Discovery of 7000-year-old Egyptian city could shed light on Nile Valley's earliest civilisations

>Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered the ruins of an ancient city and an adjoining cemetery that date back 7000 years to 5,316 BCE. According to a statement by the antiquities ministry, the site can be traced back to Egypt's First Dynasty.

Will they find KANGZ?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, but they will find that international tourists should not be allowed near sensitive ruins.

Ancient Egypt was BLACK.

Get over it wh*Te boy.

>Can't name a credible historian
>posts obvious mongrelized examples

Stop trying to this board into SJW /pol/.

not him but here.

Left out link:


Try again, leftypol.

That's why everyone hate blacks.

don't care what an arab thinks.
Ancient Egypt was Black as the second user says.

They're not Negroes. They're just leftypol and other fags from twitter/tumblr/reddit LARPing.

>Still LARPing

Has leftypol always been this bad at trolling?

>imlying a nigger can use internet
LARPer pls go.

Ayo hol up We Wuz Net Builders N Sheeettttt

Is this referring to the groundbreaking discovery that was lost because of tourists? Please send a link, I can't find anything about the situation.

Huh? The first dynasty of Egypt was around 3,500 B.C. A city that old enormously predates them, or any sort of unified Egypt whatsoever.

Nice source.


>you need to sign in with a "social" account to read that shit
lol no

If the Ancient Moroccans/Algerians/Libyans weren't Basketball Americans (see art and studies with ancient DNA) then how would the Egyptians be that?

Not specific to this case and not "lost", but defaced. Tourists do this shit everywhere they go. They break statues trying to get better selfies, they steal stones from walls for worthless souvenirs, shit like that.

>Discovery of 7000-year-old Egyptian city could shed light on Nile Valley's EARLIEST CIVILIZATIONS

Read the title

>Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered the ruins of an ancient city and an adjoining cemetery that date back 7000 years to 5,316 BCE. According to a statement by the antiquities ministry, the site can be traced back to Egypt's First Dynasty.
Read the article, not just the title. You miss things that way

It was in 3150 bc actually

Egytptians were WHITE. Get it right, darkie


It's the contrary actually, Ancient Egyptians had no black in them, while Modern Egyptians have a bit of black in them. To put it bluntly, Modern Egyptians are Ancient Egyptians who fucked negresses.

nice meme study

Do you have full article/study?
Looks interesting.



Reminder that you can tell who's an Amerifat by who's going We Wuz here.

>Ancient Egypt was BLACK.
anybody making a claim like that would have to define which of the many ethnic groups in africa count as "black"

>Egyptians look on in confusion as God creates the world

It's an Amerifat/New Worlder/Fag Educated By New World garbage. New Worlders think Africa is Nigger Land. Just look at all the talk of North Africans/Moors being Niggers despite all the genetic and artistic evidence otherwise.

A 7000 year old ruin on a 6000 year old earth?

Where did you learn mathematics?

On your map, everyone but the Semite-Hamites, the Afrikaaners, and the Malagasy, are black.

>t. Amerifat

what argument is there for classifying all those different groups as the same ethnicity?
literally just google "east/west/north/south/central african people" and you'll see many different skin tones and cranial structures
most don't look like your stereotypical african american either

Basketball Americans are mongrels. They aren't good representatives of Africa's populace.

malagasy are literally blacker than egypt is or has ever been
fucking ameritard

>Neolithic to Middle Ages North Africans aren't Niggers

How will Kunta Bongo recover from that?