Why are African Americans so obsessed with Egypt? Actual Sub-saharan Africans are not like this

Why are African Americans so obsessed with Egypt? Actual Sub-saharan Africans are not like this.

Cause they are Americans.

Because blacks never had their own history beyond Mansa Musa and some random spearchuckers, so all they have is the Nation of Islam's bullshit spread by corporate pop culture that kowtows to them in order to virtue signal to white liberals.

Afrocentrist groups like Nation Of Islam etc brainwashed blacks in the ghettos. They didnt know their history before so imagine a group of blacks saying they wuz kangz and shit.

tdlr: afrocentrist rap and groups like noi influenced ghetto blacks alot

Lol why is that fag nigga crying?

Fufu ass nigga

Why is there a diesel electric locomotive in the lower right corner?

That's his depiction of modernity and a shitty sketch of the tram he used to take to KFC every afternoon.

It's something like veteran grandpa. People always feel happier when they think their ancestors were influential. It gives them a feeling of higher dignity to have something in common with them. Afroamericans take pride that, according to them, their ancestors were Egyptians, just as Romans took pride from presumed Troyan roots, or Nazi Germans from presumed Aryan roots. Hell, I can give an example of myself
>Teenage me finds out he has a Norman surname
>We wuz vikangz and shiet, my ancestors conquered Paris and btfo's Saxshits at Hastings
>Wear Thor's hammer, dress lightly on winter because "muh hard norseman"

Because African Americans don't have the kind of historical tradition from their pre-American past thanks to slavery and a (understandably) Eurocentric focus for education in America means that Egypt is the only African civilization anyone really learns about. Admittedly, it makes for a good target to want to claim ancestry to, regardless of how dumb it may be, and the contrast it offers from the oppression of African Americans in modern times makes it an attractive target to latch on to.

Of course outside of walking strawmen, most people don't actually believe this bullshit. In my experience, even those African Americans I've met who do have an interest in their pre-slavery roots tend to latch on more to Nigerian culture. Still has the potential to be inaccurate, as many slaves came from Angola and the Congo Basin, but generally the people concerned enough about their heritage to try to "reclaim" their roots are at least smart enough to recognize that they likely came from the West African slave hubs.

Most African Americans are actually descended from West Africans, not the Bantus of Central Africa. Now, Black Latinos are a different story.

Because they have no history and that posses them off, makes them reach for whatever they can to have a heritage.


People don't like idea that all their ancestors from the beginning of time were just as boring and meaningless as they are.

Why are you, whitey?

How is that any different than any other american person? You always end looking overseas.

You use the word "obsessed", but do that they really care about history, though? Esoteric weirdness that you see in some circles is pseudo history. It's superficial and word of mouth. That's not history. It's more cult-like if anything. It is, dare I say it, quite like religion [le fedora].

Ancient Egyptians were BLACK

Get over it. wh*Te subhuman

Only T*rks were black

It's just fetishizing something you only have a very superficial knowledge of, and trying to "educate" others despite not knowing shit yourself. Very American trait.

because Egypt was in Africa and thats what everyone believed for a long time.

Now could yall tell me who the guy painting this is? he's pretty good. like really pretty good

wh*Te boy. thank you though.
Ancient Egyptians were BLACK.

I think it has to do with the fact that Americans in general lack an ethnical identity. Many white Americans WEWUZ as Germans and the such.

This is the only correct answer in the thread

>Americans in general lack an ethnical identity.
Doubly so for the blacks who were brought to the country through slavery.

>posts Nilote Ethiopian

Come on, at least post some weird West African thing.

I unironically like this painting

>and thats what everyone believed for a long time.

Even blacks don’t want anything in common with Turks

Please stop.

The largest ethnic group in America thanks to a large migration are German Americans, so they're not 100% wrong. What white Americans do instead is that they either claim Native American ancestry (average white American is less than 1% of that) or they claim to be part -insert "exotic" white ethnic group here -. Irish, German, Italian, Czech, Polish, Russian, Jewish, Spanish, you name it.

they're 100% wrong. Ditto for any other nationality(ies, its always several) they claim to be.

Must we have this thread everyday?