Abs thread

Rarely see one of those here, let's discuss Veeky Forums favourite abs exercises.

For me: planks, decline sit-up (with the weight behind your head) & stomach vacuums (these last one really helped to show more than vertical an line or whatever the fuck it is called)

Other urls found in this thread:


Weighted leg raise.



Hanging Leg Raises, Weighted Sit Ups, and Bird Dogs

>Bird Dogs
those look stupid. You will never catch me in a gym doing bird dogs lmao.

planks and russian twists

> Stupid question inc

Have you found an exercise which really focuses on "building/popping" the horizontal abs lines? For example stomach vscuums really helped me with the linea alba

Ab wheel, planks and cable crunches.



Just added vacuums into my routine, i love em. also this pic gets me every time

Fuck I know about ab wheels and cable crunches are god tier ab exercises but I still can't do em right, barely feel them in my abs

>Decline crunch
>Hanging leg raise
>Front Levers
>Stomach vacuums

Pretty much all I do for direct ab work

Give it to me straight Veeky Forums: do the body-weight sit ups and planks I do after every exercise do literally anything for my abs?

I'm trying to get into dragon flags but they are hard as shit and they work the forearms really hard, which I didn't know and now I have tendinitis

> Bodyweight situps
No, but try to add weight to them and you will see progress

> Planks

To be clear planks are bodyweight as well

After you can do more 1 min easily per plank get someone to put a 5lb or 10 plate on your back, progress in weight whenever you can easily do more than 1 min

I'm afraid it will fall off and I'll look like a sperg

>Side Plank - 60 seconds each side
>Plank - 60 seconds
>Abbwheel roll out - 5x20
>Vacuums - 5xFaliure

Every day

Damn why daily tho? I isolate abs twice a week and sometimes I still feel DOMS

Are stomach vacuums a meme?

ab wheel

hanging leg raises

skin the cats

windshield wipers


If you can't feel the ab wheel you are definitely doing something wrong

>Kneel on floor or mat. Grasp handles on wheel to each side with overhand grip. Position wheel near front of knees and lean over wheel with arms extended downward, supporting upper body.
>With arms straight, roll wheel out as far as possible. Lower body gently to floor extending arms forward. Raise body back up by flexing hips and pulling arms back to original position. Return until hips are extended. Repeat.
>Keep elbows straight or nearly straight throughout exercise. Also known as Wheel Kneeling Rollout.
I'm not a robot

>Rectus Abdominis and Obliques practically contract isometrically since little waist flexion occurs under resistance. With no waist flexion, >Rectus Abdominis and External Oblique act to stabilize pelvis and waist during hip flexion. See target muscle of rollout question.
>Descending only part way down is much easier and can be performed in this way to progress into exercise. Movement can also be made easier by performing exercise up an incline (i.e. end of incline ab board or decline bench) or assisted by cable.
>Make sure to roll out until shoulder is fully extended through full range of motion. Exercise can be made much more challenging by performing exercise on feet with knees straight, up an incline, progressing to floor.


Don't bother training abs. Abs are made in the kitchen.

What a fucking lie, enjoy finishing your cut and having shitty flat abs.

>if I post an image of a guy with a fedora and make a single-line meme arrow comment I'll win the internet fight XD

you can have a 6 pack and a weak core. While you are right about your comment, having a strong core still has its benefits.

Hello summer.

I see no harm in doing them, I do them regularly senpai, they might tighten your core a bit


funny you're pulling the "le summer XD" card when you more-than-likely do SS and are still """bulking"""

No they're legit

Pretty much the cheater's way of getting abs.

Are you mad I called you out for being new bro? I'd be mad bro.

The guy with the best set of abs Ive seen works them religiously 3x a week.

>Hello summer

You seem like the kind of cunt that migrated here from reddit and tries to use Veeky Forums lingo to fit in even though it's usage is incongruent to the precedent


only people who have been on Veeky Forums less than 5 years accuse others of being new when they don't agree with their posts

rookie tactic desu don't worry kid you'll get better.
>biceps are made in the kitchen
>quads are made in the kitchen
>lats are made in the kitchen
>abs are made in the kitchen
^^ all true since you're a fatass.

PM me if you want tips for cutting

Dragon flags and dragon flag raises because I'm metal and hardcore.

White belt trolling.


Landmine 180s and hanging straight leg raises to bar or just weighted hanging led raises are cool too.

>try to do leg raises
>muscle near my hip locks up
i think it's my iliotibial band, does anyone else experience anything similar?

Define "near hip." Anterior, posterior, lateral, or medial to the hip joint?

Well thanks bros. I'll start incorporating them for the next few months and see if they make a difference.

Kitchen is half the way there, you have to train them especially during bulking phase to make abs grow, so when you start cutting you dont have to drop that many fat% to show dem abs

my summer abs are gay and from reddit :( tfw gay abs from redidt