Guys. I fucked up. I have a question

Guys. I fucked up. I have a question.

I ate my normal maintenance around 2300 cals of meals today. But I also ate a whole 750g jar of nutella, i couldn't stop since morning, and drank it with milk.

I kept it next to me all day with a spoon so i just binged on it.

I calculated that the whole jar was 4095 calories. So today i ate about 6400 calories without moving at all.

Does this mean that I added 6400 - maintenance at 2300 = 4100 calories to my body. Does it actually work like that?

Wont some of the calories just get shat out, or did it literally all get put into my body?

Will all that nutella i ate get converted in to fat, or since it's a one off thing i did, will it not actually affect my weight that much?

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You should be fine as long as your weekly deficit isnt over. You might see a bit of weight gain but it should go away after a few days (water weight and shit) just dont buy nutella anymore.

yeah i should put nutella on my banned list

What a waste of lucky 7s.

Yeah, youre going to absorb that. Although it wont immediately become fat, its fucked blood sugar and your body is gonna be shitty at digesting stuff for the next couple days. Hit the treadmill and eat better tomorrow, m8

yall niggas need to learn how to make yourselves puke

thanks man. so if 3500 cals is a pound, does that mean that i gained 1.17 pounds of fat due to this binge?

This is your reality now, user. You had a chance at greatness, and you threw it all away. And for what? A quick fucking sugar rush.

Get the fuck off my board, you piece of no discipline having shit.

>I ate my normal maintenance around 2300 cals of meals today. But I also ate a whole 750g jar of nutella, i couldn't stop since morning, and drank it with milk.

>these are the people you take fitness advice from

no it doesn't. it doesn't work like that unless you do it everyday.

3500 cals is a pound but it's not only fat.

> I also ate a whole 750g jar of nutella
A portrait of the modern American male, Joey represents the rampant consumerism and need for instant gratification of the degenerate and decedent west as it decays under the weight of it's past accomplishments and glory, much like Joey himself is decaying under the weight of his past choices of food and lifestyle.

Joey is particularly Representative of America, with self love and confidence hiding his shattered mental state and his food addiction substituting for his lack of real affection, love and personal connection in a post 9/11 world where with the rise of social media people are less and less connected in reality.

And although he clearly needs intervention and help with his personal problems and demons, he will never get it, because when somebody stands up and tries to help him, he's shouted down by the far left, who fear personal introspection and instead preach self love and that beauty standards are evil so they can live their lives without facing their own issues, hiding behind a cult like group think. And shouted down by trolls and bullies who seek to criticize everybody who has any opinion on anything, but never give real advice, seeing themselves as superior for not having real opinions and "fence sitting" when really they too fear introspection just as much as the far left cults, but instead cover themselves in a blanket of detached cynicism unaware that this makes their opinion on all matters they claim not to care about completely meaningless.

Due to both of these groups, Joey will never get the help he sorely needs, just as these groups seek to stamp out any discussion on serious matters in all of society. Joey, a morbidly obese man who's body is dying from abuse, eating a jar of nutella ineffectually without his hands whilst wearing a Disney hat is the perfect Analogy for America, and the west in general.

Why do you even own that shit?
Do you have any self control?
You won't make it, you're pathetic faggot

>maintenance around 2300 cals

go run a quick marathon

Absolute madman.

Why does this kind of shit fucking matter so much to people on this board? Seriously, I don't get it. It's not even like I'm some fat-acceptance pusher saying "love your fat bodies and eat whatever you want". I just don't understand the big whoop over messing up on your dietary stricture, even somewhat frequently; eating one fucking jar of nutella, aside from being relatively irresponsible environmentally, is not going to have any notable negative impact on your life. Or your gains, for that matter.

not OP but i'm 6'4" and my maintenance is 2400 so....

Do you have hypothyroidism or what?

What difference would it make, fat is just stored calories. Its like credit card debt, just work overtime and pay it off

Honestly, OP, you will probably put on hardly any weight whatsoever.

48 hour fast?

because the average Veeky Forums user assumes that one time = all the time; there is no gray, just black and white

anyone got the good pic of him lauging?

Work out like a bear to turn this into a bulk opportunity .you will be fine just cut more calories within the weak while telling your self this is what you get for eating Nutella

>4095 calories
why arent we doing JONAD lads?