How much do you bench? Only that? I used to bench double that....I also used to be a lot leaner than you

>How much do you bench? Only that? I used to bench double that....I also used to be a lot leaner than you.

>used to
>used to
lol fuck off gramps go masturbate your limp dick to south east asian trannies

>oh you only have 9.5% bodyfat? I used to have 2.5% at your age.

I'm gonna do it but that's not because you asked me to I was gonna do it anyway.

>you know I used to go to gym too yeah bro I benched big but my injury man nah I didn't deadlift that shit kills your back but I benched 100kg for reps man I should get back to that you know

t. every other faggot I talk to at social events. I don't care

Used to used to

I love this shit lmao.

"Yeah? Why don't you show me how much you bench right now?" fucking faggots man.



>oh, you died in a sauna in Thailand in 2011? Heh, I died in Japanese geisha palace on September 10th 2001

>oh you bench X?
>yeah back when i used to train was pushing 3X for 10
>yeah i was pretty huge man, solid, shredded
>i swear i hit 100kg lean bro

>man I should get back to that you know

This is how they all end

>yeah man i injured myself
>yeah man i started focusing more on my career, its more important than wasting time in a gym all day
>yeah man i should get back into it tho

>Yeah bro, I use to squat 700 for reps back before I got my injury

>nah i stopped that gym rubbish
>was building a bunch of fake muscles you know?
>decided i wanted some real muscle none of that water filled shit so i became a high school drop out who works a manual labor job

kekked hard

How do you guys respond to them?

Normally I just smile, agree and nod but I'm considering actually calling them out on it for fun and to get them to shiut the fuck up. any suggestions? I don't want to seem like a major dick but fuck this shit is annoying

>since I weigh around 300 and I can easily do push ups, my benchpress is around 315

I bought one of pic related. Now when someone makes a big claim i simply take them into my bus and load up the dyels 225 bench that he does for 10 reps. Peoples claims of gym stuff have now gone out the window, every time i go to a party cunts are now saying how they can barely do 1 pull up after i humiliated their 15 pull up claim last time with my bus.

I dont get invited to parties anymore tho

bumping for interest

I benched 40

I used to fuck punks like you in the pen, what's your point?

I just give the typical forced smile and "yeah, really? nice dude, yeah" and change the topic or change the guy I'm talking to

I've come to the conclusion that they probably do it because they feel conscious about how they look when there's someone who works out next to them, so they feel the need to justify it somehow to themselves and to you since obviously in their mind everyone who's 'above' them regarding something is constantly judging them. They don't really mean ill, people are just self conscious like that, so I don't act asshole about it. Hell I'm self conscious in exactly the same way about other things. At the end of the day most of us are just insecure for no reason

it's tiring though

invite them to come lift with you

you seem nice, they seem foolish as they drop spaghetti as to why they cant make it to any session ever

"awesome bro we should link up and lift together could use the motivation training with a pro like you"

I need that bus

>yeah man i should get back into it tho

That's when you give then a quick dismissive once over, say "Yeah, you should" and wander off to a different conversation

>how to be a dick no ones likes

>Oh really? Yeah I was actually the President of the United States back when I was your age, a bit leaner too

>caring when someone likes you or not
>censoring yourself to the confort of others
>not saying out loud what you feel and think

lel you checked your balls at the door, didnt you?

so alpha


holy fuck i kekked

>I used to fuck punks like you in the pen, what's your point?


My fucking sides this thread. This is the Veeky Forums I used to know. i love this shit

i've only let this happen to me once where i didn't immediately get hostile, ever since then every time i've heard this i subconsciously get closer, look them in the eye, and just start ribbing them because it started to make me completely irate that somebody would try to invalidate the fact i'm better than them

"no you didn't - never have, never will" and then just cut the conversation at that

don't even care if it's mean, fuck losers, live well and die patrician


>"no you didn't - never have, never will" and then just cut the conversation at that

Pretty alpha desu but do you really say that? Seems like it'd create an awkward situation like at a party or something

>You only squat that much? I can leg press twice that

depends on the context, i've had it happen once in a party setting and one in a more reserved public setting - unless there are people in your IMMEDIATE proximity then you can say it as serious as you want, if it's a party make it like a facetious statement but really fucking mean it with your eyes

Eh, I try to do that type of shit rarely.

I think a better response that I do now on auto-pilot is agreeing, smiling and nodding pretty much universally.

This paragraph is great:
>Anyone who says otherwise is likely an older *boy* who is passing on his insecurities to you. “If I was your age I would be thrilled to be alive! I would do….”. Congratulations, you’ve met a retard. Full retard. Smile, nod, agree and ignore. All of these older people who claim that they would be thrilled to trade places with you *without any actionable advice* are all insecure morons. The worst part? They probably make $150K a year and have the audacity to give life advice. What a joke. If the person cannot give you actionable steps to improve your well being starting *right now*, you should ignore him completely.

