Getting Veeky Forums with IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, and Gluten Intolerance etc

What are some good alternatives to rice, beans, carrots, broccoli, apples, pork, wheat, spinach, tomatoes, and milk for my various macros?

I've recently been on an elimination diet and it sucks shit that all these god tier foods are out of my grasp because of my medical condition.

I already eat fish chicken and beef but chicken and beef only in small amounts cause my stomach isn't strong enough to process them at times after 4.

It's depressing not being able to eat plates of brown rice after a grueling leg day, or broccoli in my meal preps.

Can any Veeky Forumsizen give me guidance?

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How about you get over yourself? You sound like such a whiny little bitch. Mom had a hard time raising you herself, didn't she?

>Making it

Give up or wait for a cure

Gluten intolerance is real. Millions of people suffer every day.

Fuck off, he is just asking for help. Do you have a problem with that?

The cure is probably the rope.

Which type of IBS do you have? Cause I heard smokes are cool for the D kind. If it's UC, shit is fucked man, sorry. Do variations of lactose products, not only milk, might make it less boring.

Start eating probiotic. You wouldn't expect so, but it actually works.

Yes. Anyone who has a laundry list of digestive problems like that is just a /fat/ass making excuses.

>pic related

This dude founded Garden of Life vitamins after nearly dying of similar internal chaos.


I'm not a shill.

Actually, Celiac disease is real. The scientific investigations of gluten intolerance are not yet conclusive, but a metastudy of 15 studies conducted by McGill University suggests that at this point there is no evidence that, aside from Celiac disease, there is a milder form of gluten intolerance.

I've got IBS and I just have to substitute other foods for ones that irritate my stomach. I use Orgain protein powder in place of whey/casein, and eat lots of chicken breast/ground turkey; it can help to eat small amounts of it spaced throughout the day. If you can digest eggs, they're great for protons and fat. White rice is GOAT too, much nicer on my fucked-up digestive tract than brown and the nutritional difference is negligible. I've found that goat dairy is much easier to digest than cow, so that might be something you can try if you can afford it (I work on a goat farm so I'm a little lucky in this regard). Have you tried cooked spinach/greens rather than raw? That can make it a bit easier to digest.

GL friend; IBS sucks major ass. Hopefully once you've been on the elimination diet you can start slowly reintroducing some things so you can narrow down the specific foods that your body hates.

Oh and probiotics, seriously breh.

>this guy has a problem that only his special brand of vitamins can fix!!!

>n-no shill tho

If gluten intolerance is fake, how come the gluten free diet is so popular? Checkmate, atheists.

Fuck off, I'm far from a fatass, pic related is me

I expected one AUTIST to make a post like this, thanks for making my expectations come true

I have UC and D, according to my gastrologist

Thanks for the advice ! I'm happy nice people still exist on Veeky Forums!

Hello my friend I have good news for you.

A friend of mine has coeliac disease and he cant eat a lot of stuff.

However he looks amazing, very shredded and lean.

He looks way better than me and he is the peraon who got me into fitness.

Do not give up, you can still become a young god.

We are all gonna make it.

Yeah, coeliac disease is great for cutting. Just eat some gluten and you'll get shredded in no time.
