Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking?

can u up it to like 150 a day so you die and we don't have to see this fuckin thread anymore

just die already.

Stay mad

Fuck how do you do so many, I do 6-8 per day and my cardiovascular health is fine, my heart rate is at 58 and it helped me eliminate food cravings plus if i want, I can stop temporarily...
I don't want to fully stop it because I like it but I will not let it get me too unhealthy. So when I stop it, I just stop. I think you should do the same, or get a fucking nicotine gum, It can't be that hard.

You spend 18 hours a day smoking? uhhh yeah OK

I smoked for like 5 years, was an idiot who wanted to fit in more at clubs/patios

want incentive to quit? your dick gets bigger. no really, I went from 6.5 to 7.

also you wont die early, thats also a plus.

Go kill yourself.

Generally I'm one of the first guys to defend smoking as I personally smoke 0-4 a day depending on how much leisure time I get (If I have work, 0. If I'm sitting on my ass at home all day, 4), but that is just way, WAY too fucking much. A cigarette takes roughly 10 minutes to smoke, which means you are smoking for twelve and a half fucking hours a day.

You basically smoke near constantly. CONSTANTLY.

Smoking an average of 2 a day is to smoking like having a cookie every once in awhile is to eating.

But smoking 75 a day is to smoking like eating so much you weigh 1000 pounds is to eating.

Do whatever you have to do, get that number down, egad.

Get nicotine patches or something.

A cig takes 3 mins tops to smoke

A cigarette takes 5 to smoke.

>a cig takes 10 mins to smoke
confirmed never smoked

>tfw can't afford cigs

If you smoke you smoke at least 20 a day. No point only having a couple because you'll be withdrawaling all the time

Iktf bro I'd love to be able to afford to smoke

I quit 5 months ago because I couldn't afford it anymore


Why would anyone only smoke a couple a day? You would be in constant withdrawal because you need a cig every 40 minutes

M-maybe it's a good thing..right??

It is but it still sucks to not be able to afford things that other people take for granted

You guys need to take it fucking easy on how fast you smoke.

I lit up a cigarette just to time myself and it took me 7 and a half minutes, but that's likely because I was actively focusing on it because of you. Not every breath you take has to be more cigarette until it's gone.

That is straight up retarded, nicotine is addictive enough that it's pretty easy to slide down the rabbit hole and just chain-smoke, but you're not in real danger of that unless you have no willpower or discipline at all.

No its the nicotine withdrawal which is why it's retarded to only smoke a few a day because you're constantly in withdrawal

this is the shortest pasta i have ever seen

haha this guy started smoking 3 months ago and thinks he has the willpower of the gods

wow never seen this before

" I started smoking a month ago and people are stupid I could quit whenever"

shut up kid some of us have been smoking for 10 years and every single thing you enjoy in life reminds you of smoking and prompts you for a ciggy.
Want a beer = ciggy
coffee = ciggy
morning = ciggy
gotta shit = ciggy
mate comes for a chat = ciggy
any form of stress = ciggy

say otherwise but youre clearly not addicted yet so dont speak as if you know what youre talking about

I've been smoking for 3 years (Since I was 17), and it simply hasn't gotten that bad, don't know what to tell you.

Not everyone that smokes goes way off the fucking rails, I don't understand why you're so insecure about your own lifestyle you won't accept that someone is capable of calmly having a max of 4 a day without foaming at the mouth.

I have fast food once a month or so too, doesn't mean I wallow in Whataburger wrappers and can't help but be compelled to stuff burger after burger down my face.

Why do people start smoking when all you get from it is an expensive addiction and cancer?


Most people start smoking because of people around them.

I started smoking because my friend back in high school entered a depressive spiral and started throwing huge parties almost every fucking weekend where people drank hard liqueur and smoking pot, I wanted to be there for him but I couldn't partake in that shit with him, so I started smoking so I could fit in and not have people drunkenly call me a pussy every 10 minutes.

My mom smoked 2 packs a day and started enabling me by giving me packs, the rest is history.

I seriously doubt anyone picks up smoking as a wholly rational adult choice.

It's not as bad as most people think it is though, if you can have some restraint and not start chain-smoking you can be ok for years, but even the most disciplined will find the amount they smoke steadily increasing over time until they have a Pavlovian need to smoke every time they have free time.

You're retarded. Nicotine is a drug, hamburgers are not

I just think it's incredibly naive of you to say "You're not a real smoker if you don't just start smoking 2 packs a day and can't help yourself" right off the bat, to the point where you're literally stubbornly whining at me about it like I'm lying to you or something. Holy hell.

that guy wasnt me and also 99% of people who smoke start out with your attitude buddy.
Im sure you think that you can maintain that for years but dont talk shit on here for no reason.
This thread it literally titled I smoke 75 a day can anyone help.
So you come in with your high and mighty talk of self discipline and expect those of us who are actually addicted to give a fuck?
good on ya cunt youre a fucking wizard of self control. go tell more people about it

The dick things a myth

I was like you when I first start smoking. I thought, 'I won't get addicted' but here I am. Take it from smoker. Stop now before you make death in your lungs.

Why would anyone want to be miserable and in withdrawal all the time

I started off like you and within a few months I was smoking 50 cigs a day

If you don't have a smoke every 30 mins you're not a real smoker

>A cigarette takes roughly 10 minutes to smoke
Do you let it almost die out before inhaling every time? Used to smoke years ago. When I was playing wow, I could corpserun, walk to my porch, smoke, get back to PC and still not be the last one back. Didn't take more than 2 minutes.


I started smoking weed / tobacco at 15, I've been on and off for 10 years now.
What i like to when i don't want to smoke is change the habit for something else, like exercise, cooking or drinking; the way i see it, my new habit doesn't have to be good, just needs to distract me while i kick the smoking habit.
After I detox, i feel so clean i don't smoke again after a year or on rare occasions while partying.

Hope it helps

That's the takeaway from this thread when you post it.

Keep being dumb. It's always nice to be reminded that my life doesn't suck at all compared to being so dumb.

Retard detected