go to waste.

Accept the fact that you are dead and be free.

We all die user, thats the best part about it. Imagine living forever while others can't. You'll watch your friends, family, children, grand-children various lovers and other die while you can't. If you were immortal you would experience everything and know everything and then what? What do you do when you literally have everything and have done everything.

If you love life then just live and do what makes you happy, thats all there is to it.

Death comes more gracefully than you can imagine at this age. If you follow healthy habits you'll probably make it to 80 or 90. I've met a lot of people that age and they're free of the anxiety that plagues you. They've lived and seen so many things, done so much, and now they're tired and ready for the big rest. It's like how you feel at the beginning of the night and the end of it. You start out excited and hoping it never ends. By 5 am, you're worn out and ready to just plop down on your bed and close your eyes. What changed? All of the attractions are still out there, the only difference is that you're tired of it now.

> zeppelin-tier hamplanetry

kekd hard

Don't worry, when you finish college and you realise life isn't how you thought it would be you'll hear the sweet siren of death and lust for her

When you "download" your mind there is no transfer of consciousness. You'll just create another being that believes it's you. It's the equivalent of mAking a clone of yourself and claiming that makes you live longer. Nothing short of reversing aging wil solve the mortality problem.

Man I just hope I'll live long enough to get tired of living. Right now I can't imagine that ever happening but we'll see, I still have a long way to go (hopefully.)

Wanna feel really depressed? You're welcome.

> this whole calendar represents the number of weeks in the lifetime of a human

That won't be happening, you turd. Only the world elite gets access to that. We're already too many in this planet. WHY would the increase your pathetic life even further?

You need a goal in life. Not a generic goal or a materialistic goal, but a very specific goal of accomplishment. Something that is multi faceted and each piece is challenging in its own way.

The problem you're going through is simply a lack of ambition. 'Make money and have a family' is not a goal. Challenge yourself

Literally the most normie thread on Veeky Forums right now. You even have a girlfriend.
I really hope you choke on your pillow in your sleep tonight faggot

>tfw don't want to go on living but too much of a pussy to die

just be happy your not this guy.

Science won't prolong significantly in our life. The only thing you can do is accept it and appreciate the short life you have in life.

Usually when I think about it, I remind myself that if would live forever, the things that happen to me or the things I do would become meaningless in some sense.

Everyone gets these thoughts. But what distracts me and makes me see the light again, is when I do something meaningful. Like taking time to practice piano, having a great workout were I pushed myself, accomplishing something etc. I think because when we have goals set high and we achieve them, we are fulfilling part of our human nature to shoot for greatness and be proud of who we are. That always makes the thought of death seem not so bad.

So, instead of dwindling on things that haven't happened, live for the moment and don't waste each day doing nothing. If you have no goals in life, you have no reason to live.

Well I'm off to watch videos of Russians fire bombing ISIS compounds and read about what the Chinese do to Islamists for a while.

I'm waiting until my consciousness can be transferred into a toilet.

Fuck off. No one really wants to die. Shitty circumstances cause that thinking.

All I see in this thread is a bunch of whiny beta males who want to die because no gf. Fucking pathetic.

Lol piece of shit slinging mad shit.

The only thing to do is to completely surrender to your mind and emotions, it takes guidance and years of built up stress for most people to let go, I was blessed with the resources to learn this and had a profound moment of clarity which is the beginning for a complete overhaul in the way you perceive the world.

Most people wait until they hit rock bottom to surrender, you don't have to though.

It's one thing to complain about a comfortable life and being a whiny bitch. But that's completely not what OP is doing. He just wants to live life to the fullest. You're probably projecting with all this suffering shit.


What do you mean by surrender?

good user

I believe him being 22 years old is precisely why he's so stressed about death. Life is amazing for him right now and he feels like he's "in his prime". It's only natural that when you're filled with so much energy that the thought of it being over is scary. Eventually he'll find a way to better cope with the thought of death but the time is not now.

I hope there's some sort of afterlife. I know I get too emotional with my thinking sometimes, and I play too many video games that tout the significance and heroism of individuals, but I want to fucking matter.

This. It's like eating a burger on cheat day, knowing it will be gone along with the enjoyment in a minute.

Early 20's is just when life starts being awesome, if he's delighted at 22 just wait for 26 or 32, if you're the kind of user who works hard and plans for the future life only ever gets better and better.

Sure bad shit happens, but you cope and bounce back, because you have the fundamentals down.

Maybe start off by posting on the appropriate board?

I guarantee you're an attention-seeking fat fuck.

"Software engineer", bro you're replaceable, there are people who smarter than you and do your job better than you, oh my shit youre a retard, start traveling the world or find something that challenges you; there's shit that's way more fulfilling than marry, shoot kids out, work till 65; that's the cure to depression


Just be happy, man.

>enjoying life
Why are you on this website?

spoken like a true teenager/someone who still lives with his mom

yeah bro just travel lol yolo who needs to work and earn money?

Travel is good for you, user. It reminds you that you're not the only sack of shit in the world. Keep things in perspective.

Say that again when you're 85 and can't even live an enjoyable life anymore

Dude, its just hormones/adrenaline n shit messing with your brain. It usually calms down after 25 or so, so stick with it. Watch some sad movies and try not to cry or something to get weird emotions out.


Stop trying to control your mind, life, emotions, other people. Surrender is an attitude that can always be chosen. Relax your focus and willpower. That's what it means to be yourself, you stop trying to "be".