>someone belittles you
>you're a dick if you hit them with a good comeback instead of mumbling y-you too
Spot the queer

i'm just not that amiable or calm, to me all the work you put in to make yourself better physically is being wasted if you still let yourself get pushed around by others, the nicest i'd be to a person that acted like that is openly and obviously treating them like children - dumb people don't deserve subtlety or my time trying to be nice

>dumb people don't deserve subtlety or my time trying to be nice

Sure but what purpose does being an asshole serve?

I'd rather get out of the situation most painlessly and quickly as possible.

It's like when some drunk loser threatens me or a homeless faggot says he wants to beat me up. Yeah I guess I could walk up to him and knock his teeth in, or yell back at him. - But what's the point? I just say "Yeah ok dude sure" and leave.

When you argue with an idiot the only idiot is you, and desu getting confrontational can only cause more arguments.

Some dumb loser doesn't invalidate my physique or make me feel insecure, it doens't matter.

>I'd rather get out of the situation most painlessly and quickly as possible.

This desu, i dont see it as a beta move to just not care about some guy lying. "yeah sure mate" and just leaving it at that instead doesnt mean youre getting pushed around.

Leaving the idiot to be the idiot is fine by me

it's the principle of it and i won't stand to have some faggot nigger steal my pride for achievements he'll never reach, asshole or not, confrontation or not, you're on your honor

You forgot

>I lost interest, what's the point?
Extra infuriating because it says you're stupid for not having stopped yet.

>it's the principle of it and i won't stand to have some faggot nigger steal my pride for achievements he'll never reach

Man that';s a childish look at it.

Everyone know's he's a joke, you don't even need to highlight it.

ah the belittling the hobby because you no longer do it and lack the results from it

Uni is stupid to a yokel, working out is stupid to a fatfuck, work is stupid to a poor guy, it never ends

again this. Letting some faggot like this get so under your skin is embarassing. You shouldnt give a fuck what some lying shithead says, anyone who looks at you two will know the truth. They humiliate no one but themselves by making these claims.

Let things like this bug you so much aint good for you

Depends on the person. If it's an old lifter I'll just say something like "That's a good goal for me, seems attainable" but if it's some normal person who is completely backhandedly belittling you, just do it back, maybe with less subtlety. "Yeah, I can see how much you've let your body fall into disrepair" "Yeah I understand putting it off for other things. Some people just don't have what it takes." etc. Unleash your autism but don't stop smiling and using a friendly tone. Probably won't have long term social repercussions because they won't tell anyone, this particular person just won't like you as much.


If I called people out every single time they said some retarded shit my life would be just one long series of angry confrontations, and I doubt I'd have many friends. Yeah, sometimes people cross the line and you've got no choice but to say something, but you have to pick your battles.

Plus, there are a lot of people who are generally chill and fun to be around, but who are insufferable when it comes to certain topics. What's the point in losing a potential or actual friend just because they're a fag about lifting?

Oh man. The water filled muscles meme. That fucking shit.


All that matters at the end of the day is you and what you are. Who cares if some skinny fat, balding faggot says he USED to lift?

Doesn't mmater, what matters if what you lift right now and how you look. And everyone else can see it.

It's like someone going up to a guy in a Lamborghini who has two 10/10's under his arms and starts saying shit like "Y-yeah I-i used to be rich too... i-i lost i-it thugh and now i drive a h-honda civic". Who gives a fuck?

>he never says what injury

>Plus, there are a lot of people who are generally chill and fun to be around, but who are insufferable when it comes to certain topics. What's the point in losing a potential or actual friend just because they're a fag about lifting?



Yeah youre not going to get on with everyone over everything or your life will be nothing but confrontations and fights


Some dyel claiming he did 225 for 10 next to you is one thing. Claim you maxed at 200 for 10 and his story will fall apart without any help. People dont see a fit dude and think wow hes so weak for his size, they see the dyel and think wow what a lying shithead

>They probably make $150K a year and have the audacity to give life advice.

well shit

>your muscles can tell its a chrome weight youre lifting and not a barrel
>they then open their sodium channels to allow the influx of water into your cells


Cmon bro.

Are you over 20?

If you are, you need to do some growing up quickly. You can't get butthurt when people say shit, some people aren't worth the trouble or the effort.

Your girl smiled at the bartender, go duel him for her honor or someshit

CHADDETH eats MUTTON and drinks MEAD and fucks your FAIR MAIDEN while YOU clean the STABLES and SHARPEN the SWORDS




>ive been below 10% my whole life

>dont use creatine once you start you cant get off

just smirk and go "sure you did mate".

That'll insult them but it's not offensive enough to make you look like the agressor/douchebag.


I know a few people like that.
My answer is always "then why do you look like shit now and can't even carry a printer?

