How do i make boiled eggs taste better? It makes me fucking gag

How do i make boiled eggs taste better? It makes me fucking gag

Chopped them faggot, and put some sprinkle some salt on them.

shell them first

talk to Veeky Forums; they take eggs as seriously as Veeky Forums takes squats

you're likely overcooking them
get one of those see thru things- "egg-perfect" timer

then why are you eating boiled eggs

there are so many ways to cook eggs

I put them in little bunny and bear egg molds to make them look kawaii. It helps, desu.

Put them in a blender with a gallon of homeless people diarrhea.

try not eating food for flavor

Don't boil em all to fuck you stupid american

have you never heard of salt and pepper?

Salt/pepper or just throw them in a salad or sandwich. I like to dip mine in guac.

Personally I like to use Tabasco. Just make sure none drips down into your peehole when you put it on the eggs. It stings.

>not making scrambled eggs with salsa


Personally I mash them up with a fork, chuck in some mayo, salt and pepper. whack that shit in a sandwich and you're good to go.

Not all of us a grotesque pigs like yourself. Mayo and bread? Do you wash it down with seminal fluid from a wild boar?


Image you are putting dick in your mouth. Should help in your case.

>tfw auscwitz on an indefinite bulk

I'm like 6'1 160. Ease up senpai.

Angry sandnigger detected
Someone get him a fucking xookie before he bombs another orphanage

Sous vide. Perfect half boiled egg every time.

Are you turbo boiling your eggs, OP? A properly boiled egg tastes fucking delicious. Only downside is peeling.

Put some cement in there and harden the fuck up faggot.

This, OP. I learned a while ago that you actually aren't supposed to keep the water boiling the whole time, despite the name. Boiled still isn't my favorite way to prepare eggs but this knowledge vastly improved how enjoyable they are. No green shit on the inside or anything.

say goodbye to green eggs

1. Water into pot
2. Eggs into pot
3. Pot on stove uncovered
4. When it comes to a boil turn heat off and cover. leave it on the element.
5. Wait 10 minutes
6. Dump hot water and add cold water to pot
7. Peel Eggs
8. Hot sauce and salt boo boo

Just scramble em. I can crack and scramble 6 eggs in the time it takes to peel one. Not that that really changes the taste, it's just easier to season.

Hard boil like 6 eggs, peel them put them in a bowl, slice them up small add some salt and pepper.

Add them to toast/in a sammich.

This is the perfect way to boil an egg.

If you're really lazy you can add on the following:

7a. Put some water in a glass (about 1/4-1/2 of the glass)
7b. Put unpeeled egg in glass
7c. Put hand over glass
7d. Shake like a madman

Occasionally you lose some of the white of an egg but added benefit of shaking gains.

brehs, what do you think about boiled eggs in soup?

anyone got recipes they can share?

make them soft boiled or whatever, so the middle is runny aand use salt. Literally one of my favourite foods