
So over the years I've seen tons of people espouse the medical benefits of antioxidants, mainly in preventing cancer, but I have seen little actual scientific evidence supporting it. I know the logic behind antioxidants is that it inhibits oxidation in the body, which is supposed to reduce the chances for something to mutate and become a mutated and potentially cancerous cell. Is there any actual scientific support that antioxidants prevent cancer? If so, is it only certain antioxidants that exhibit cancer prevention properties in humans, or do all of them? Do flavanoids in tea "count" as antioxidants?

Also general antioxidant discussion thread.


>drinking tea

Only liquids you need are water and milk. Antioxidants are just a meme to sell you more shit.

>scientific blah blah buzzword scientific blah blah data
fuck off either eat them or don't

Translation: I have no fucking idea.

No, you're just a fucking reddit teenager and it's obvious

I hate summer. It's 10% summerfags and 90% people accusing every single other person of being new.

There's a difference about not having an idea and being able to recognize bullshit. If you just want people to stroke your dick and agree with you, go somewhere else, perhaps a place that gives you points for saying the most agreeable thing? Hmm...if only a place like that existed.

Then maybe lurk before you regurgitate reddit shit


>damage control mode

Stop shitting up this board. Don't know why I didn't even sage with the first post. Don't ever start a thread here again, faggot. You're lucky someone replied to your shitty thread.

T. Newfag Trying to Fit in

Watched a BBC experiment on this a few days ago. If you eat a lot of antioxidants your body just ends up flushing out the excess right through your body and you don't get a chance to absorb the nutrients. A normal balanced diet is fine, no need to.go chasing extra antioxidants as they wont get used by your body anyways

keep getting mad faggot

Tea is great though, anti oxidants aside.

Oh neat.

Yeah that's why I drink it myself, not because of any health benefits. I only made the thread out of curiosity.

user thats basic bio stuff we learn about cell metabolism and chemistry. You need Oxygen to generate energy but O is toxic. You body has ways to prevent O from slipping away from the mitochondrial energy production but it does get away. When O stays free it can fuck up proteins, therefore also with lipoproteins. So it causes cell damage which leads to dna mutation but on a very small scale of course. You only see effects of it n about 60 years cancer wise, altho you will look older because of the cell damage anyways. So guess what happens to those consequences if you help your system by getting more antioxidants on your diet.

Veeky Forums says Antioxidants are snake oil

It's anecdotal, of course, but when I was in college I worked in a gastroenterology lab, and we used a mouse model to examine the effects of antioxidants on rats that were given a fuckload of an NSAID. (NSAIDS like that are used as chemotherapy, and one of the side effects is they cause ulceration of the GI tract. It looks a lot like Crohn's or Colitis, actually)

Anyway, the rats who were given an antioxidant heavy diet (It was freeze dried black raspberries mixed in with their normal rat food) lived substantially longer than the rats that just had a normal diet, as both were being fucking NUKED with these NSAIDS, and the amount of damage done when we killed them prematurely to look at their insides was much, much less.

So, how that translates to human health, I don't know, but in rats getting nuked with NSAIDS, at least, they have a protective effect. Take that as you will.

I know that's the idea behind it, but there's a big gap between how things should work based off of our limited knowledge, and how they actually work. Hence why I was wondering if there are actually studies behind it, or if it's just people saying "high school bio said oxygen likes to bind to stuff, so ANTIoxidants will stop that!".

Yeah I'm starting to think maybe I should have asked Veeky Forums based off the autism this thread attracted.

Do NSAIDs increase oxidation or something? I thought the ulceration of the GI tract is because of how increasingly acidic the drugs made your stomach, not oxidation. That's interesting though, thanks man.

The study blamed free radicals for the ulceration.

It's been a while, to be honest, so beyond this I'd have to go do a little more research and try to remember the rest.

My thesis was bases on reactive oxygen species (ROS) and aging.From my research your body has everything necessary to remove ROS, however as you get older or sicker (chronic disease - sedentary lifestyle often implicated, drug abuse - alcohol and smoking) these systems also seem to work less effectively. When things begin to fail supplementation MAY be beneficial (tea would count). Exercise has also been shown to improve (normalise) total antioxidant capacity.

New antioxidant compounds are being tested which have shown favourable results in kidney ischemia but again this is improving (normalise) a lagging system.

>conclusion: we still don't know shit, just eat your fruits and veg