Other urls found in this thread:



This is sick. Hating people is psychotic.

Seek help.



I had an ex that at the wrapper on cupcakes. She thought it was quirky, I thought it was repulsive. I dumped her and a few years later she's covered in shitty tattoos, has choppy short pink dyke hair, and gained probably 50 pounds. Dodged one hell of a bullet, or in this case a canon ball kek



>pic is a bovine creature

even the cosmos knew you were gonna be fat lol




holy shit it's supposed to look like this

she literally needs straps and rope like some sort of 15 thousand pound shipping container being hauled off of a boat just to raise her leg in front of her




Was at the cinema just now and saw Warcraft. Great movie with lots of Veeky Forums natty orcs, but the orc besides me was anything but Veeky Forums. He wore cologne, but I still smelled his sweat. It was so sour it made my eyes water and I was scared he would devour my drink








Idk I notice the fatter a girl the more they put into makeup and hair styles and shit like that that. I used to put in a lot of effort as well but lately I've found myself only doing make up on special occasions.

I always eat that, a few extra carbs but hella fiber

>tfw no matter how smug or beautiful a fat person thinks they are they'll die slowly and in pain and regret 40-50 years quicker than the average healthy human being

biology and time are truly nature's ultimate schadenfreude

I am a male, but I noticed that when I lost weight and starter to eat healthier/cleaner my whole body felt better. My skin also got a lot cleaner, so I would say the better your diet the better your whole appearance. Ergo you need less make-up

>let her sit on top of you

RIP pelvis

RIP life

I always assumed it was a compensation-thing like it was for me. I didn't start wearing makeup until I was 20 where I was temporarily bald. Bleaching gone wrong: Resulted in having to cut it super short or just go "fuck it" and shave it all. I really felt I had to compensate for my bald head





Nah man, I'm good.

Seriously though finding a girl that's not fat or full on sjw seems to be impossible. Should I just spread memes instead of genes?






>its impossible not to cling on to her after s*x

It's true because you have to cling on to stay on the bed

Wew, that frontbutt doe.


>horseback riding



Please tell me this is a meme.

Fucking ew

That article should have a warning at the top, I just fucking ate

I had an encounter with displace marine wildlife today, should I greentext it for you guys?

Insane that she would willingly load her fat ass on animal and demand it to carry her around. It protests = it gets the whip again.
> Hamplanets unique special snowflake feelings > risking to permanently damage an innocent animal

Horseback riding can be maximum exercise, youi pleb.

Meanwhile someone somewhere on some board has fantasies like that

Is... is that actually a ladyboy?




>birthday week
most aggravating thing in this post




Can you donate blood if you're overweight/obese? I feel like blood with high triglycerides aren't wanted.


Yes you can. But a thick layer of fat under your skin makes it harder to get to a vein. They literally slip around in the fat layer under the skin when you try to pierce them

High bodyfat = low vascularity = needle ain't long enough to get through all the fat and shit

Could be Ursulas sister from that shitty Little Mermaid sequel.

Mad TV was the best.


Or you can be so fat you simply cannot see a vein under the skin....

Obviously she's referring to lesbians

forever chrome my friend


I've got the feeling she/he'd be slumped over the horse, and not actively riding it, barely touching the saddle.
But I can't ride a horse myself, so wtf am I talking about



she would be pretty if she lost all the excess weight..

You must have sex with me or you are raping me...
What? How?

Notice how her gravitational pull keeps the juice level, even though the cup is held at an angle

My old trainer used to teach that you should be able to ride without saddle and bridle, controlling your horse with just the body tension and no kicking or using your hands. Serious core workout there


would fugg


No worries user, that account is satire

But other tumblrinas flipped out over it, showing how ridiculous SJWs have gotten--even tumblr can't tell what's real anymore





Someone post the shoop please

>blue hair
>nose ring
>hipster glasses
>gaudy jewelry

I thought I'd seen worse.

holy shit

Sums it up nicely

I don't understand the rationale, here.

She knows all of those words are suitable, hence why she chose them. So she insulted herself in all the most obvious ways before somebody else did, to avoid being insulted?

Fat people are okay, but keep them away from my perfectly good office chairs.


Im not vegan But the comments are calling her out And Hilarious

Another one, Im done

>If you only go to the gym to pick up guys, take selfies and mock people, don't go to the gym
She has a point. I hate those subhumans as well.

I literally couldnt stare or listen to her after 2 min.
So fucking annoying.

Also isn't the threat of accusing someone of a felony with major social repercussions unless they have sex with you actual rape? Or at the very least, blackmail?

Hahaha, gonna use this line sometime.

>Spread memes, not genes

I asked my fat gf to do this pose and she managed without trying. How the fuck can she not raise her leg.

They guy would stand up, tower over her, and say
>You apologize to me for wasting tax-money

or some shit