They mutter lies and excuses, then never bring up their delusions again.

holy fuck kek

I find the best counter is to simply ask how they attained it.

>what sort of periodisation did you use?
>what we're your macros? / how did you count calories?
I find they're quick to back down and throw an offhanded 'must be all the shit I took back then'

Really, just put them in a situation where they have to choose between a bad/unprepared lie or a confession.

the bus of truth

>yeah bro i trained 8x a day

if i follow this will i make gains????

I do my best to sound sincere and motivate them to do so, even offer to give advice.

Then next time I see them, I give them the biggest shit eating grin, and ask how's their gym return working out? And bump my numbers slightly (even if I haven't) to see that dread of "they're improving, I'm still a piece of lying shit" in their eyes

Thats a pretty nifty way to guilt people into becoming fit, or atleast making them feel bad about not getting fit. I try to do something like that with my brother but honestly its hard to guilt someone 400lbs.

you think you're alpha but you're just autistic lol

t. Mad dyel

>gets closer
>looks you in the eye
>starts ribbing you
you never have and you never will
>fucking losers
*teleport away*

eventually you guys will be one of them, you know.

>nothing personnel kid

Dude at my gym after benching 75kg:
>yeah i did 135kg last year but then i stopped working out but i go up 10kg every week now yeah

another day:
>dude dont do any shoulder exercise where you put weight above your shoulders, that kills your shoulders. My buddy is a huge beast but he used to do all thos above the head shoulder exercises and now he fucked his shoulders. he only trains arms and chest now
>oh and side raises; don't do them with stretched arms thats bad for your shoulders too

another day he said this:
>nah man i dont train legs right know but i used to squat 120kg

another time:
>if u wanna train with me some time make sure to bring a towel because i do many exercises with it, like i use it for tricep pulldowns because then you use your forearms a lot too.

So i say to him: dude we literally have a rope attachement in this gym without any grip-balls at the end, why would you use a fucking towel?

>bro if i could use the rope i wouldve used the rop, just use a towel trust me haha

hate that cunt

atleast people talk to you at the gym.

Applaud him and say that you'll try hard to reach those numbers one day. Only way to not be a faggot here.

>Martin shrekeli in his DYEL-mode benches 5pl8 and screwing your girl while you struggle reaching 2pl8 deadlift

>be me, looking juicy last summer
>5'1" MANLET starts talking to me at a party
>he's fat, borderline alcoholic
>feels my arms, notes how I have a tiny waist and massive pipes
>"yeah I used to look like you in high school man"
>we talk drinks
>"bro me and my friends would drink two fifths a night it was crazy"
>just let him talk
Why does EVERYONE claim to be jacked when they're obviously bullshitting? What makes them so insecure?

Their glaringly obvious physical inferiority.


I've literally never had anyone size me up or try 1-up me. People are always nice to me and only have positive comments on my physique.

Thanks for Killing my sides you faggot

My father has a variation of this.
He thinks I can't do anything he can't do himself.

>he doesnt know shit about computers, hence I dont as well, even though I'm a CS major
>he's a fat lazy alkie that doesnt lift so I cant lift shit as well
like, the most infuriating was this time I told him and my mother about the granny that can DL 235 (trying to inspire them) and he just said "nah I dont believe that, that video is fake", YOU cant even pull 40kg from the ground. I told him I was doing 90 atm and he mumbled something trying to get the last word in. fuck him

that granny video IS fake dude

i bet you believed the one where the preggo girls atg squats 3pl8

>I told him I was doing 90 atm
Are you a girl? Otherwise 90kg deadlift is pretty bad.

I started lifting 3 months ago as a skinnyfat total novice

Okay then godspeed.

i dont know about you guys but i just dont talk about how i lift. my friends know that i do and will occasionally make a surprised comment when they see with with a pump after the gym, but i usually shrug off comments and sum it up with 'yeah i go to the gym sometimes'. if someone starts talking about how they used to go/got an injury/etc, ill just say 'oh, thats too bad', and ill change the subject.

You've been here for two months.

>Squats are bad for you, you should do lunges instead
>Yeah when I was in high school the coach told me if I could squat 500 pounds I didn't have to lift anymore, and so I did it
>3x5, sounds like a waste of time

All of this from a short conversation with my uncle before I excused myself yesterday at a father's day gathering. He wasn't even in the conversation, I was talking to my fatbro brother trying to make it.

Lol its like they don't even realize these guys are older gay dudes trying to hit on them.
How do you not realize how gay everyone thinks you look?

>mfw I bench 4plate and even the biggest e-statting shitters can't say that to me anymore

It's all machines and no free weights in that bus you lying motherfucker.

>I used to squat 400kg DEEP but it fucked my knees now I stop at 60kg

nice fatceps


Nice arched back 3 inch ROM binch fucking cheating faggot. You're not tricking anybody,